Contents of the Expression Builder Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to create SQL expressions for a condition used in a scheduled workflow. The expression can be as simple as the column name from a table in the database, or it can be a complex SQL statement with various operators and conditions.


The SQL expressions are not validated or evaluated when you are building them. Deltek recommends that you check expressions for accuracy before you save SQL expressions.

Field Description
Field Double-click a field in the list to add it to the expression. The field name is added to the Calculation box.

Another way to add a field to the Calculation box is to click the field in the list and then click the Add Field button below the list.

The fields in the list are based on the workflow table that you selected. When the main record/table for a hub is selected as the workflow table, the list of fields includes fields from the main hub table, as well as any form-type or grid-type user-defined fields created for the hub.

Calculations can be simple or complex. You create them using the field list and calculator buttons on the dialog box or the numbers and operators on your keyboard.

Calculator Use the calculator buttons to create simple expressions using numbers and math calculations. Alternatively, you can enter numbers, symbols, and operators directly in the Calculation box using your keyboard.
Clear Button Click this button to clear the expression that is currently displayed in the Calculation box.
Calculation This box displays the expression that you created using the Field list and the calculator. You can also enter conditions directly in the Calculation box using your keyboard.