Order Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Order Lines sub-tab.

Field Description
Debit/Credit In this field, you can specify whether the current line is a sales order line or a credit order line. “Debit” indicates a sales order line whereas “Credit” indicates a credit order line. The field must be completed when creating a line manually and cannot be changed once you have pressed Return.
Item No. This field shows the number of the item ordered by the customer.
Quantity This field shows the quantity of ordered items.
Credited In this field, specify the quantity to credit on the current line. The field can only be completed for credit lines.
Unit In this field, you select the unit in which the current issue is delivered. This can, for example, be the unit “Piece.”
Description In this field, you enter a description of the item. Maconomy suggests the description which is entered in the field “Description, Lang. 1” on the information card of the item.
Unit Price This field shows the unit price of the current issue line on the subscription order line. If the subscription is periodical, the price covers the full period.
Discount % If the conditions for discounts entered in the window Discount Table in the Inventory module are fulfilled, and the subscription is periodical, this field shows the discount percentage. The creation of a customer or item discount agreement which entitles the customer to a discount will also cause the discount percentage to be shown.
Discount If the conditions for discounts entered in the window Discount Table in the Inventory module are fulfilled, and the subscription is periodical, this field shows the discount. The creation of a customer or item discount agreement which entitles the customer to a discount will also cause the discount to be shown.
Extended Price This field shows the price of the issue line. The price is reached by multiplying the ordered quantity of units by the unit price of the issue line. This amount is divided by the price unit on the current line and subtracted any discount granted on the current line.
Deliv. Date This field shows the delivery date of the current issue.
Deliv. Week This field shows the number of the delivery week in which the above mentioned delivery date is included. You cannot alter this value.
Deliv. Remarks In this field, you enter a remark concerning the delivery of the current issue. You can, for example, use this field to register irregularities in connection with the delivery.
Warehouse In this field, you can select the warehouse from which the item is to be delivered. If the field “Get Inventory From Item” in the window System Information has been marked, Maconomy transfers the warehouse from the window Item Information Card, when an item with serial number control is entered on a subscription order line. It is only possible to enter another warehouse for a subscription order line with items with serial number control if no serial numbers have been entered for the line in the window Serial Number Entry.
Stock Location No. In this field, you can specify the location in the selected warehouse from which the items on the current line are to be shipped. When you create a line, Maconomy checks if a standard picking location has been specified in the table part of the item’s information card on a line pertaining to the warehouse specified on the current line. If a standard picking location has been specified and if this location is also marked as a shipping location in the window Warehouse Information Card, the item’s standard picking location is suggested in this field, but the value can be changed manually. If no standard picking location has been specified for the item or if the item has a standard picking location for the warehouse but it is not a shipping location, you must specify a value manually.
Return In this field, you can specify the quantity of the item that you expect to be returned by the customer. The field can only be completed on credit lines. The quantity in this field is not necessarily the same as the quantity credited for the current line, as some units may have been lost or damaged during transport. The returned quantity will always be zero for lines pertaining to periodic subscription crediting.
For Packing In this field, you can specify the number of units of the current issue to be packed if the ordered quantity of units is not available for delivery.
Discount Desc. This field shows a description of the discount. The description is transferred from a discount table line in the window Discount Table in the Inventory module. The description is only transferred if the customer fulfills the conditions for discount via the current table line, or if a discount agreement for the subscription is established with the customer. You cannot alter the description in this field.
Pricing Unit This field shows the number of units of the current issue included in the unit price of the issue. The pricing unit is transferred from the information card of the item in the Inventory module. You cannot alter the pricing unit in this field.
External Desc. This is the item description printed on all external order documents. If a translation in the language specified in the card part of the subscription order exists for the item specified on the line, the translation in question is shown here. If no such translation exists, the text from the field “Subscription Description, Language 1” is suggested instead. You can change the text here. Translations are created in the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module.
Internal Desc. This field shows the internal description which is entered in the window Item Information Card. The description is only printed out on internal order papers.
Delivered This field show the delivered number of units already delivered for the current issue line. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Invoiced This field shows the number of units already invoiced for the current issue. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Back Orders This field shows the number of units of the current issue in back orders. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Price List This field shows the price list which is used for the calculation of the price of the issue line. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Price Step This field shows the price step of the current price list to which the issue line is assigned. If a fixed price step is used for the subscription order and a price is entered for this price step, the price step is automatically transferred to this field. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Keep Price In this field, you can specify whether unit prices and discount percentages on order lines, invoice lines and credit memo lines pertaining to the current customer should be recalculated when changing the quantity. The value in this field is transferred to the card part of sales and credit orders as well as invoices and credit memos pertaining to the current customer, but can be changed for each order.
Price at Step 1 This field shows the price of one price unit on the subscription order line if this line is assigned to a price list with the current delivery. If no price list is used, or no price is entered for the delivery on the price list of the subscription order, the price in this field will correspond to the unit price. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Quantity Disc. This field shows a discount amount which is defined as the difference between the price on the first price step of the price list and the granted unit price multiplied by the ordered number of units, and finally divided by the price unit. Normally, the amount in this field corresponds to the total quantity discount on the issue line. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Period From In these fields, you can specify an accrual period for sales and credit order lines. However, this is only possible for order lines pertaining to subscriptions paid periodically. The subsequent invoicing or crediting of the current order line will be carried out for the period specified in these fields. This field shows the date from which the period starts.
Period To This field shows the date from which the period ends.
Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location. If you do not manually enter a value, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivation in the G/L module. However, any manually entered value will be overwritten if Maconomy can derive a value for which overwriting has been selected. If no value can be derived, Maconomy transfers the value from the field “Location” in the card part of the window. If the current line was created using the action “Update Orders” in the window Subscription Information Card,” Maconomy suggests the value from the field “Location” in the card part of the window Subscription Orders.

See the section on dimension derivation in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L module” as well as the description of the window Dimension Derivation for further information about dimension derivation.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Last Deliv. Date This field shows the last delivery date of the current delivery. You cannot alter the date in this field.
Sales Order No. This field shows the number of the sales order which is assigned to the current subscription order line.
Latest Promised Deliv. Date In this field, you enter a date which is equivalent to the promised latest delivery date of the current delivery.
Order Date In this field, the date of creation, and thus the order date of the delivery line, is entered.
Extra Text 1-10 The first three of these fields show the extra texts entered in the corresponding fields on the subscription information card. You can change the suggested texts and enter additional information in the remaining seven fields.
Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can select a number of pop-up values for further specification of the current subscription order line. When you create a subscription order, the pop-up values are transferred from the information card of the subscription, but you can change the values here. The options are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.