Contents of the Supporting Documents Dialog Box in Credit Card Reconciliation and CC Review

Use the fields and options to upload supporting documents in credit card reconciliation and credit card review.

Line Details

Field Description
Secondary Account This displays the secondary credit card account for the charge. Each primary credit card has one or more secondary credit cards that are issued to employees.
Trans Date If you import charges from a credit card statement for a primary credit card, this field displays the transaction date that is imported into Vantagepoint. It should be the same date that is entered for the employee expense report.

If you do not import charges from a credit card statement for a primary credit card, this field displays the transaction date from either the posted expense report or AP disbursement.

Transaction ID This field displays only if you import charges from a credit card statement into Vantagepoint. This is the unique transaction ID for a charge that is defined by the credit card company on the credit card statement. This field is blank if you have chosen not to include the transaction ID when you import charges into Vantagepoint. (You make this selection on the Import tab in Credit Card Settings.)

If you import transaction IDs into Vantagepoint: This field prefills with the transaction ID for a charge from the imported file. If employees enter and post expense reports before the charges are imported into Vantagepoint (which is the opposite of the ideal workflow of adding imported charges to an expense report after the charges from a statement have been imported into Vantagepoint), there will be two rows in the Credit Card Charges grid instead of one row for the charge. To manually tie the two charges together, select the posted expense report charge in the Credit Card Charges grid and click Details on the grid toolbar. In the grid on the Details dialog box, enter the transaction ID or select the transaction ID from the drop-down list in the Transaction ID field. When you return to the Charges tab, the two previously separate rows in the Credit Card Charges grid are now one row, with the same amounts in the Imported Amount and Posted Amount fields.

Amount This field displays only if you are not importing charges from a credit card statement into Vantagepoint for a primary credit card. This field displays the charge amount from either the posted expense report or AP disbursement.

The text at the top of the dialog box displays the secondary credit card code, transaction ID, date, and amount for the credit card charge that you selected.

Associated Documents Grid

Field Description
File Name This field displays the name of the file that is attached to the selected credit card charge.
Description This field contains the description of the file.
Select files for upload Click this option to select the files that you want to attach as a supporting document to the credit card charge.
Print with Invoice This field displays in the grid when the Upload option is enabled on this dialog box. If this check box is selected for a billable expense and the Expense Reports option is selected in the Print Supporting Documents section on the Billing Backup tab of the Billing Terms form, the document prints along with the invoice.
Associate with New Transactions When this option is selected for a document, the document is automatically associated with any new transaction that is entered on the grid.
Save Click this option to save your changes.
View PDF Click this option to view the attachment.
This icon displays at the end of the row when you click or hover over a grid row. Click the icon to select one of these actions for that row:
  • View PDF: Choose this option to view the attachment.
  • Delete Supporting Document: Choose this option to delete the attachment.
Close Click this option to cancel your changes and close the dialog box.