Show Imported Files Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Show Imported Files tab.

Import Information Island

Field Description
Run No. This field shows the run number assigned to the current import.

A mode number is automatically assigned to each import when it is started in the window Import Data.

Inputfile This field shows the file name of the imported file.
Delivery No. This field shows the delivery number from the import file.
DataType This field shows the data type. The data type can for example be G/L data, Job/Cost data or vendor data.
Data Sender This field shows the data sender from the import file.
Transmission date This field shows the transmission date from the import file.
Data Recipient This field shows the data recipient. The data recipient will only have a value, if the data recipient is specified in the file, and the import format use this information.
Read by This field shows the user who carried out the import of the file.
Reading Date This field show when the file was imported.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Show Entries If you mark this field, the table part shows the entries matching the selection criteria. Please note that the entries do not have to be shown to be reallocated. When the action “Create Journal” is selected, Maconomy reallocates all entries matching the selection criteria, regardless of whether this field has been marked.

Status Island

Field Description
No. Entries This field shows the number of entries contained in the imported file. The number includes both lines containing general information about the file and lines containing data for import.
Number of Data Entries This field shows the number of data entries contained in the import. The first and last records are not included in this number.
Number of Error Entries This field shows the number of error entries in the imported file. Error entries can, for example, occur if the import file contains dimension values which have not been created in Maconomy in advance or if the import file contains an external account number which was not included in the conversion table used for the import.
Total amount This field shows the total amount of the import file. The field shows the absolute value of imported amounts, that is, the sign does not affect the amount. An import of two lines with respectively $100 and $-100 will thus produce the result $200.
Error Entries Total Amount This field shows the total amount entered on error entries in connection with the import. The field shows the absolute value of imported amounts, that is, the sign does not affect the amount. An import of two lines with respectively $100 and $-100 will produce the result $200.
Read This field show whether the import file of the current import has been read. The field can, for example, show where the import of data stopped in cases where the import was interrupted. If the import was interrupted, you may be able to restart the import by entering the mode number in the field “Mode No.” in the window Import Data.
Converted This field shows whether Maconomy has converted the dimensions in the imported line to the dimensions in Maconomy. The field can, for example, show where the import of data stopped in cases where the import was interrupted. If the import was interrupted, you may be able to restart the import by entering the mode number in the field “Mode No.” in the window Import Data.
Processed This field shows whether the import has been finalized. An import is finalized when all data are read and converted, and the relevant entries are created in the journals.