Level Lists Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Level Lists tab.

Level List Island

Field Description
Name In this field, you can specify the name of the level list.
Description In this field, you can enter a description of the level list.
Grading Method In this field, you can specify whether or not the levels assigned to the level list should be graded. The default value of the field is “Best last,” but you can change this value, as no skills are assigned to the list. The options for this field are:
  • Non-graded — If you select this option, the levels of the level list are not graded, and it will not be possible to have Maconomy calculate the average level for skills assigned to this level list.
  • Best First — If this option is selected, the levels assigned to the level list are graded. This means that the levels which occur first in the list are considered better than the last ones.
  • Best Last — If this option is selected, the levels assigned to the level list are graded. The levels which occur last in the list are considered better than the first ones.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Access Level In these fields, you can assign the level list to an access level. A user only has access to the level list (and thereby use of the levels in the level list) if he has been assigned to this level or a level above this in the window User Access Levels. This access control ensures that when working with skills, you can only assign a level list to skills to which you have access, and in this window you can only see and edit the level lists to which you have access. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to levels and level lists may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration, see “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set-Up module.

If you do not specify an access level, any user has access to the levels available in the level list. You can only specify an access level to which you have access yourself.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.