Creating Vantagepoint Contacts and Firms from Gmail

When you create contacts from Gmail, you must ensure that the data is clean in order to avoid creating duplicate records or bad data.

Different people can enter the same data in different ways. For example, one person might create a record for Bob Smith while another person creates a record for Robert Smith. Or, one person enters a firm as ABC Inc. and another enters the same firm as ABC Incorporated.

To avoid creating duplicates, Connect will attempt to find these variations by using the following validations to find records:

  • When you create a contact, Connect first looks for an existing contact record by comparing the email address to existing contacts. If no contact is found, then another search is performed based on the contact name (first or preferred name + last name) and firm name. If a match is found, the existing contact is updated from your Gmail contact. If no match is found, then a new contact is created.
  • When a new contact is created, Connect searches for an existing firm (based on name or alias) and firm address (based on ZIP code) to associate with the contact. If no match is found, then a new firm and firm address are created (if you have rights to create them).
  • If a contact is matched to an existing firm address based on ZIP code (there is exactly one address with that ZIP code for that firm), then the contact is associated with that address and the original business address of the Outlook contact is added to the notes for the contact.
If you have rights to create firms, then a new firm will be created if an existing firm is not found and you have rights to add firms. A firm is matched based on the following rules (in this order):
  • If there is one exact match found based on firm name, the contact is associated to that firm.
  • If there is one exact match found based on firm alias, the contact is associated to that firm.
  • If there is one exact match found based on a common synonym or abbreviation on the name (for example, HP Inc. vs HP Incorporation), the contact is associated to that firm.
  • If there are multiple matches found, the contact is not associated to any firm and a note is added to the contact with the original Gmail company and matches found in Vantagepoint.
  • If there are no firms found and you have rights to add firms, a new firm is created and associated to the contact.