Cash Receipt Entries for Asset Items That Are Sold

When you dispose of an asset item by selling it, a cash receipt transaction is automatically posted when you process the disposal.

You process disposals in Asset Management > Disposal Processing.

The cash receipt records:

  • The cash received for the sale of the asset item.
  • The reversal of the asset item's general ledger balances for accumulated depreciation and the asset account.
  • Any gain or loss if the asset item is not fully depreciated when it is disposed.

The following accounts are debited and credited:

Account Debited Credited
Accumulated Depreciation X
Asset X
Cash X
(Loss) X
Gain X

General ledger entries are made to your GL book and not to any additional books that you may have set up.


Asset item A has a useful life of 24 months and is depreciated using the straight-line method.

You processed depreciation for the asset item for 12 months.

You dispose of the asset item on the 13th month and sell it for $2,000 cash.

The following table shows the entries for the asset item in the Equipment hub for the general ledger book and an additional book, if you have one set up.

General Ledger Book Additional Book
Acquisition Cost

From the GL Cost and Additional Book tabs in the Equipment hub

$10,500 $10,500
Business Use Percent

From the GL Cost and Additional Books tabs in the Equipment hub

100% 100%
Net Cost $10,500.00 $10,500.00
Additional Cost

From the Additional Books tab in the Equipment hub

Does not apply $1.00
Salvage Value

From the GL Cost and Additional Books tabs in the Equipment hub

$500.00 $500.00
Additional First Year Depreciation

From the Additional Books tab in the Equipment hub

Does not apply $100.00
Section 179

From the Additional Books tab in the Equipment hub

Does not apply $100.00
Depreciation Basis

From the GL Cost and Additional Book tabs in the Equipment hub

$10,000.00 $9,801.00

The following table is a summary that shows 12 months of depreciation for asset A and the amount that you received when you sold asset A.

General Ledger Book Additional Book
Accumulated Depreciation for 12 Months

For GL Book, this was posted to your general ledger when you processed depreciation.

$5,000 $4,900.50
Disposal (amount not depreciated when the asset item is disposed) $5,500.00 $5,400.50
Gain or (Loss) ($3,500.00) ($3,400.50)
Sold for $2,000 cash $2,000.00 $2,000.00

The following table shows the accounts that are debited and credited for your GL Book when you run disposal processing for asset item A and a cash receipt is automatically posted.

Account Amount Debited Amount Credited
Accumulated Depreciation $5,000.00
Cash $2,000.00
Asset $10,500.00
Gain or (Loss) $3,500.00
TOTAL $10,500.00 $10,500.00