Pending Job Actions Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Pending Job Actions tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This is the number and name of the job for which pending actions are displayed.
Status This field displays the status of the job, either Quote or Order.
Estimated Ending Date In this field, you can enter the date on which the job is expected to complete. The date is for information only.
Project Manager No. In this field, you can enter the number of an employee created in the window Employees in the Set-Up module. Maconomy suggests the number of the user creating the job if this user has an employee number assigned to him.

The project manager in this field is the one who can approve time and expense sheet lines if the fields in the island Approval indicate that the project leader can or must approve time and expense sheets. If so, this field must be completed. Furthermore, the project manager of a job can initiate the first job phase and end phases if job phases are used on the job.

Customer In this field, you enter the number of the customer for whom the job is to be performed. Maconomy verifies that the number is that of an existing customer, and that the customer has not been blocked in the window Payment Information in the A/R module. If the customer's open balance has exceeded the credit limit, Maconomy shows a warning, and you can choose not to create the job.

Note that if the current job is a template job, this field is not mandatory.

This field also shows the customer's name as entered in the Customer Information Card in the A/R module. The name cannot be changed here, but you can change it in the window Job Information.

Main Job No. If there is a main job related to this job, this field shows the number of the main job.
No. of Subjobs This field shows the number of underlying jobs assigned to the job.
Currency This field shows the currency of the job.
Number of Pending Job Actions This field shows the number of pending job actions that you need to act on before you can close the job.
Updated Date This field shows the date when the list of pending job actions was updated. Running the action “Close Jobs” will clear the field.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Date In these fields you can specify a period for which you want to see pending job actions. By default, the fields will be empty and therefore show all entries. Running the action “Refresh List of Pending Job Actions” affects all actions, not only the visible ones.
Category All pending job actions are grouped into the six categories listed below. You can select or deselect individual categories or use the field “Select All” to select or deselect all categories. Your selection is directly displayed in the table part of this window.

Depending on your selections, each category below may show the following warnings and messages:

  • Select All — Use this field to select or deselect all categories.
  • Time and Expense — Time Sheet Not Submitted, Time Sheet Not Approved, Time Not Approved by Manager, Expense Sheet Not Submitted, Expense Sheet Not Approved, Expense Sheet Not Approved by Project Manager, Mileage Sheet Not Submitted, Mileage Sheet Not Approved, Mileage Not Approved by Project Manager
  • Purchase — Requisition Line Not Closed, Request For Quote Not Closed, Purchase Order Line Not Closed
  • Posting — Time Sheet Journal not posted, Job Accrual Journal not posted, Job Journal not posted, Central Time Sheet Transfer, Vendor Invoice Allocations not posted, Expense Sheet Journal not posted, Mileage Sheet Journal not posted, General Journal not posted, Item Journal not posted, Job Reallocation Journal not posted, Job Revenue Recognition Journal not posted, Vendor Invoices exist
  • Invoicing — Open Job Entries, Open Job Entries Not Included in Fixed Price, Open Invoices On Account, Fixed Price Not Invoiced, Invoice Selection Has Been Approved, Draft Invoice For Editing
  • Sales Orders — Order Quote Line Exists, Sales Order Not End Invoiced, Credit Order Not End Invoiced
  • Miscellaneous — Job Entries Being Reallocated, Accrued Balance, Subjob Not Closed, Event Flow Not Closed, Event Not Closed, Distribution from Main Job, Job Entries Marked for Reallocation
Note: Selection of the Miscellaneous check box displays "Asset not fully depreciated" in the Description field for a pending job action. You will not be able to close the job until you have removed the association of the asset to the job.
Only Lines Preventing Job Closing Marking this field limits the number of warnings displayed in the list of pending actions to include only those that prevent a job from closing.

Job Progress Island

Field Description
Last Progress Date This field shows the date for which the progress information for the job was created.
Completion %, Hours This field shows the completion percentage of the job, expressed as a percentage of total hours.
Completion %, Cost This field shows the completion percentage of the job, expressed as a percentage of total costs.

Last Job Revenue Recognition Island

Field Description
Date The date displayed in this field is determined by the value in the field “Show Latest Approved Revenue Recognition” in the window Job Revenue Recognition (the island Calculate Revenue). If that field is marked, this field will show the date on which the latest revenue recognition was approved. If that field is not marked, this field will display the date on which revenue was recognized on the job.
Completion % This field shows the completion percentage of the last job revenue recognition.
Revenue Recognition Amount This field specifies the size of the amount to be recognized as revenue on the job. This amount can be calculated by Maconomy, and it will then correspond to the percentage of the fixed price shown in the field “Percentage, Recognized As Revenue” in the window Job Revenue Recognition. You can also specify an amount manually, and the percentage in the field “Percentage, Recognized As Revenue” will be updated to correspond to the specified amount. If the job is a fixed-price job, the amount specified cannot exceed the fixed price of the job as shown in the field “Fixed Price Basis.” If the job is a time and material job, the values in the fields “Limit Revenue” and “Compl. % Limit” will determine how large an amount you can recognize as revenue on the job. Note that if the job has “Quote” status, the amount must be 0 in this field.

When you specify an amount manually, Maconomy will reset the date in the field “Date, New Revenue Recognition” as an indication that you must decide yourself on which date the recognition of the calculated revenue should be based.

Note that if you need to make a manual change to a job that uses detailed revenue recognition, such changes cannot be made in this window, but must instead be entered in the window Job Revenue Recognition Details.

Invoicing Island

Field Description
Oldest Open Entry This field shows the oldest entry date of all open job entries on the job.
Last Invoice Date This field shows the date of the last invoice made for the job. The date cannot be changed here.
Open Billing Price This field shows amount for open billing prices registered on the job before and within the relevant period.
Net on Account This field shows the on account amount registered on the job before and within the relevant period. The field shows how much of the total job price has been invoiced or credited on account within the relevant period.
Tax Net on Account This row shows the on account tax amount registered on the job before and within the relevant period. The fields show the amount of sales tax included in any invoices on account or credit memos on account.
Drafts for Editing This field is marked if there are draft invoices for editing.
Blanket Drafts for Editing This checkbox indicates whether there are blanket draft invoices for editing. Blanket drafts are created when you approve invoice selection in Blanket Invoice Selection or apply the “Create Blanket Drafts” action in Blanket Invoicing Overview.
Submitted Drafts This field shows the number of submitted invoice drafts.
Approved for Invoicing This field is marked if the job has been approved for invoicing.

Price Island

Field Description
Fixed Price This field shows the fixed price of the job.
Budgeted Billing Price This field shows the total budgeted billing price found on the last approved revision of the current budget on the job.
Quote Price This field shows the approved quote price.