Misc Tab of Invoice Template Editor

Use the Misc tab to select the font and margins for the entire invoice and to specify other formatting options.

Some default invoice layout options are entered in Settings > Billing > Options and Settings > Billing > Invoice Format, in the browser application.


Firm and Address Information

Enter information in this section to tailor your company's name and address information for the current template.

Field Description
Firm Name Enter the company name to display on invoices.
Byline Enter a byline (descriptive text about your company) to display below the company name.
Address Line 1-4 Enter the address information to display.
Unit of Measure Select Inches or Millimeters as the unit of measure for the measurement fields (such as Width and Height) on all tabs of the Invoice Template Editor form.

When you switch from one unit of measure to the other, the values that are currently entered or displayed in the measurement fields are automatically converted to the new unit of measure (1 inch = 25.4 millimeter).

Report Font Select the font to use for all invoice text. The larger the font, the more likely that data on the invoice will wrap to a second line. Test the template carefully if you change to a font or point size other than 10-point Arial.
Font Point Size The default font size for new invoice templates is 10 points, but you can specify any font size from 7 points to 14 points. This setting applies to the Billing Backup reports generated with the invoices.
HTML Formatting Select this check box to display the memo fields as formatted HTML in the invoice report.


Field Description
Top Enter the top margin for the first invoice page.
Left Enter the left margin for the invoice page.
Bottom Enter the bottom margin for the invoice page.
Right Enter the right margin for the invoice page.
2nd Page Top Enter the top margin to use for all pages after page one of an invoice. If this field is blank, Vantagepoint uses the default for this setting, specified in Settings > Billing > Invoice Format. If the Page 2 Start field is blank or set to zero, Vantagepoint uses the Top margin entered above.

White space equal to the sum of the dimensions that you enter in 2nd Page Top and 2nd Page Header Height will also appear on the first page of the invoice, even though the second page header itself is not displayed on the first page. Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2 and later versions were intentionally designed to insert this white space when suppressing the header on the first page.


Field Description
Orientation Select the orientation of the invoice:
  • Automatic: Apply the default orientation (portrait).
  • Landscape: Apply Landscape orientation.
  • Portrait: Apply Portrait orientation.
Size From the drop-down list, select the page size for the invoice, such as Letter, Legal, or Custom.

The Dimensions fields display the width and height of the page size that you select.

When you select the Custom size, the Dimensions fields are enabled so that you can enter a width and height of your choice.

Dimensions: Width and Height These fields display the width and height of the page size that you select in the Size field.

The measurements display in either inches or millimeters based on which one you select in the Unit of Measure field on this tab.

The page size and dimensions are:

Page Size Inches Width x Height Millimeters Width x Height
Letter 8.5 x 11 216 x 279
Legal 8.5 x 14 216 x 356
Ledger 17 x 11 432 x 279
Tabloid 11 x 17 279 x 432
A4 8.3 x 11.7 210 x 297
A3 11.7 x 16.5 297 x 420
Executive 7.25 x 10.5 184 x 267
Custom Enter the width and height of your choice. Enter the width and height of your choice.

Default Formats

Field Description
Override regional settings Select this option if you want to use formatting for numbers, currency amounts, and dates that is different from your default formatting in Windows Regional and Language Options. Select a different culture from the drop-down list. Vantagepoint applies the default formats associated with the new culture to all number, currency, and date values on invoices generated from the current template.
Number This field displays the format for non-currency numbers.
Currency This field displays the format for currency amounts.
Currency Display This field is enabled if the Use Currency Symbol option or Use Currency Code option is selected in the Display field of the Format Currency dialog box. This field is disabled if Do Not Display is selected in the Display field.

Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

  • Totals: Select this option to display the currency of the total amount for the invoice.
  • Totals and Section Totals: Select this option to display the currency of the total and section total amounts for the invoice.
Date This field displays the date and time format. This format is used for each date or date-and-time field on invoices generated from the current template.
Report language If you use multiple languages in Vantagepoint, this field displays the language in which invoices will be generated. If you do not use multiple languages, Vantagepoint does not display this field.

When you create a new invoice template, this field displays the language that you specified when you logged in. Vantagepoint saves that language as part of the template information. You can then use the template to generate invoices in that language even if you are currently logged in with a different language. If you also generate Billing Backup reports or AR Statements along with invoices, Vantagepoint generates those reports in the language used for the invoices.

You cannot use this field to change the language for a template. If you want to generate invoices in a different language, select that language when you log in and then create a separate invoice template for that language.

2nd Page Header Height In some cases, long project numbers, project names, or labels cause information to exceed one line in the invoice header of the second and subsequent pages of an invoice. If that occurs, the extra text is cut off. To resolve this problem, use the 2nd Page Header Height field to increase the header height and allow text to wrap to a second line.

The default height of .24 inches accommodates a one-line header. Change the height to .40 inches if you need space for two lines.

Text is not cut off when you preview the report. To determine if text will be cut off, view the invoice in print layout mode, export it to a PDF file, or print it.

White space equal to the sum of the dimensions that you enter in 2nd Page Top and 2nd Page Header Height will also appear on the first page of the invoice, although the second page header itself is not displayed on the first page. Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2 and later versions were intentionally designed to insert this white space when suppressing the header on the first page.