Postponed Job Budget Copying Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Postponed Job Budget Copying tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Job No. In these fields, you can enter a range of job numbers to specify which jobs you wish to see in the table part.
Company No. In these fields, you can enter a range of job company numbers to specify which jobs you wish to see in the table part.
Customer No. In these fields, you can enter a range of customer numbers to specify which jobs you wish to see in the table part.
Project Manager No. In these fields, you can enter a range of project manager numbers to specify which jobs you wish to see in the table part.
Date In these fields, you can enter a date interval for the date that the job was added to the queue to specify which jobs you wish to see in the table part.
Budget Type In these fields, you can enter a budget type to specify which jobs you wish to see in the table part.
Status Here you can restrict the table part to only show lines with a given status.

Summary Island

Field Description
Number of budgets matching criteria This field shows the number lines that are currently displayed in the table part.