Cash Flow Statement Options Tab

Use the Options tab to select report options for the Cash Flow Statement report.

Time Frame Options

Field Description
Time Frame
Use these options to specify the time frame for data included on the report.
  • Year-to-Date: The report shows data for the current fiscal year through the active accounting period.
  • Range of Periods: The report shows data for the ranges of periods that you specify under Range of Periods. You can specify up to four ranges and provide a column heading for each.

    Example: You can specify a range for each quarter of the year to compare quarterly cash flow.


Field Description

Select this check box to include all organizations in the report. Select all organizations if you want to tie the cash balance on the Cash Flow Statement to the cash balance on the Balance Sheet. Clear this check box if you want to select organizations for the report.

If you use multiple companies, you can only select organizations belonging to the active company.

Banks Select this check box to include all banks in the report. Select all banks if you want to tie the cash balance on the Cash Flow Statement to the cash balance on the Balance Sheet.

Clear this check box if you instead want to select banks for the report.

The bank codes that you select determine the following:

  • The account the report tries to tie to the Balance Sheet cash balance.
  • The bank account for the Cash account at the beginning of the year and end of the year.

The list only shows bank codes that belong to the organizations that you select for the report.

If you use multiple companies, you can only select bank codes belonging to the active company.