Customer Open Entry Reconciliation Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Customer Open Entry Reconciliation tab.

Show Lines Island

Field Description
Show Lines If you mark this field, the table part displays the open customer entries which match the selection criteria specified in the island Selection Criteria. The lines will only be shown if a customer payment has been entered in the island Customer Payment. If you have not specified any selection criteria, Maconomy will issue a warning and subsequently show all open entries registered in the system which have not yet been selected for reconciliation by another user.

Customer Payment Island

Field Description
Posted This field shows whether or not the current payment has been posted. The field is automatically marked by Maconomy when a payment is posted and cannot be edited manually.
Entry Date If you are creating a new payment, you must specify the entry date of the payment in this field. Maconomy suggests today’s date, but this date can be changed manually. If the window displays an already posted payment, this field shows the entry date of the payment in question. You cannot change the entry date of an already posted payment.
Trans. No. In this field, enter the transaction number of the new payment. The field must always be completed.

The transaction number is determined through the following procedure:

  • If you have selected a transaction number series in the island Transaction Number Series, the transaction number is transferred from the selected transaction number series created in the window Trans. No. Series in the G/L module.
  • If you have not selected a transaction number series, you must enter a transaction number manually.
  • If the window displays an already existing payment or credit memo, this field shows the transaction number of the payment or credit memo. If the entry is from a general journal, the trans- action number was entered manually on the journal. If the entry is from a credit memo from the sales orders module, the number will correspond to the credit memo number allocated by Maconomy.
Trans. Type In this field, you can enter a transaction type for the customer payment. By default, the field is empty. If the transaction type is not specified when a new customer payment is created, the default transaction type for the customer payment journal will be used. The transaction type cannot be changed for customer payments that have been posted.
Description In this field, you can enter a text describing the new payment. If you want to use a standardized text for several payments, it is easier to use the below field “Std. Description.” If the window shows an already posted payment, you cannot change the value in this field.
Std. Description In this field, you can select a standardized text describing the payment. This can, for example, be useful if you use the same text on several payments. Maconomy automatically suggests the text “Customer payment” as default description on new payments. If you do not complete the above field “Description” manually, the value in this field is transferred to the description field when you press Return. If the window shows an already posted payment, you cannot change the value in this field. Standard texts are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Amount, Currency This field shows the amount paid in the original currency of the customer payment. If you create a new payment in this window, you must enter a payment amount in this field or in the field “Amount, Base” below. The amount entered is credited on the customer’s control account when the journal is posted. Maconomy automatically converts the currency amount entered in this field into the base currency and displays the amount in the field “Amount, Base” below.

If the window displays an already existing payment, the field displays the amount paid in currency. Note that you cannot change the amount of an already posted payment.

Currency This field shows the original currency of the payment. If you create a new payment in this window, you can select the desired payment currency in this pop-up field.

If the window displays a payment created in one of the windows General Journal or Customer Payments, this field displays the currency in which the current payment was made.

Amount, Base This field shows the amount paid in the base currency of the company to which the customer is assigned. If you create a new payment in this window, you must enter a payment amount in this field or in the field “Amount, Currency” above, and specify a currency in the field “Currency.” Maconomy automatically converts the base amount entered in this field into the selected currency and displays the amount in the field “Amount, Currency” above.

If the window displays an already existing payment, the field displays the amount paid in base currency. The base currency of the company assigned to the customer in question is displayed in the island Company. Note that you cannot change the amount of an already posted payment.

Charge, Currency In this field, you can enter a charge amount in the original currency of the customer payment. If the bank which effected the payment has charged an amount for the service, you can enter the amount here. If you have agreed with the customer that you will carry the charge, enter the full charge amount in this field. If the customer is to carry the charge, you should not enter the charge in this field, but subtract the charge amount from the amount paid. When reconciling the customer entry with the amount, select “Partial” reconciliation in the table part. This way, the charge amount will still be an open entry with the customer, which can then be settled later. The amount is shown in the field “Charge, Base” below in the base currency of the responsible company.

When posting, the amount entered in this field is debited the account specified in the field “Charge Account” in the window Payment Agents in the Banking module for the payment agent assigned to the current customer entry. A corresponding amount is credited the external bank account assigned to the payment agent, which is shown in the island External Account in the card part of the window.

Charge, Base The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Charge, Currency” above, but the charge amount is entered in the company’s base currency. The amount is shown in the field “Charge, Currency” above in the currency selected in the field “Currency” in this island.
D/C In this field, you specify whether the amount registered is a debit or credit amount. Maconomy suggests debit because a customer payment usually means your company receives a payment.
Customer Payment Reference In this field, you can enter a reference to the current customer payment. If the current payment has been created in the window Customer Payments, the value, if any, from the field “Payment Reference” in the table part of the window Customer Payments will be transferred to this field. However, the value can be changed in this field and will be updated accordingly in the window Customer Payments as long as the payment in question has not been posted.
Reference Date In this field, you can enter a reference date for the current entry. This might, for example, be the date of a telephone call which gave rise to the current entry. If you do not enter a date, Maconomy suggests the date from the field “Entry Date” above. This date is transferred to the customer entries resulting from the reconciliation.
Reconc. Invoice No. In this field, you can enter an invoice number if the payment should be reconciled fully or partly against a posted invoice. The field can only be completed on unposted payments. Note that you cannot specify an invoice which has already been selected for reconciliation in another payment journal or which has not yet been posted. If you select an invoice and press Return, the customer entry assigned to the specified invoice is displayed in the table part of the window. Moreover, the invoice number and information on the assigned customer number and settling company number is subsequently derived to the islands Selection Criteria, Customer and Settling Company. Note that when you have entered an invoice number in this field and pressed Return, you cannot change the payment amount in the fields “Amount, Currency” or “Amount, Base” in this island. If you wish to change the payment amount in such a situation, you must remove the reconciliation of the customer entry in the table part, change the payment amount and re-enter the invoice number.

If you have set up the table part of the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module to derive dimensions from invoices when creating a customer payment, specifying an invoice or credit memo in this field while creating a new customer payment will cause the dimension values on the specified invoice or credit memo to be copied to the dimension fields on the current line. However, fields in which a value has been specified manually are not overwritten by the dimension values from the invoice. For further information, see the field “Action” in the table part of the window Dimension Derivations.

If the window shows an already posted payment, you cannot change the value in this field.

Reconcile Transaction No.

This field allows you to enter a transaction number if the payment should be reconciled fully or partly against a posted customer entry. The field can only be completed on unposted payments. Note that you cannot specify a transaction number that has already been selected for reconciliation in another payment journal. If you select a transaction number and press Return, the customer entry assigned to the specified transaction number is displayed in the table part of the window. Moreover, the transaction number and information on the assigned customer number and settling company number is subsequently derived to the islands Selection Criteria, Customer and Settling Company. Note that when you have entered a transaction number in this field and pressed Return, you cannot change the payment amount in the fields “Amount, Currency” or “Amount, Base” in this island. If you wish to change the payment amount in such a situation, you must remove the reconciliation of the customer entry in the table part, change the payment amount and re-enter the transaction number.

If you have set up the table part of the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module to derive dimensions from invoices when creating a customer payment, specifying a transaction number in this field while creating a new customer payment will cause the dimension values on the specified customer entry to be copied to the dimension fields on the current line. However, fields in which a value has been specified manually are not over- written by the dimension values from the customer entry. For further information, see the field “Action” in the table part of the window Dimension Derivations.

If the window shows an already posted payment, you cannot change the value in this field.

Job No. For credit memos, this field shows the number of the job to which the credit memo is assigned. For customer payments, you can specify a job number for reference.

When a job number has been specified on a customer payment, the job is taken into consideration when dimensions are derived to the payment. Furthermore, the job number is copied to the G/L entries created when the customer payment is posted. However, no job entries are created as a result of specifying a job number in this field.

If you have set up the table part of the window Dimension Derivations to derive from invoices when creating customer payments, the field is automatically completed if you specify a job related invoice in the field “Reconc. Invoice No.” on the line.

Released When this field is marked, the current payment and selected reconciliation is released for posting. The field is automatically marked by Maconomy when a customer entry is approved for reconciliation by means of the action “Approve Reconciliation” in this window. The field cannot be filled in manually.

This field is closely related to the field “Released” in the table part of the window Customer Payments in which the mark can be manually set or removed on unposted customer payments and the field in this window will thus be updated accordingly. Posting of a payment is done in the window Customer Payments or in one of the windows Posting or Print Posting Journal in the G/L module. See the description of the action “Approve Reconciliation” for further information on the functionality of this field.

Approved for Reconciliation This field shows whether or not a reconciliation has been approved. The field is automatically marked by Maconomy when a customer payment and one or more assigned entries are approved for reconciliation by means of the action “Approve Reconciliation.” The field cannot be marked manually.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. In this field, you can enter the number of the company responsible for the customer reconciliation journal. If you do not enter a value manually, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

If you want to assign a new payment to an existing customer reconciliation journal, that is, if the number in the field “Journal No.” is equal to an already existing customer reconciliation journal number, Maconomy will derive the company number assigned to the journal last entered by the current user.

If you create a customer payment on which the number of the settling company is different from the company number of the journal, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany balances between the companies at the posting of the journal. In the intercompany balance, the company in this field will be the responsible company. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

Name This field displays the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Company In this field, you can enter the name and number of the settling company of the customer. If you have not entered a company number in this field, and if you select a customer entry for reconciliation in the table part of the window, the settling company number specified for the customer registered on the entry in question will flow to this field and the table part will subsequently show only customer entries registered with the customer number and settling company number displayed in this field and in the field “Customer No.” above.
Currency This field shows the currency used as standard currency in the company specified as settling company in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Other Information Island

Field Description
Balance, Standard This field shows the customer’s current balance, displayed in the customer’s standard currency. The balance is updated when you post journals with customer entries.
Balance, Base This field shows the customer’s current balance in the base currency of the company. The balance is updated when you post journals with customer entries.
Blocked If this field is marked, the customer in question is blocked. This means you cannot create orders, manual invoices, and so on, for the customer.

The field is displayed in this window as the payment to be reconciled might cover all overdue bills and remove the need to block the customer in question. However, the mark in this field can only be changed in the windows Payment Information or Company Specific Payment Information.

Last Statement No. This is the number of the latest historical account statement printed out for the customer. Historical account statements are printed out in the window Print Historical Customer Statement.

The value is automatically updated by Maconomy and cannot be changed.

Date of Last Statement This is the date of the latest historical statement created for the customer. The value is automatically updated by Maconomy and cannot be changed.
Current Reminder Level This is the customer’s current reminder level. The customer’s reminder level is the highest level of one of the customer’s open entries. The reminder level of an entry is automatically raised every time you send a reminder to the customer. The value is automatically updated by Maconomy and cannot be changed.

The reminder level is set to “0” if the customer has no overdue bills to be collected.

Date of Last Reminder This is the date on which you last sent a reminder to the customer. The value is automatically updated by Maconomy and cannot be changed.

When you create reminder codes, you can specify how many days must pass between reminders to the same customer.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location This field shows the value of the dimension Location on the current customer payment. If the payment displayed in the window was created in the window Customer Payments or in the General Journal, this field shows the value specified in the field “Location” on the journal line in question.

If you create a new payment in this window, you must specify a value in this field. If you do not enter a value, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the window Dimension Derivations. If no value can be derived, the standard value is transferred from the window System Parameters in the Set-Up module.

However, if you have set up the table part of the window Dimension Derivations in the G/L module to derive dimensions from invoices when creating a customer payment, specifying an invoice in the field “Reconc. Invoice No.” will cause the location on the specified invoice to be copied to this field on the current line, unless you have manually specified a location before pressing Enter, in which case this value is not overwritten by the dimension value from the invoice. For further information, see the field “Action” in the table part of the window Dimension Derivations.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec.1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks You can use this field to enter remarks about the current customer payment. If the payment is the result of reading a customer payment file in the Banking module, and the payment has an error, then the error message will be displayed in this field, for example, “Unknown Payer ID” or “No Collection Order Found.“

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer In this field, you can enter the name and number of the customer for whom a new payment should be registered. When you enter a customer number and press Return, the customer number and the assigned settling company number is copied to the island Selection Criteria. Moreover, if you have marked the field “Show Lines” in the island Show Lines, the table part will subsequently show the open customer entries assigned to the customer in question.

If you have not filled in this field, and select a customer entry in the table part of this window, the information on the customer assigned to the entry in question will flow to this field. Moreover, the island Settling Company will automatically be filled in and this information will subsequently also flow to the relevant fields in the island Selection Criteria.

Moreover, if you have not filled in this field, and if you enter an invoice number in the field “Recon. Invoice No.,” the customer number registered on the invoice in question is automatically transferred to this field.

The island also shows the first two lines of the customer’s name and address as well as the name of the customer’s attention person. The information is retrieved from the Customer Information Card.

Attn. This field shows the customer contact.
Std. Currency This field displays the currency used as standard currency by the customer in question. If you have created a payment on which no customer has been specified, this field displays the currency selected in the pop-up field “Currency, Original” in the island Customer Payment and Reconciliation Information. When you assign a customer to the payment, this field will subsequently show the standard currency of the customer. A customer’s standard currency is specified in the field “Currency” in the window Customer Information Card.

Reconciliation Information Island

Field Description
Reconciliation Currency This field shows the currency in which the reconciliation is made.
Customer Payment, Reconciliation Currency This field shows the amount paid by the customer in the currency specified in the field “Reconciliation Currency” above.
Remainder, Reconciliation Currency This field shows how much of the original payment or credit memo amount can still be used to reconcile entries. You cannot reconcile more than the amount in this field. The field is automatically updated by Maconomy when you select entries for reconciliation. The value cannot be changed manually.

If the balance does not cover a full invoice amount, and if you do not wish to post the difference as a cash discount, you can choose to reconcile the invoice in part.

Reconciled in Debit This field displays the debit amount reconciled against the current payment. The amount in this field cannot be changed manually.
Reconciled in Credit This field displays the credit amount reconciled against the current payment. The amount in this field cannot be changed manually.
Cash Discount, Reconciliation Currency This field shows any cash discount manually specified in the reconciliation currency. If you make a full reconciliation of an open entry with an amount smaller than the payment amount, this field will show the cash discount resulting from the reconciliation. The amount is shown as a positive figure. When you approve such a reconciliation, Maconomy suggests that the balance is posted as a cash discount.

When you approve reconciled open entries, Maconomy transfers the cash discount, if any, to a customer reconciliation journal that is ready to be posted in the G/L module or in the window Customer Payments - unless it is posted automatically (see the description of the action “Approve Reconciliation”). When you approve the reconciled payments, Maconomy verifies that the Difference, Reconciliation Currency amount does not exceed the cash discount limit. This limit is the percentage specified in the field “Max. Cash Discount” in the cash discount code specified for the current customer in the window Payment Information.

You specify the posting reference to the customer cash discount account by means of a dimension combination in the window Posting References in the G/L module.

The amount in this field cannot be changed manually.

Difference, Reconciliation Currency This field shows any difference between the debit and credit amounts, that is, the total amount variance between the current payment amount and the entries selected for reconciliation. If you select an open entry with an amount which exceeds the payment amount, the figure in this field will be positive. When you approve such reconciliation, Maconomy suggests that this exceeding amount is posted as a cash discount or as a customer payment variance depending on the value, if any, specified in the system parameter “Margin For Customer Payment Variances” in the Set-Up module.

If the reconciliation gives rise to a cash discount, Maconomy verifies that the amount added to any existing cash discount does not exceed the cash discount limit which applies to the customer in question. This limit is the percentage specified in the field “Max. Cash Discount” in the cash discount code specified for the current customer in the window Payment Information. Maconomy transfers the cash discount to a customer reconciliation journal, which is ready to be posted in the G/L module or in the window Customer Payments - unless it is posted automatically (see the description of the action “Approve Reconciliation”).

If you have specified a value in the system parameter “Margin For Customer Payment Variances” and if the reconciliation gives rise to an amount variance which is within the value specified in the parameter, variance amounts are posted on an account for customer payment variances. The posting reference for customer payment variances is specified in the window Posting References in the G/L module.

See the description of the action “Approve Reconciliation” in this window and the description of the system parameter “Margin For Customer Payment Variances” in the window System Parameters for further information on how Maconomy handles reconciliation variances.

If the payment or crediting is not fully used to reconcile an invoice, the balance in this field is shown as a negative figure. The amounts in this field cannot be changed manually.

Cash Discount, Base This field shows any cash discount manually specified in the base currency. For more information on cash discounts, see the description of “Cash Discount, Reconciliation Currency.”
Difference, Base This field shows any difference between the debit and credit amounts, that is, the total amount variance between the current payment amount and the entries selected for reconciliation, expressed in the base currency. For more information on differences, see the description of “Difference, Reconciliation Currency.”
Transaction Type, Reconciliation Transaction type used for the reconciliation. Examples of types: Cash Discount, Exchange Rate Difference. If the user does not specify a transaction type, the system will try to derive it, as the default transaction type of the Customer Reconciliation journal, but only if the customer payment is posted. If the customer payment is created in this dialog, then this field is ignored.

Transaction Numbering Island

Field Description
Transaction Number Series In this field, you can select a transaction number series. If a transaction number series has been selected when you create a new payment, the field “Transaction No.” in the island Customer Payment in this window and the field “Trans. No.” in the table part of the window Customer Payments are automatically assigned the next available number in the selected series. Transaction number series are created in the window Trans. No.Series in the G/L module. By default, the field shows the transaction number series for the transaction type specified in the "Customer Payment" island.

Reconciliation Island

Field Description
Date Reconciled In this field, you can enter a date for the current reconciliation. The reconciliation date is used as posting date in connection with reconciliation of a customer payment against open customer entries. If the current customer payment has been posted, Maconomy suggests today’s date as reconciliation date. If the payment has not yet been posted, Maconomy suggests the entry date of the customer payment as reconciliation date. All currency conversions made at reconciliation are made on the basis of the date specified in this field. You can change the reconciliation date in this field on posted as well as on unposted payments.

External Account Island

In this island, you can specify an external account in connection with entering customer payments in this window. For more information about external accounts, please see the description of the window External Accounts in the Banking module.

Field Description
Cust. Payment Mode In this field, you select a customer payment mode. If the window shows an already posted payment, you cannot change the value in this field. The customer payment mode is used to find an offset account for the current payment. You can specify offset accounts by means of a dimension combination in the window External Accounts in the Banking module. A customer payment mode can, for example, be a manual payment, a check or a bank account. Customer payment modes are created in the window Customer Payment Modes in the Banking module. If a link between the customer payment mode, the company, and the external account has been set up in the window External Accounts, the remaining fields in this island will be completed when you press Return.
Payment Agent In this field, you select a customer payment agent, if completing the field “Cust. Payment Mode” above did not complete the field for you. If the window shows an already posted payment, you cannot change the value in this field. The customer payment agent is used to find an offset account for the current payment. You can specify offset accounts by means of a dimension combination in the window External Accounts in the Banking module.

If you change the value in this field, any value selected in the field “Cust. Payment Mode” above will be reset to be blank.

Reg. No. In this field, you select a bank registration number, if completing the field “Cust. Payment Mode” above did not complete the field for you. This number is the bank registration number of the payment agent selected in the field “Payment Agent” above. The combination of this field and the field “External Account No.” must match a number registered for the current payment agent on the external account for the current company in the window External Accounts. If the window shows an already posted payment, you cannot change the value in this field.

If you change the value in this field, any value selected in the field “Cust. Payment Mode” above will be reset to the blank value.

External Account No. In this field, you select an external account number, if completing the field “Cust. Payment Mode” above did not complete the field for you. In other respects, the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Reg. No.” above.

Journal Island

Field Description
Journal No. This field shows the number of the current customer payment journal. If you create a new journal, and if you do not enter an existing journal number, Maconomy automatically assigns a number from the system number series “Journal” from the window System Numbers in the Set-Up module, along with a prefix if a prefix has been defined for the company in question in the window Company Information in the G/L module.
Line No. This field shows the line number of the registration of the customer payment in the journal.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Customer No. If you enter a range of customer numbers in these fields, the table part will display only open customer entries with customer numbers within the specified range. The fields in this island are usable if you need to search for a specific customer entry or if you want to delimit the number of entries displayed in the table part of the window.

If you assign a customer number to a new payment in the field “Customer No.” in the island Customer, this number will flow to these fields. As a result, the table part will subsequently show only customer entries registered on the customer in question, if you have marked the field “Show Lines” in the island Show Lines.

When a value has been specified in the field “Customer No.” in the island Customer in the card part of the window, you cannot change the values in these fields. If you wish to do so, you must remove the customer number specified in the field “Customer No.” in the card part of the window before you can enter a new range of customer numbers in these fields. Note that when you remove a customer number in the field “Customer No.” in the island Customer in the card part of the window, these fields are not automatically blanked.

If you have created a new payment in this window and have not filled in the field “Customer No.” in the island Customer in the card part of the window, and if you select an entry for reconciliation in the table part of the window, information on the customer assigned to the selected entry will flow to the fields in this island as well as to the islands Customer and Settling Company.

Settling Company No. If you enter a range of settling company numbers in these fields, the table part will display only open customer entries with settling company numbers within the specified range. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Customer No.” above.
Company No. If you enter a range of company numbers in these fields, the table part will display only open customer entries with company numbers within the specified range. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Customer No.” above.
Trans. No. If you enter a range of transaction numbers in these fields, the table part will display only open customer entries with transaction numbers within the specified range. Note that a transaction number can be similar to an invoice number. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Customer No.” above.
Invoice Date If you enter a range of invoice dates in these fields, the table part will display only open customer entries with invoice dates within the specified range. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Customer No.” above.
Due Date If you enter a range of due dates in these fields, the table part will display only open customer entries with invoices whose due date is within the specified range. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Customer No.” above.
Original Amount If you enter a range of original amounts in these fields, the table part will display only open customer entries with original amounts within the specified range. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Customer No.” above.
Remainder, Original If you enter a range of remainder amounts in these fields, the table part will display only open customer entries with remainder amounts within the specified range. The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Customer No.” above.
Original Currency If you select a currency in this field, the table part will display only open customer entries with amounts registered in the selected currency. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Customer No.” above.