Print Posting Journal Workspace

Use this workspace to reprint one or more posted posting journals and to post other journals. When journals are posted, Maconomy automatically prints the posting journal.

When you post a journal, the journal keeps its number and you cannot change it. This serves as documentation of the changes that were made by the posting. You can reprint any posting journal.

Before you can post a journal, you must release it for posting. Select the Post field in the Posting workspace or select the Release for Posting field on lines in those workspaces that allow you to release entries for posting, such as the Customer Payments workspace.

In the Vendor Invoices and Invoice Allocation workspaces, you cannot select the Released for Posting field manually, but Maconomy automatically selects it when an invoice is approved for posting.

In the Posting workspace, you can see which journals are released for posting.

When you post journals in this workspace, you choose which journal type to include in the posting. Maconomy posts all journals of this type that have been released for posting, and prints a copy of the journal.