Data Agents Workspace

Use this workspace to enter information that defines how Maconomy is to handle the G/L data that you imported from or exported to external systems.

This information is used when you import and export G/L data in the Import Data and Export Data workspaces, respectively. The purpose is to ensure that all import and export files that are exchanged on a regular basis are treated in the same way every time. An example of such an exchange of data is an import file that contains payroll information from an external payroll system.

You can enter information about each data agent, including an identification number. Maconomy uses this number as a unique reference number that ensures that no data is imported or exported by mistake, for example, using a different data agent. You can enter a fixed conversion table that can be used for every data import from the data agent in question, and an export format and conversion group to be used for exports. You can also predefine file names and determine whether users should be allowed to view imported data in a general journal before posting.

For more information about conversion tables, see the description of the Conversion Tables workspace. For more information about conversion groups, see the description of the Conversion Groups workspace.