Contents of the Tab Security Rights Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to hide or display standard tabs for users, based on their security roles.

For more information about what happens when you hide a tab, see Hiding Tabs in Vantagepoint.

Hiding a tab is a safe way to hide an essential field on the tab from a role without causing possible unexpected results. For more information, see Essential Fields in Vantagepoint.

Exceptions apply for user-defined fields that are secured via Screen Designer. When you secure a user-defined field in Screen Designer, Vantagepoint overrides the security role's access rights set up on the Access Rights tab of the Role Security form. As a result, user-defined fields are then secured and locked; your security role will no longer have access to the user-defined fields when sorting and grouping criteria and selecting column options on a report. To provide role access to user-defined fields on a report, you must change the Field Security values to either Hidden or Displayed on the Field Security Rights dialog box in Screen Designer. For more information about Field Security rights, see Contents of the Field Security Rights dialog Box and Change the Properties of a Field in a Hub.

You cannot hide the Overview tab in a hub or the General tab in Chart of Accounts Settings.


Field Description
Hidden for These Roles List

This list contains all of the security roles from which the selected tab is hidden in Vantagepoint.

Use the field above the list to search for a role in the list, instead of using the list's scroll bar to find a role in the list. Enter one or more alphanumeric characters in the search field to display a list of roles that contain those characters. For example, enter "R" in the field to display only the roles that start with R.

To allow a role that is in the Hidden for These Roles list to see the selected tab in Vantagepoint, click the role in the list. The role is automatically moved to the Display for These Roles list. Click Add All to add all roles in the Hidden for These Roles list to the Display for These Roles list.

Display for These Roles List

This list contains all of the security roles that are allowed to see the selected tab in Vantagepoint.

Use the field above the list to search for a role in the list, instead of using the list's scroll bar to find a role in the list. Enter one or more alphanumeric characters in the search field to display a list of roles that contain those characters. For example, enter "R" in the field to display only the roles that start with R.

To hide the selected tab from a role in the Display for These Roles list, hover over the role's row in the list, and click at the end of the row. The role is automatically moved to the Hidden for These Roles list. Click Remove All to move all roles in the Display for These Roles list to the Hidden for These Roles list.

Roles in the Display for These Roles list that are grayed have the Full Access to All Application Tabs check box selected for them on the Access Rights tab in Settings > Security > Roles for the Application Tabs functional area. You can move these roles from the Display for These Roles list to the Hidden for These Roles list on this dialog box only if you first clear the Full Access to All Application Tabs check box in Roles Security Settings for a role.