Key Performance Indicators

If you use Vantagepoint Analysis Cubes, you can create key performance indicators (KPIs) to define performance goals that are specific and measurable.

KPIs measure how well your company is meeting its business goals. You can see how you are meeting these goals as you track variances from your goals over time. Profitability by principal, employee utilization, and average monetary value of overdue invoices are some examples of KPIs.

Important Information

  • KPIs are available for the Vantagepoint Project data cube only.
  • You can create KPIs to add to Vantagepoint Intelligence workbooks.
  • You can add only one KPI to a report; multiple KPIs on a single report are not supported.
  • You cannot create nested KPIs.
  • You can set goals against user-defined field measures, but these types of measures cannot be combined with Fiscal Period or Transaction Date dimensions. You cannot create specific (override) goals for user-defined measures.
  • The following are four combinations of KPI measure types and status methods that you can use together when you create a KPI:
    Measure Type and Status Method Combination Measure Type Status Method
    1 Numeric/Amount Percent of Goal
    2 Numeric/Amount Amount-Based
    3 Multiplier or Percent Percent of Goal
    4 Multiplier or Percent Amount-Based