Data Agents Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Data Agents tab.

Data Agent Island

Field Description
Name In this field, you enter the name of the data agent. This is the unique reference to the data agent, and the name cannot be changed later.
Address In these fields, you enter the address of the data agent.
Your Phone In this field, you enter the phone number of the data agent.
Your Contact In this field, you enter the name of the data agent’s contact person.
Our Phone In this field, you enter the phone number of the person in your own company who is responsible for the contact with the current data agent.
Our Contact In this field, you enter the name of the person in your own company who is responsible for the contact with the current data agent.

Export Control Island

Field Description
Create Detailed Export File In this field, you can specify whether to create a detailed export file when exporting G/L entries using the current data agent. If you mark this field, export runs for G/L entries will include information about each G/L entry included in the export, which you can then look up in the Show Exported Data workspace. If you do not mark this field, running a G/L entry export using the current data agent will only result in a file containing the export run number. However, the export run number is also copied to all of the G/L entries matching the selection criteria, allowing you to look up these entries in the Show G/L Entries workspace.

When you export job cost entries, the file that is created only contains the run number, regardless of the value in this field. The individual job entries covered by the export can be looked up in the Show Exported Job Entries workspace.

Export Format In this field you enter the export format to be used when exporting files to the current data agent. Formats are delivered by Maconomy A/S and are imported using the Import Format Descriptions program.
Conversion Group In this field, you must enter a conversion group to be used when exporting data using the current data agent. A conversion group specifies a number of selection criteria for which G/L data is to be exported. At the same time, it assigns a conversion rule to each section of data. For more information, please see the description of the Conversion Groups workspace.
Group Export Entries In this field, the user can specify whether Maconomy should create one export line for each entry or group entries that have the same dimensions.
Standard Export File Name If the files you want to deliver to your data agent should always have the same name, you can enter the (standard) file name, including the path, in this field. If you enter a file name, Maconomy will automatically export to the right file, saving you the trouble of specifying the file manually in the Export Data workspace.

Export Information Island

Field Description
Last Export Date This field shows the date of the last export to the current data agent.
Last Run No. This field shows the number of the last export file to the current data agent. Maconomy automatically assigns a number to the exported files using the system number series “Automatic Payment.”
Next System No. 1-3 The export format may specify that one or several system numbers must be included in the export file. Each number can be specified to increment in a different way, for example, starting over every day, month, or year. Maconomy will keep track of the system numbers, but if you need to set the number manually (for example, to set an initial value), you can do so in these fields.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the User island.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. In this field, you enter a value for the Company dimension. The company number will be inserted in all imported data. For each entry created, Maconomy will determine the company number to be used. The selection is carried out in accordance with the following order of priority:
  1. If a conversion table has been assigned to the data agent, Maconomy will check whether the combination of the external registration number and the external account number exists in the conversion table for the data agent from which the import has been carried out. If this is the case, Maconomy will check whether a company number is entered on the conversion table line, and, if so, that number will be used.
  2. If there is no company number on the conversion table line that fulfills the imported combination of the external registration number and the external account number, or if the combination does not exist in the conversion table, Maconomy will check whether the imported line contains a company number. If this is the case, that number will be used.
  3. If no company number has been entered on the imported line, the company number in this field will be used.
  4. If no company number is entered for the current data agent, Maconomy will try to derive a value in accordance with the order of priority defined in the Dimension Derivations workspace. If there is no value to derive, the standard value from the System Parameters workspace in the Set-Up module will be used.

This field will also influence the number of general journals created when an import is carried out. If a value is entered in this field, only one general journal is created when import is carried out from the data agent. On the general journal, the company entered in this field will be used. The company number on the lines in the journal will depend on the above-mentioned order of priority. If entries of relevance to other companies are involved, intercompany entries are created, unless the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, and the two companies involved are both assigned to the same parent company.

If no value has been entered in this field, a general journal for each company involved is created when import is carried out. In this way you avoid intercompany balancing.

Account Island

Field Description
Account No. In this field, you enter the value for the Account dimension. The account number assigned to imported entries will be influenced by this field. For each entry created, Maconomy will use the following order of priority to determine where the account number is derived from:
  1. Maconomy will examine whether the combination of the external registration number and external account number exists in the conversion table for the data agent from which the import is carried out. If this is the case, Maconomy will check whether an account number has been entered on the conversion table line and if so, that number will be used.
  2. If there is no account number on the conversion table line which fulfills the imported combination of the external registration number and the external account number, or if the combination does not exist in the conversion table, Maconomy will check whether an account number has been assigned to the imported line. If this is the case, that number will be used.
  3. If no account number has been entered on the imported line, the account number assigned to the data agent will be used.
  4. If no account number is entered for the current data agent, Maconomy will try to derive a value in accordance with the order of priority, which has been defined in the Dimension Derivations workspace. If there is no value to derive, the standard value from the System Parameters workspace in the Set-Up module will be used.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account No.”
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account No.”
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account No.”
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account No.”
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account No.”
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Account No.”

Import Control Island

Field Description
Import Format In this field you enter the import format to be used when importing files from the current data agent. Formats are delivered by Maconomy A/S and are imported using the Import Format Descriptions program.
Create General Journal If you mark this field, a general journal is created with all imported entries of relevance to the current data agent. If this field is not marked, the imported files are registered in an import journal that will be ready for posting. In this case, you will not be able to inspect nor correct the imported data before posting is carried out.
Transaction Type This the default transaction for the data agent. You can select from all transaction types that have been set up. There is no validation. Transaction types are set up in the Transaction Types workspace.
Transaction Number Series In this field, you enter which transaction number series you wish to use for the entries that are created in connection with the import of data from the current data agent. If you do not enter a transaction number series for the data agent, Maconomy will use the transaction numbers that are entered on each line in the imported file. If no number is entered on the lines of the import file, the transaction number, which was entered in the Import Data workspace when the import was initiated, will be used. Transaction number series are created in the Trans. No. Series workspace.
Consecutive Trans. No. If you mark this field, the transaction number of the entries created in the general journal will be incremented by one every time the balance is equal to zero. If this field is marked the number will be incremented.
Standard Posting Text In this field, you enter a posting text. This text is used for all entries created during an import from the current data agent. Maconomy will use the following order of priority to determine which posting text to transfer:
  1. If a posting text is entered on the line which is imported, this text will be used.
  2. If no posting text is entered in the import file, Maconomy will use the standard text, which is entered in the Import Modes workspace.
  3. If no text is entered for the import mode, Maconomy will use the standard text entered in this field.
  4. If no text is entered in this field, Maconomy will use the posting text which was entered in the Import Data workspace when the import was initiated. If no text was entered here, the text “Import” will be used instead.
Standard Import File Name If the files you receive from your data agent always has the same name, you can enter the (standard) file name, including the path, in this field. If you enter a file name, Maconomy will automatically find the right file, saving you the trouble of pointing out the file manually in the Import Data workspace.
Receipt File Name If you enter a file name that includes the path, a receipt file is created every time you run an import from the current data agent. The file will contain information about the import. Receipt files are only created if a file name is entered in this field.
Automatic Posting If you mark this field, Maconomy will automatically post the journals created as a result of an import from the current data agent.
Open Period from In combination with the field “Open Period To,” this field specifies a range of dates for the import of data from the current data agent. If you enter a period, entries will only be imported if their posting date is within the specified range. Entries outside the specified range will not be imported.
Open Period to See the description of the field “Open Period From.”
Post. Ref. for Balancing Entry In this field, you can specify a dimension combination of the type “Posting Reference.” The account and dimension values in this dimension combination are used for balancing imported journals where the debit and credit amounts do not balance. If the amounts on the entries in an imported file do not balance, Maconomy creates an extra entry after the import, using the account and dimension values specified through the dimension combination in this field. The amounts on the balancing entry correspond to the amounts necessary to make the journal balance.

If you leave this field blank, imports where balancing entries are created will fail.

Entry text for balancing entry In this field, you can specify a posting description to be used on balancing entries. For a description of balancing entries, see the field “Post. Ref. for Balancing Entry” above. This field must be completed if you complete the field “Post. Ref. for Balancing Entry.”

Import Information Island

Field Description
Identification No. In this field you enter the identification number to be used in the fields imported from the data agent. When data import is carried out, Maconomy will check if the number corresponds to the identification number entered in the imported file. The identification number ensures that no data from other data agents are imported by mistake.
Conversion Table In this field you enter the conversion table that is to be used for import of data from the current data agent. When the import is carried out, the accounts in the import file are converted to the conversion combinations entered in the conversion table. For further information about conversion tables, see the description of the Conversion Tables workspace.
Last Import Date This field shows the date of the last import from the current data agent.
Last Run No. This field shows the number of the last import file from the current data agent.