Approve Time Sheet Lines Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approve Time Sheet Lines tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This field shows the name and number of the job to which the time sheet lines in the sub-tab pertain. If the sub-tab is empty, the selection criteria do not include any submitted or temporarily submitted time sheet registrations for the job.
Non-Invoiceable If this field is marked, the job is non-invoiceable. The mark is set in the window Jobs.
Project Manager This field shows the name and number of the employee assigned as the project manager for the current job in the window Jobs.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This field shows the name and number of the customer which the current job concerns. Neither number nor name of the customer can be changed in this window.
Customer Level This field shows the Customer Level number for the customer in question.

Customer Hierarchy Island

Field Description
Level 1-5. These fields display Customer No. and Name.

Comment Island

Field Description
Standard Comment In this field you can enter a comment to be transferred to a number of lines in the sub-tab. When you select the Transfer Comment to Rejected, Transfer Comment to Approved, or Transfer Comment to Released action, the comment entered in this field is transferred to time sheet lines with the status indicated by the action name.
Overwrite If you mark this field, existing comments on time sheet lines are overwritten when you choose to transfer comments in the Action menu. The field is by default not marked.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Employee No. In these fields you can specify a range of employee numbers. The sub-tab will only show time sheet registrations entered by employees within the specified range. If the range is not completed, the fields do not affect which time sheet registrations are displayed in the sub-tab.
Week In this field you can specify the week for which you want to see time sheet lines for the current job. Maconomy resets the Month field if you enter a number in this field.

If you use weekly time reporting, Maconomy suggests the current week. The field “Period Starting” shows the date range for the week you specify in this field.

Month In this field you can specify the month for which you want to see time sheet lines for the current job. Maconomy resets the Week field if you enter a number in this field.
Year In this field you can specify the year for which you want to see time sheet lines for the current job. If you enter a number in this field, you must also enter a number in the Week or Month field. Maconomy suggests the current year in this field.
Period Starting These fields show the range of dates for which time sheet lines are shown for the current job. The range corresponds to the range selected in the fields “Week,” “Month,” and “Year” above. You can also choose to enter a date range manually. If you do this, Maconomy will reset the Week, Month, and Year fields.
Activity No. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Employee No. field above.
Task The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Employee No. field above.
Include Approved If this field is marked, partially approved time sheet lines for the current job are also shown, provided that they match the selection criteria in this island. The field is by default not marked.

Partially approved lines are lines that have already been approved by the project manager, but not by the supervisor. By marking this field, you are able to redisplay lines that you have already approved, but now want to reject, provided that they have not already been fully approved.

Include Unsubmitted If this field is marked, unsubmitted time sheet lines for the current job are also shown, provided that they match the selection criteria in this island. The field is not marked by default.
Include Neutral If this field is marked, neutral time sheet lines for the current job are also shown, provided that they match the selection criteria in this island.

A neutral time sheet line is a line with no registrations, or the registration has already been posted to the G/L — for instance, a line may have been reopened, but is unchanged. Consequently, no further posting will be made to the G/L. This means the line is neutral in terms of the G/L, as the time on the line has already been posted to the G/L.

New Approval Status In this field you can choose to show only those time sheet lines with a specific approval status in the New Approval Status field that matches the selection criteria in this island. You can choose between blank, Approved, Rejected, and Released. This field is by default not marked, thus allowing the display of lines with all types of approval status.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Employee No. field above.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Employee No. field above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Employee No. field above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the Employee No. field above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the Employee No. field above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the Employee No. field above.

Time Island

Field Description
Monday – Sunday For every day in the week, the Approve, Reject, and Balance columns show a total of the number of hours in the sub-tab which are marked in a corresponding way in the New Approval Status field. The Approve column shows the total number of hours with the status “Approved”. The Reject column shows the total number of hours with the status “Rejected”. The Balance column shows the total number of hours with either no status in the New Approval Status field or with the status “Rejected.” Thus, the island shows the total number of hours which are approved, rejected, or left untouched when the Carry Out Approval action is selected. For lines from time sheets with the Day time unit, the quantity is converted to hours by multiplying with the number of hours per man day as specified on the job.
Total These fields show the total of the number of hours for the various status types in the columns above. For lines from time sheets with the Day time unit, the quantity is converted to hours by multiplying with the number of hours per man day as specified on the job.

Activities Island

Field Description
Time Activity 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the Monday – Sunday fields in the Time island above, but the fields display the totals for the Time Activity 1, Time Activity 2, and Time Activity 3 fields in the Time Sheet Lines sub-tab. The time activities are activities which are created as time sheet references. For lines from time sheets with the Day time unit, the quantity is converted to hours by multiplying with the number of hours per man day as specified on the job. For more information, please see the description of the Time Sheet References workspace.
Amount Activity 1-4 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the Monday – Sunday fields in the Time island above, but the fields display the totals for the Amount Activity 1, Amount Activity 2, Amount Activity 3, and Amount Activity 4 fields in the Time Sheet Lines sub-tab. The amount activities are activities which are created as time sheet references. For lines from time sheets with the Day time unit, the quantity is converted to hours by multiplying with the number of hours per man day as specified on the job. For more information, please see the description of the Time Sheet References workspace.

Quantities Island

Field Description
Quantity The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the Monday – Sunday fields in the Hours island above, but the fields display the totals for the Quantity field in the sub-tab.
Quantity 2 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the Monday – Sunday fields in the Hours island above, but the fields display the totals for the Quantity 2 field in the sub-tab.