Serial Number Count Lines Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Serial Number Count Lines Sub-Tab.

Field Description
Serial No. This field displays the relevant current number.
Stock Location This field displays the stock location in which the current serial number is registered. The value is transferred from the window Serial Number Information when the serial number count is performed and the value can therefore not be changed in this field.
Carton Size In this field, you can specify the number of item units that are included in a carton. When performing an inventory count, you only have to count the entire cartons plus the number of units in opened cartons.
Number of Cartons In this field, you can enter the number of counted cartons of the current item.
No. of Units in Carton In this field, you can further to the number in whole cartons enter the number of items counted. If the field “System-filled Serial No. Count” was marked when creating the listing displayed in the card part of the window, the quantities of serial numbers are completed in advance on the lines with the quantity currently registered in the system. This way, you only need to enter figures for those items whose serial number stock does not match the one registered in the system.
Total Counted This field shows the total number of units counted of the current item. The value in the field is calculated as carton size multiplied by the number of cartons plus number of units on the current line. When the value in this field changes, Maconomy checks if the counted number of the item in the field “Total Counted” in the window Inventory Count corresponds to the number shown in this field. If this is the case, the field “Number of Units” on the line in the window Inventory Count is automatically updated with the latest counted number, and therefore always displays the latest total counted serial numbers. Thus, it is not necessary manually to enter the total counted number in the window Inventory Count Listing. If the counted number in the window Inventory Count does not correspond to the total counted number of serial numbers, for example, if items have been counted on item number level as well as serial number level, the inventory count line is not updated in the window Inventory Count.

If the field “System-filled Serial No. Count” was marked when creating the listing displayed in the card part of the window, the quantities of serial numbers are completed in advance on the lines with the quantity currently registered in the system.

Var. This field is marked if there is a variance between the manually entered serial number volume in the field “Total Counted” and the inventory volume recorded by Maconomy at the time the inventory count list was created in the Inventory Count Listing window. If a manually counted serial number volume is registered as corresponding to the volume specified in the window Serial No. Information, this field is automatically unmarked.
Production Date This field displays the production date of the current serial number. The date is transferred from the window Serial No.

Information and cannot be changed here.

Sell-by Date This field displays the sell-by date of the current serial number.

The date is transferred from the window Serial No. Information and cannot be changed here.

Expiry Date This field displays the expiry date of the current serial number.

The date is transferred from the window Serial No. Information and cannot be changed here.

Serial No. Text 1-5 These fields show various information about the current serial number entry line. The date is transferred from the window Serial No. Information and cannot be changed here.