Vendor Remittance Email Log Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Vendor Remittance Email Log sub-tab.

Field Description
Logged Date This field shows the date when a user attempted to send the vendor remittance email.
Logged Time This field shows the time when a user attempted to send the vendor remittance email.
Logged By This field shows the user who sent the vendor remittance email.
Failed, Missing Email This field specifies if the vendor remittance email failed.
Payment No. This field shows the payment order's payment number.
Payment Line No. This field shows the payment line number used as reference to a specific payment order.
Payment Date This field shows the payment date of the payment order.
Payment Group No. This field shows the payment group number, if you assigned a group to the payment order.
Company No. This field shows the number of the customer.
Vendor Number This field shows the payment order's payment vendor number.
Name 1 This field shows the name of the company vendor based on the origin of the payment line.
Remittance Email Address This field shows the email address specified for a vendor linked to the payment selected for email.
Currency This field shows the delivery vendor's currency.
Paid in Standard This field shows the amount paid in the vendor's standard currency.