Employee Absence Calendars Workspace

Use this workspace to maintain information about each employee's absences.

The Employee Absence Calendars tab contains information about the employee. In the Absence Calendar Lines sub-tab you can enter information about the dates on which the employee in question is absent, as well as the reason for the absence, for example, illness, leave of absence, vacation, and so on.

When you have entered the relevant absence, you can submit the absence calendar lines as an indication that they now contain the correct information and are ready for approval. You do this using the Submit field on the lines in question and then using the Submit Absence action. The person who is responsible for approving the lines can then approve them using a similar method, making the absence lines effective. For more information about the approval procedure and effective absence calendar lines, see "Calendar Lines Entering into Effect."

You create absence type definitions in the Popup Fields workspace in the Set-Up module.

If you want to delimit the Absence Calendar Lines sub-tab to display only specific periods of absence or types, you can enter a range for this in the Selection Criteria island. If you enter a specific range of time, all new lines that you enter must overlap the date that you specified as the first day of absence.