Columns for Activity List Report

You can select the columns to display on your report.


Field Description
Activities - Notes This column displays the notes from the activity.
Attendees - Attendee Name This column lists the names of the employees in your organization who will participate in the activity.
Attendees - Attendee Title This column lists the titles of the employees in your organization who will participate in the activity.
Completed This Y/N column indicates whether or not the activity has been completed.
Contact - Contact Name This column displays the name of the contact from the firm that is associated with the activity.
Contact - Contact Title This column displays the title of the contact from the firm that is associated with the activity.
Contact - Email This column displays the e-mail address of the contact from the firm that is associated with the activity.
Contact - Fax This column displays the fax number of the contact from the firm that is associated with the activity.
Contact - Home Phone This column displays the home number of the contact from the firm that is associated with the activity.
Contact - Mobile This column displays the mobile number of the contact from the firm that is associated with the activity.
Contact - Pager This column displays the pager number of the contact from the firm that is associated with the activity.
Contact - Phone This field displays the business phone number of the contact from the firm that is associated with the activity.
Contact - Primary Firm This column displays the title of the contact from the primary firm that is associated with the activity.
Create User This column displays the Vantagepoint user ID of the employee who created the record.
Created By This column displays the name of the user who created the activity. Typically, this is the activity owner.
End Date This column displays the ending date for the data that is included on the report. This date is calculated based on the assigned start date and the duration.
Firms - Firm Name This column displays the name of the firm assigned to the activity.
Firms - Market This column displays the type of firm, such as Commercial, Government, or Non-Profit.
Firms - Primary City This column displays the city from the firm's primary address.
Firms - Primary State This column displays the two-character abbreviation for the state from the firm's primary address.
Firms – Primary Zip This column displays the ZIP code from the firm's primary address.
Location This column displays the location where the activity occurred or will occur.
Owner Name This column displays the name of the firm designated as the owner of the project.
Primary Contact Business Phone This column displays the primary contact's business phone number.
Primary Contact E-mail This column displays the primary contact's email address.
Primary Contact Name This column displays the name of the primary contact associated with the project.
Primary Contact Title This column displays the title of the primary contact associated with the project.
Primary Firm City This column displays the city where the primary firm is located.
Primary Firm Market This column displays the type of primary firm associated with the activity (for example Client, Vendor, Competitor, or Government Agency).
Primary Firm Name This column displays the primary firm associated with the activity.
Primary Firm State This column displays the state where the primary firm is located.
Primary Firm Zip This column displays the ZIP code for the city and state where the primary firm is located.
Priority This column displays the priority that indicates the relative importance (High, Medium, or Low) of the activity.
Private This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the activity is private. If the activity is private, only the activity owner and attendees can review the activity detail. If not, all shared calendar users can view the activity detail.
Project Name This column displays the name of the project that is associated with the record.
Recurrence End This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the recurring activity has a scheduled end date (a date after which it will no longer occur).
Recurrence End Date If the recurring activity has a scheduled end date, it displays in this column.
Recurrence Type This column displays the frequency of the recurring activity.
Recurring This Yes/No column indicates whether or not the activity is a recurring activity.
Row Count This column displays the total number of detail lines for each group, based on the sorting and grouping selections. If the report groups data at more than one level, this column displays row counts for all grouping levels.
Start Date This column displays the start date for the data that is included on the report. It is based on either today's date or a specific date that you assign.
Subject This column displays a brief description of the activity such as Initial Consultation, Planning Meeting, or Follow-up Visit.
Type This column displays the type of the record.