Subjobs Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Subjobs sub-tab.

Field Description
Sub Job No. This field shows the number of the job which was created as a subjob to the current main job. When attaching a new subjob to the main job in the card part, by creating a new line in the table you specify a job number in this field. The link between main job and subjobs can also be established in the window Jobs. The value cannot be changed in this window.
Sub Job Name This field displays the name of the current subjob. The name can be changed here.
Allocation Percentage In this field, you can specify the allocation percentage to be assigned to the subjob.

In the window Preferences in the Edit menu, you can specify the number of decimals to be shown in other number fields than amount fields, which always show two decimals. The number of decimals shown can be relevant when specifying precise allocation percentages.

However, you should note that if you have specified a percentage in this field on a subjob assigned to a main job which is a template job, and a new job is created on the basis of this template job, the lines copied to the new job will not contain any specification of percentages, but will show the value “0” even though an allocation percentage has been specified on the lines assigned to the template job.

Customer No. In this field, you enter the number of the customer for whom the job is being performed. The field is mandatory unless the subjob is created based on a template.
Customer Name This field shows the name of the customer shown in the field “Customer No.”
Payment Customer No. This field shows the number of the customer who must pay the invoice.
Payment Customer Name This field shows the name of the customer who must pay the invoice.
Main Job Invoicing This field shows if the subjob is being invoiced together with its main job. The field cannot be changed in this window. For more information about main job invoicing, see the description of the window “Invoice Layout Rules.”
Main Job Inv. Selection A check mark in this field indicates that invoice selection is performed from the main job only. For more information about main job invoicing, see the description of the window “Invoice Layout Rules.”
Combine Printout Lines A check mark in this field indicates that the current subjob is part of a blanket invoicing where lines on the invoice printout combines and summarizes registrations from all subjobs. This means that each job does not have its own separate section on the invoice.
Invoicing Group Maconomy can produce an invoice for each invoicing group when using main job invoicing. In this field shows the invoicing group that is assigned to the job.
Pricing Principle This field shows the pricing principle used for this subjob.
Fixed Price This field shows the fixed price of the subjob. The value displayed in this field is determined by the setup of the job parameter attribute “Fixed Price Basis” in the job parameter type “Pricing Method” which can have one of the values “Quote” and “Budget.”
Approved for Invoice Editing If the job parameter of the type Invoice Approval for the current job specifies that invoice editing is required, this field is marked by Maconomy when the invoice selection is approved. If invoice editing is not required according to the job parameter type “Invoice Selection,” the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Approved for Invoicing” below.
Submitted Draft This field indicates whether at least one invoice draft was submitted.
Submitted Draft by This field shows the name of user who submitted this draft.
Submitted Draft Date This field shows the date when the draft was submitted.
Approved for Invoicing This field shows whether or not the job is approved for invoicing using the approval functions in the window Approve Invoice Selection. However, the job parameter of the type Invoice Approval for the current job may require that the invoice is edited in the window Invoice Editing before this field is marked.
Approved for Invoicing on Main Job This field shows whether or not the job is approved for invoicing on the main job using the approval functions in the window Approve Invoice Selection. However, the job parameter of the type Invoice Approval for the current job may require that the invoice is edited in the window Invoice Editing before this field is marked.
Approved for Invoicing by This field shows the name of the user who approved the job for invoicing.
Approved for Invoicing Date This field shows the date on which the job was approved for invoicing.
Blanket Invoice A check mark in this field indicates that the invoices or credit memos created for the job are ready for blanket invoicing.
Job Group In this field you enter the name of the job group to which the current subjob is assigned.
Department No. In this field you enter the name of the department to which the current subjob is assigned.
Payment Terms This field shows the payment terms that apply to the invoices for this job.
Tax This field shows whether the invoices for this job are liable to tax.
Currency This field shows the currency used for the invoice.
Status This field shows the status of the subjob. The job can either be “On Order” or “On Quote.” The value cannot be changed in this window.
Project Manager No. In this field you can enter the number of the project manager for the job.
Project Manager Name This field shows the name of the project manager.
Responsible This field shows the name of the person who is responsible for the job.
Blocked for Budgeting This field shows whether the job is blocked for budgeting. If you place a check mark in the field, you cannot register any information on the budgets for the job.
Blocked for Time Registrations This field shows whether the job is blocked for time registration. If you place a check mark in the field, it is no longer possible to register time on the job.
Blocked for Amount Registrations This field shows whether the job is blocked for amount registration. If you place a check mark in the field, it is no longer possible to register amounts on the job.
Blocked for Invoicing This field shows whether the job is blocked for invoicing. If you place a check mark in the field, it is no longer possible to create invoices or credit memos for this job.
Blocked for Purchase Orders This field indicates whether the job is blocked for purchasing.
Closed This field shows whether or not the current subjob has been closed.
Submitted This field shows whether the job is submitted. Note that this field and the Approved field only have relevance when jobs are set up to be approved through approval hierarchies.
Approved This field shows whether the job is approved. Before a job is approved, it has Quote status and is blocked for budgeting, registration, and invoicing.