Contents of the Field Security Rights Dialog Box

Use the options on this dialog box to hide, display, lock, unlock, or secure fields, grids, grid columns, and other screen elements for each security role.


Field Security Grid

This grid displays a row for each security role that has been set up in Settings > Security > Roles.You can change the settings in the columns as needed to specify whether to secure, hide, display, lock, or unlock the selected screen element for the security role.

Field Security Grid: Toolbar

Field Description
Click this icon to maximize the grid to a full screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click it again to return to the standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to export all the data from the grid into a comma-separated values (.csv) file that you save in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports .csv files. For more information see Exporting Data to a .csv File.
Click this icon to turn the filter row on or off in the grid. The filter row is used to quickly search for a report. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.

Field Security Grid: Action Bar

Use these actions to apply security rights to multiple roles at a time. To select multiple roles in the grid, click the check box at the beginning of a role's row. Or, click the check box for the Roles Column heading to select all the roles in the grid. Then click an action on the action bar to apply the security right to all the selected roles.

Field Description
Secure Click this action to secure a field, grid, or grid column for the multiple roles that you select in the grid. For more information about secured fields, see the Secured/Hidden/Displayed column description below.
Hide Click this action to hide a field or element for the multiple roles that you select in the grid. For more information about hidden fields, see the Secured/Hidden/Displayed column description below.
Display Click this action to have the field or element display for the multiple roles that you select in the grid. For more information about displayed fields, see the Secured/Hidden/Displayed column description below.
Lock Click this action to lock the field or element for the multiple selected roles. For more information about locked fields, see the Locked/Unlocked column description below.
Unlock Click this action to unlock the field or element for the multiple selected roles. For more information about unlocked fields, see the Locked/Unlocked column description below.

Field Security Grid Columns

A row displays for each security role. Click the row for a security role to make the columns in the grid editable. Then change the settings in the columns as needed for a role.

Field Description
Role This column displays the name of a security role.

In this column, select one of the following security rights for the selected field or element for a security role:

  • Secured: When you secure a field or element, the data for the field stays on the Vantagepoint server and is not pushed to the users' computers. A secured field is automatically hidden and locked. You cannot display or unlock it. You cannot secure divider lines, labels (on-screen text), or workflow buttons. Examples of fields that you may want to secure are the Social Security Number and Pay Rate fields in the Employees hub.
  • Hidden: When you hide a field or element, it is not visible in Vantagepoint. You cannot secure hidden fields, but a secured field is automatically hidden. Searches located in other applications for a hidden field are also hidden.
  • Displayed: When you display a field or element, it is visible in Vantagepoint. You can lock or unlock a displayed field.

The Secured/Hidden/Displayed column displays Mixed when you select multiple fields or elements on the Screen Designer form to apply security rights to them all at one time, and the selected elements currently do not have the same security rights entered in the Secured/Hidden/Displayed field. See the "Applying Security Rights to Multiple Fields and Elements at a Time" section below for more information.


In this column, select one of the following security rights for the selected field or element for a security role:

  • Locked: When a field or element is locked, users with the role can see the field but not make entries in it.
  • Unlocked: When a field or element is unlocked, users with the role can see the field and make entries in it.

When you select Secured in the Secured/Hidden/Displayed column for a field or other element, the Locked/Unlocked column prefills with Locked, and cannot be changed.

The Locked/Unlocked column displays Mixed when you select multiple fields or elements on the Screen Designer form to apply security rights to them all at one time, and the selected elements currently do not have the same security rights entered in the Locked/Unlocked column. See the next section for more information.

Applying Security Rights to Multiple Fields and Elements at a Time

When you select multiple fields or elements on the Screen Designer form and apply security rights to them all at one time on the Field Security Rights dialog box, you may see Mixed in the Secured/Hidden/Displayed and Locked/Unlocked fields. This means that the security rights currently entered for all the selected fields for a role are not the same. If you change the Mixed value in either of these columns to another value for a role, that new value now displays in the column and is applied to all the fields that you selected on the Screen Designer form.