Contents of the Grid Settings Dialog Box

Use the fields and options to add, delete, or change properties of columns (fields) for user-defined grid or modify a standard Vantagepoint grid.


Grid Columns Grid

In this grid:

  • For a user-defined grid: Add the columns for a user-defined grid. Each row that you enter stores the information for a column in the grid. The columns that you enter in row, from top to bottom in the grid, are displayed in the grid from left to right in the hub.
  • For a standard grid that come with Vantagepoint: You can change only column captions (headings) and the hidden, locked, and required properties for each column. You cannot add or delete columns or change the default value or display width for a column.
Field Description
+ Add Column Click this option below the grid to add a column to a user-defined grid. In the blank row for the column, enter information for the column. This option does not display on the dialog box for standard grids.

Grid Columns Toolbar Options

Use the grid toolbar options to expand the grid, filter the grid's contents, or export the grid's contents to a .CSV file. For more information about these options, see Grid Toolbar.

Grid Columns Columns

Field Description
Column Caption Enter or change the name (heading) for the column, which users see in the grid. You must use a unique name for each column in the grid.
Database Column Name This field displays for user-defined grids. It prefills with the database name for the grid column. The name is used internally by the Vantagepoint database. The name does not display on the tab.

The name is generated by combining "Cust" with the column name that you entered in the Column Caption field. Spaces between words are removed. For example, if you entered Final Approved in the Column Caption field, the Database Column Name field prefills with CustFinalApproved.

In the Database Column Name field, you can override and change the grid column caption portion of the prefilled database table name, but you cannot change the Cust prefix portion of the name. The database column name must be unique.

Column Name This field displays the database name for a column in a standard grid. You cannot change the name.
Type This field applies only for user-defined grids. Select the type for the grid column. The type determines the type of information that users must enter in the column (field) in the hub. Some of the types allow users to enter a record from another hub in the grid field, such as an employee or contact record. For these types, users can select an entry for the field from a lookup list for a hub record. After you save the grid settings, you cannot change a column's type.

The grid column types that are allowed for a hub can vary. All possible types are:

  • Account: Users must enter a general ledger account from the chart of accounts in the field.
  • Boilerplate: Users must enter a boilerplate from the Boilerplates hub in the field.
  • Character: Users must enter an alphanumeric value in the field.
  • Checkbox: The field has a check box that users can select or clear.
  • Contact: Users must enter a contact from the Contacts hub in the field.
  • Currency: This type displays only if you use multiple currencies. Users must enter a monetary amount in the field. When you add a currency column, you must also select the currency type in the Currency Type field in the Column Properties section of the dialog box.
  • Date: Users must enter a date in the field.
  • Date/Time: Users must enter a date and time in the field.
  • Dropdown: You create a list of items that users select from in a drop-down list in the field.
  • Employee: Users must enter an employee from the Employees hub in the field.
  • Equipment: Users must select an equipment item from the Equipment hub in the field.
  • Firm: Users must select a firm from the Firms hub in the field.
  • Marketing Campaign: Users must select a marketing campaign from the Marketing Campaigns hub in the field.
  • Memo: The field is a memo box in which users can enter a larger amount of text than they can in a standard field.
  • Numeric: Users must enter a number in the field.
  • Organization: Users must enter an organization that is set up for your enterprise in the field.
  • Phone: Users must enter a telephone number in the field.
  • Project: Users must enter a project from the Projects hub in the field. Phases and tasks are not available to select in project type fields.
  • URL: Users must enter a URL web address in the field. When you click on a URL that is entered in the field, the web page opens in a new window.
  • <User Defined Hub>: Any user-defined hub that you added to Vantagepoint displays in the list. When you select a user-defined hub, users must enter a record from that user-defined hub in the field.
Sort By This check box applies only for user-defined grids. Select this check box for the one column by which to automatically sort the data-filled rows in the grid. For example, if you add columns A, B, and C to a grid and you select the Sort By check box for column A, the numerous rows that users add to the grid will be ordered in the grid (from top to bottom) based on the entry made in column A for each row. If the sort-by column is a character type column, the rows in the grid are sorted in alphanumeric order; if the sort-by column is a numeric type column, the rows in the grid are sorted in numeric order; and so on.
Include in Proposals

This check box displays in the grid if you have the CRM Plus module installed and only for user-defined grids. It applies only for merge templates that you create with Adobe InDesign.

If you want an InDesign merge template to include data from only some of the rows in a custom grid (instead of data from all the rows in the grid), you must add a custom column specifically for this purpose to the Custom Columns grid on the Custom Grids tab in User Defined Components Configuration. For the custom column, select Checkbox from the drop-down list in the Data Type column, and then select the check box in the Include in Proposals column.

You can select the Include in Proposals check box for only:
  • One custom column (row) in the Custom Columns grid.
  • A custom column (row) that has CheckBox selected in the Type field in the grid.
After you add columns in the Grid Columns section, to change the order of the columns in the grid, hover over a row that you want to move, click the drag handle icon at the beginning of a row, and then drag the row up or down and drop it into the desired location.

The grid columns that you enter as rows from top to bottom in the Grid Columns section are displayed in the grid from left to right in the hub.

This icon applies only for user-defined grids. To delete a column from the grid, hover over the row for the column and click X at the end of the row. Any data that is entered in the column for hub records is permanently deleted from Vantagepoint.

Column Properties Pane

After you add a column to the grid in the Grid Columns grid, enter additional properties for the column in this pane. The Column Properties pane displays the properties for the column that you select in the Grid Columns grid.

For standard grids, the only properties that you can change for columns are Field Security, Locked, and Required.

The fields in the Column Properties pane described below are all the possible fields you may see in the pane. The pane displays only the fields that apply for the column you select in the Grid Columns grid, based on the field type entered in the Type field for the column.

The options available on the grid toolbar may vary depending on the application that you are using.

Field Description
Currency Type This field displays if you use multiple currencies and a column's type is Currency. Select one of the following currency types in this field:
  • Record: This currency type is available for all hubs except the Projects and Activities hubs. When you select Record, a User Defined Currency Code field is added to the Overview tab for the hub. Users must enter the currency amount in the grid column in the currency that is entered for the hub record in the User Defined Currency Code field on the Overview tab.
  • Specific: Users must enter the currency amount using the currency that you specify in the Currency field below the Currency Type field.
Currency This field displays if you use multiple currencies and you select Specific in the Currency Type field. Select the currency that users must enter for the currency type field. The list of possible currencies is based on the currencies that you set up in Settings > Currency > Options.
Default Value Enter the default value to prefill in this field when users enter a row in the grid for the hub. For checkbox type fields, select Checked or Unchecked.
Decimal Places If you selected Numeric in the Data Type field, use the Decimal Places field to specify the number of decimal places to display for numbers.
Min Value This field applies for numeric and currency type fields. To require that values entered in the field are equal to or greater than a minimum value, enter the minimum value in this field.
Max Value This field applies for numeric and currency type fields. To require that values entered in the field are less than or equal to a maximum value, enter the maximum value in this field.
Include in Report Total This check box displays only for numeric and currency type columns. Select this check box to include totals for this column in the following places:
  • In the total rows of reports that include the column in the report.
  • At the bottom of the user-defined grid in the hub.
Value Grid

This grid displays only for user-defined dropdown type fields. Enter the items to include in the field's drop-down list that users can select when they make an entry in the field.

Click + Add Value and in the blank row in the grid, enter an item to include in the drop-down list for the field:

  • Value: Enter the name of the item to display in the drop-down list.
  • Code: This field displays a code that is automatically assigned to the drop-down list item. You cannot change the code. If you use multiple languages in Vantagepoint, this code helps you more easily identify drop-down list items when you open Vantagepoint in a different language and use the Grid Settings dialog box in Screen Designer to specify the names of the drop-down list items in a different language.
  • Default: Select this check box for the drop-down list item that you want to prefill in the drop-down field by default. Users can change the entry in the prefilled field.

The items in the drop-down list for the field will appear in the order that you enter them in the Values grid. To change the order, hover over a row, click the drag handle icon to the left of a value name, drag the row up or down in the grid, and drop it in the desired location.

To delete a value from the drop-down list, hover over the row in the grid, and click X at the end of the row. The value is deleted from the drop-down list for the field going forward. If the value was previously selected and saved in the field for a hub record, the value is not automatically deleted from the field for the hub record. To remove the value from the field for a record, click in the field, and it is automatically cleared.

Use the grid toolbar options to expand the grid, filter the grid's contents, or export the grid's contents to a .CSV file. For more information about these options, see Grid Toolbar.

Display Width Enter the width, in pixels, for the column as it will display in the grid on the tab.
Field Security To hide a grid column (field) from certain users or all users based on user security roles, select the column (field) in the Grid Columns grid, and click in this field. In the Field Security Rights dialog box, select the roles for which to hide or display the fields (column). You may want to hide a column from all roles if the column is not useful for anyone in your company or enterprise.
Locked To allow certain users, or all users, to see but not make entries or edits to a grid column (field) based on user security roles, select the column (field) in the Grid Columns grid, and click in this field. On the Field Edit Rights dialog box, specify which security roles have edit rights to a field/grid and which roles do not. You "lock" and "unlock" editing rights for a security role. After you select roles, <Roles Selected> displays in the Locked field.
Required Select a security role type to require that a user with a certain type of security role must make an entry in the grid column for a record. A user's security role type is entered in Settings > Security > Roles.

The security role types in the Required field are:

  • Accounting
  • CRM
  • Both
Required Level This field is enabled only for the Projects hub if you selected a security role type in the Required field. Select one of the following items in this field to determine at which work breakdown structure level an entry in this column is required.
  • All Levels
  • Project
  • Lowest