
This section shows the Actions available in the Item Allocation workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Reset for Pack When you select this action, the quantity of items in the field “For Packing” in the table part will be reset on all shown table lines with the item number which is shown in the card part of the window.
Allocate for Pack When you select this action, the stock in the warehouse of the current item will be allocated in the field “For Packing” on the related order lines. Stock is calculated as the actual stock minus the quantity of items already set for packing on the shown lines.

The allocation of items for packing will be made according to the delivery date, the earliest delivery date preceding, until either the whole stock has been allocated or the total quantity of ordered items on all lines has been allocated.

The maximum quantity of items set for packing is the difference between the quantity of items ordered in the field “Quantity” and the quantity of items stated in the field “Delivered.”