Compound the Annual Budget

You can distribute your annual general ledger budget across periods based on a compounding factor of either a percentage or a fixed monetary amount. Compounding is useful when you are creating a new budget for the following year and you want to make adjustments.

To compound your annual budget:

  1. In the Budget grid of the General Ledger Budget form, in the account's Annual field, enter the annual budget amount for the account.
    To compound multiple accounts by the same percent or amount, enter the annual budget for each account, and then select multiple accounts.
  2. On the grid toolbar, click Other Actions > Compound Annual Budget.
  3. On the Compounding Annual Budget dialog box, select one of the following actions:
    • Enter a percentage in the Percent field and then click Apply. Vantagepoint calculates the budget for each period by incrementing each period's budget by the percentage that you entered.
    • Enter a monetary amount in the Amount field and then click Apply. Vantagepoint calculates the budget for each period by incrementing each period's budget by the amount that you entered.
  4. Click Save.