Header Fields for the Expense Report Form

Use header fields to search for expense reports, create new ones, or review expense report status and payment status.

Header Fields

Field Description
Expense Report Search Use this field to search for expense reports that you want to review, modify, or process for approval. The displayed search results are restricted, based on your access rights. The search field has two sections. The left section has a drop-down menu with filter options, while the right section displays the search results as a drop-down list.
Click the filter arrow on the left to display a menu of available standard or custom search filters:
  • My Expense Reports: Display your expense reports.
  • My In Progress: Display your expense reports that were started but not yet submitted for approval.

    This option is available if employee expense approval workflow is enabled.

  • My Unpaid: Display expense reports with a balance or that are unpaid.
  • My Paid: Display expense reports that are already paid for.
  • All In Progress: Display all expense reports that were started but not yet submitted for approval. The number displayed beside the filter option name references the number of employee reports that are in progress. This option is available if the employee expense approval workflow is enabled.
  • All Submitted: Display all expense reports that were submitted for approval but which have not yet been approved. The number displayed beside the filter option name references the number of employee reports that were submitted. This option is available if the employee expense approval workflow is enabled.
  • All Pending Approval: Display all expense reports that are waiting for your approval. Search results that are displayed with this filter are based on your approval role in the employee expense approval workflow. The number displayed beside the filter option name references the number of employee reports that are pending your approval.

    This option is available if you are the approver and the employee expense approval workflow is enabled.

  • [saved custom search filter]: Select a previously saved custom filter to display the employees returned by that search.
  • + New Search: Display the New Search dialog box, on which you can create your own search filter based on your preferred search criteria. You can use standard or user-defined search criteria to create a new custom search filter. Custom searches are limited, based on your approval role and access rights.

If you use multiple companies, the search results display applicable expense reports from all companies, based on your access rights.

For step-by-step instructions related to searches, see the following topics:
# of # Click these icons beside the Search field to quickly navigate to the next or previous expense report, if the search returns multiple records. An info bubble may display while you are navigating through the reports. Click to view the description about the status of your report navigation.
+ New Expense Report If you have administrative access, you have options when creating a new expense report.

Select an option to create an expense report:

  • For Myself: Create a new expense report for yourself.
  • For Someone Else: Create a new expense report for another employee. When you select this option, a Select Employee dialog box is displayed, on which you select the employee for whom you are creating the expense report.
    The Expense Report form displays a message that the form is being prepared for use in a company if:
    • Your firm uses multiple companies.
    • The company associated with the expense report that is currently displayed in the Expense Report form is different from the company of the employee that you selected.
    During this process, the Expense Report form is locked while it loads the correct company settings for the expense report based on the company associated with the selected employee.
Employee Image When you create a new expense report for yourself or for someone else, an employee image is automatically included in the expense report if one is available in the Employees hub.
Expense Report Name When you create a new expense report, enter a name for the expense report in this field above the grid. If you need to change the name of an expense report, click next to the name and date.

If displays next to the name and date, you cannot edit the expense report.

Report Date When you create a new report, this field defaults to the current date. You can enter or select a date. If you need to change the date of an existing expense report, click next to the name and date.
Employee This field displays the name of the employee for whom the expense report was created. Click the field to display the Employee dialog box, on which you can view more information about the employee. (You can also access the Employee hubs from the Employee dialog box by selecting the Go to Employee Hub option in the Action drop-down menu.)

If you use multiple companies, the employee name is followed by the company that the employee's expense report is associated with.

Report Status/Payment Status

The Report Status field displays the status of the expense report (In Progress, Submitted, Approved, Rejected, or Posted)

The Payment Status field indicates the current processing stage for each expense report. This status changes as the expense report moves through the process. The possible settings are:

  • <blank>: The expense report is not yet posted.
  • To Be Paid: The expense report is posted, but not yet paid in full.
  • Paid: The expense report is both posted and paid in full. You can click the field to see an info bubble that contains Paid Date, Check/Reference #, and Amount details.