Job Groups Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Groups tab.

Job Group Island

Field Description
Name Enter the name of the job group here. This name is the unique identifier of the group, and you must enter a name. There is no limit to the number of characters you can type here. You can change the name of an existing job group, but you cannot delete a group once it has been created. The name must be specified.

Capitalize Island

Field Description
Capitalize Expenses In this field, you specify whether to capitalize expenses or post them to a P & L account. This is referred to as a job’s capitalization status. If this field is marked, expenses are capitalized (that is, posted to a balance sheet account, typically an account for Work in Progress or WIP). This means costs are held in inventory until the job is invoiced. If this field is not marked, costs from amount activities are expensed immediately (posted to a Profit & Loss account).

When a job is created in the window Jobs, the capitalization status is retrieved from the job group. The capitalization status of an existing job is not changed if the job group status is changed here.

Work in Progress, Time In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination containing the account on which you want to register work in progress for time activities. The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection.

You can enter a dimension combination number regardless of whether the “Capitalize Expenses” field is marked. If it is not, the posting reference will be used for finding a capitalization account for jobs that were created while the job group was capitalized.

Work in Progress, Amount In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination containing the account on which you want to register work in progress for amount activities. The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection.

You can enter a dimension combination number regardless of whether the “Capitalize Expenses” field is marked. If it is not, the posting reference will be used for finding a capitalization account for jobs that were created while the job group was capitalized.

Work in Progress, Adjustment, Time In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination containing the account on which you want to register adjustments to work in progress for time activities. The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection. The posting reference is used for handling of overruns, revenue recognition by completion, evaluation of work in progress, and employee revenue distribution.

You can enter a dimension combination number regardless of whether the “Capitalize Expenses” field is marked. If it is not, the posting reference will be used for finding a capitalization account for jobs that were created while the job group was capitalized.

Work in Progress, Adjustment, Amount In this field, enter the number of a dimension combination containing the account on which you want to register adjustments to work in progress for amount activities. The dimension combination can also contain other dimension values to be used in this connection. The posting reference is used for handling of overruns, revenue recognition by completion, evaluation of work in progress, and employee revenue distribution.

You can enter a dimension combination number regardless of whether the “Capitalize Expenses” field is marked. If it is not, the posting reference will be used for finding a capitalization account for jobs that were created while the job group was capitalized.

Standard Budget Island

Field Description
Job In this field, you can enter a job number. The job budget from the specified job will automatically be copied to a job created within the current job group. The budget of the job selected as standard cannot be deleted.

If the system parameter “Recalculate Job Budget When Copying” in the window System Parameters in the Set-Up module is not marked, a simple line-by-line copying of the budget is made. However, currency amounts will be recalculated to the new job’s currency. If “Recalculate Job Budget When Copying” is marked, Maconomy will recalculate the budget when it is copied. This means that the price fields (costs and billing prices in base and currency plus Net Cost, Base), the field “Markup %,” and the fields concerning purchase orders are not copied, but are recalculated on the basis of information of the job concerning the customer, the employees, and the job price list. That is why the new budget does not necessarily show the same amounts as the budget that it was copied from. For more information about currency conversion in the Job Cost module, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

Note that you cannot enter the number of a template job in this field.

This field shows the name of the selected job. You cannot change the name here.

Standard Values Island

Field Description
Employee Control In this field, you can select if you want to apply employee control when creating a job from the current job group. The selection can be changed on the individual jobs. You can select two forms of employee control for a job:
  1. By specifying that job entries can only be made for employees who are included in the job’s budget of the type specified by means of the system parameters “Use Fixed Budget Type for Employee Control” and “Budget Type No. for Employee Control.” If, for instance, the system parameter “Use Fixed Budget Type for Employee Control” has been marked, and the system parameter “Budget Type No. for Employee Control” indicates the budget type “Standard,” a job registration for a given employee is only allowed if the employee in question appears in the latest revision of the job’s budget of the type “Standard.” This control can be strengthened to only include employees who are included in the job’s approved budget of the type in question.
  2. By specifying that only employees listed in the job’s employee control list can make registrations on the job. This is the preferred method. For more information, please see the description of the window Employee Control.

Also see the description of the field “Employee Control” in the window Jobs.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.