Specification of Estimated Time to Completion Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Specification of Estimated Time to Completion sub-tab.

Field Description
Empl. No. This field shows the number of the employee who entered the current estimate to completion. The field cannot be changed.
Employee Name This field shows the name of the employee specified in the field “Empl. No.” above.
Estimate to Completion This field shows the estimated number of hours or the estimated costs required to complete for this employee. If the field has the value “0,” the employee is of the opinion that he or she has completed the task.
Estimate to Completion, Days This field only applies to time activities. The field shows the number of days or required to complete for this employee. The value is based on the number of hours shown in the field “Estimate to Compl.” above, and the number of hours per day specified in the field “Hours per Man Day” in the window Jobs.
Estimate Date This field shows the date valid for the estimate to completion.
Include Estimate If you mark this field, the current line will be included in the calculations in the island Employee Estimates in the card part of the window. This applies to time activities only.
Belongs To Budget Line No. This field shows the number of the planning budget line to which the current job entry belongs.

Deciding to which planning budget line a job entry refers may be related with ambiguity if two or more planning budget lines refer to the same combination of job, activity and task. In this case, Maconomy will pick one of the planning budget lines and suggest the line number of that line in this field. Any ambiguity as to which planning budget line the current job entry belongs will be shown in the field “Ambiguous Relation” below.

Ambiguous Relation If this field is marked, Maconomy found ambiguity when picking the planning budget line to which the current job entry belongs, as indicated in the field “Belongs to Budget Line No.” above. Ambiguity arises if two or more planning budget lines refer to the same activity, if, for example, two budget lines exist for job J, both with activity A and task T. In this case, Maconomy will pick one of the planning budget lines and suggest that any job entry registrations on that combination of job, activity and task should be linked to that budget line.