
This section shows the Actions available with this window.

Top Tab

Field Description
Register Transaction When you select this action, Maconomy carries out the transactions specified on the individual lines in the table part.

This means that for lines where the field “Transaction” contains the value “Exercising,” Maconomy registers the exercising of the number of shares specified in the field “Number of Shares, Transaction” on the lines in question. Similarly, for lines where the field “Transaction” contains the value “Cancellation,” Maconomy registers the cancellation of the number of shares specified in the field “Number of Shares, Transaction.” For further information on specifying exercisings and cancellations on a line, please see the description of the field “Transaction.”

For each line for which a transaction is registered, Maconomy creates a stock option agreement transaction entry with information about whether it is an exercising or a cancellation, the number of shares involved, entry date, stock market value per share, and so on, allowing you to run reports on the individual transactions made.

The entries can subsequently be viewed and edited in the window Stock Option Exercisings which shows all of the transactions made for a given stock option agreement. However, no registrations are made in Maconomy’s G/L module, and the registrations therefore have no effects on your accounts. The entries are for information and reporting purposes only.