Summary Pane of the Default Billing Terms Form

Use the Summary pane of the Billing Terms form to enter default generic notes and invoice approval settings.


Field Description
Notes Enter internal notes for project billing; for example, "Backup needed for invoice use." These notes are helpful if someone is creating an invoice for the project other than the person who usually processes bills for the project.

You may want to enter the following type of information in this field:

  • The backup that accompanies the invoice.
  • The billable/non-billable expenses.
  • The reports that the project manager likes to receive with draft invoices.
  • The frequency with which invoices are sent out (for example, bi-monthly, monthly).

Notes are for internal reference only and do not display on the invoice. The notes do display in the Notes field on the Interactive Billing form.

Invoice Approvals Click to enable or disable the online invoice approval process for the project. This check box is only available if both of the following are true:
  • You select the Use Invoice Approvals option in Settings > Billing > Options.
  • The billing terms are for the top level of the work breakdown structure.

For billing groups, Vantagepoint only looks at this option for the main project in the billing group. How you set this option for other projects in the billing group has no effect.

You enable invoice approvals and select an approval process at the top level of the work breakdown structure. For example, if you choose an approval process in which the project manager is the approver, the project manager for the top level of the work breakdown structure will be the approver for all lower work breakdown structure levels, too.
Approval Process

If you enable billing invoice approvals, use this field to select the approval process to use for the project's billing invoices. The approval processes in the list in this field are set up in Settings > Billing > Invoice Approval Process. If you enable invoice approvals but do not select an approval process in this field, the default invoice approval process specified in Settings > Billing > Options is used for the project.

The Approval Process field is available only if all of the following are true:

  • You enable invoice approvals by selecting Yes for Use Invoice Approvals in Settings > Billing > Options.
  • The billing terms for the project are for the top level of the work breakdown structure.
  • The project's charge type is Regular (on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub). The invoice approval process does not apply for projects with an Overhead or Promotional charge type.

For billing groups, Vantagepoint only looks at this field for the main project in the billing group. What you enter for other projects in the billing group has no effect.

Next Invoice Number This field displays at the Billing Terms project level only. This field displays the next invoice number to be assigned to a project's next invoice when the Invoice Numbering option in Billing Settings Options (Settings > Billing > Options) is set to Project.

This field does not display if Use Pre-Invoices is set to Yes on the Options form in Settings > Billing > Options and the Process Pre-Invoice check box is selected for the project on the Pre-Invoice tab in Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms.