Subscription Order Lines Single Dialog Workspace

Use this workspace to view and enter delivery lines that are assigned to a subscription order line.

The Subscription Order Lines tab displays the information that is included in the subscription order line in the Subscription Orders workspace.

If you want to change the information in the Subscription Order Lines tab, you use the Subscription Orders workspace. The information about each issue originates from the Subscription Information Card workspace and is transferred to each subscription order line when you update the subscription order using the Update Orders action in the Subscription Information Card workspace or the Get Issues action in this workspace. Maconomy transfers only those issues within the specified subscription period.

The Order Lines sub-tab displays the delivery lines that Maconomy transfers to the subscription order line. If Maconomy did not create any delivery lines automatically, you can create them manually. The Order Lines sub-tab also displays any credit order lines assigned to the subscription order line currently shown in the Subscription Order Lines tab. You can also create and edit credit order lines in this workspace.

If you want to limit the Order Lines sub-tab to display only issues that are to be delivered within a specific period, enter a range of delivery dates in the Selection Criteria island.