Entries Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Entries sub-tab.

Field Description
Invoice Date This field shows the invoice date of the current vendor invoice or vendor credit memo.
Due Date This field shows the due date of the current entry. The calculation of the due date is based on the invoice date of the vendor invoice and the vendor’s payment terms.
Pay when Paid For vendor invoices, this field shows whether payment when paid applies to the invoice in question. For further information, see the description of the corresponding field in the window Vendor Invoices.
Ready For Payment This field shows whether the current entry is ready for payment. For further information, see the description of the corresponding field in the window Change Payment Selection by Vendor.
Entry Description This field shows the description of the entry.
Trans. No. This field shows the transaction number of the entry.
Trans. Type This field shows the transaction type of the vendor entry against which the vendor entry in the card part is reconciled.
Debit, Currency If the entry is a debit entry, this field will show the original amount of the entry in the vendor’s standard currency. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Credit, Currency If the entry is a credit entry, this field will show the original amount in the vendor’s standard currency. You cannot alter the value in this field.
Remainder, Currency This field shows the amount which is yet to be reconciled. Amounts under payment are not included in the remaining amount. If the remainder is zero, the entry is totally reconciled. The field is automatically updated and therefore cannot be altered.
Reconciled, Currency In this field, you enter an amount corresponding to the part of the entry that has yet to be reconciled. It is only possible to complete the field if the entry is partly reconciled with an amount less the outstanding amount. If the entry is totally reconciled, the amount automatically assumes the value of the remaining amount.

If the entry on the current line is a credit memo or a payment and you wish to reconcile part of this, you can enter the desired amount in this field.

T/P In this field, you select whether the entry is to be totally or partly reconciled.

If you wish to reconcile the entry totally, the field “Reconciled in Standard” will automatically be completed with the remaining amount from the current line. If the available part of the payment is less than this remaining amount, the difference will be shown in the field “Balance” in the island Reconciliation. When you approve the reconciliation, the amount in this field will be suggested as a cash discount.

If the entry is totally reconciled, and the amount entered in the field “Reconcile in Standard” is less than the remaining amount of the entry, the difference will automatically be suggested as a cash discount, which is shown in the field “Cash Discount.”

If you wish to reconcile the entry partly, the field “Reconciled in Standard” is completed with the available part of the payment until the remaining amount of the current line is reached. It is possible to enter an amount in the field “Reconcile in Standard” if you only want partial reconciliation of a specific part of the payment.

If the entry on the current line is a payment or a credit memo, you can make the amount of the entry available for reconciliation by selecting the value “Totally.”

If the vendor’s standard currency is different from the base currency, the reconciliation may result in an exchange rate variance if the two entries, which are reconciled with each other, are registered in different currencies. In that case, Maconomy will create a vendor journal with entry information about the variance. You can subsequently post the difference to the account for exchange rate variances specified by means of a dimension combination in the G/L module.

Approved In this field, you specify that an entry such as a vendor invoice or a credit memo is approved. Entries are approved in the field “Approved” in the window Approve Invoices.
Being Paid, Currency This field shows the amount being paid.
Debit, Base If the entry is a debit entry, this field will show the original amount in base currency.
Credit, Base If the entry is a credit entry, this field will show the original amount in base currency.
Remainder, Base This field shows the amount yet to be reconciled. The amount is shown in base currency. If the remaining balance is zero, the entry is totally reconciled. The field is automatically updated and cannot be changed manually.