Job Budgets Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Budgets tab.

Job Island

Field Description
Job This is the number and name of the job to which the budget applies. The value cannot be changed manually, but you can retrieve other jobs using the search functions in the Find menu. The name is entered and can be changed in the window Jobs.
Job Group This is the job group to which the job is assigned. It can be changed in the window Jobs as long as there is a quote for the job.
Status This is the job status. A job either has the status “Quote” or “Order.” You cannot change it here.

When a job is created, this field automatically shows “Quote,” unless you have marked the “Created as Order” field in the window System Information. It can be converted to “Order” in the window Jobs.

As long as a job has quotes, you can print the quotes in this window using the action “Print Quote.” When the job has orders, you can print order confirmations using the action “Print Order Confirmation.”

Template This field shows whether the job is a template job or a normal job. If the job is a template job, a number of the fields which are mandatory on a normal job will not be mandatory on the template job. This means that you only have to complete those fields that you want transferred to new jobs created on the basis of a template job. See the introduction of the window Jobs for information about the use of template jobs.
Responsible This is the name of the employee responsible for the job. The name is retrieved from the window Jobs and cannot be changed here.
Closed If this field is marked, the job has been closed. You cannot change this field in this window. This field is marked by selecting “Close Job” in the Action menu in the window Jobs. It is removed by selecting “Reopen Job” in the Action menu in the window Jobs.

As long as a job is closed, you cannot enter new budget lines, change existing budget lines, or make job entries. You can reopen a closed job.

Employee Category Prices Island

Field Description
Employee Category No. In this field, Maconomy shows the number of an employee category, or you can select one.
Name This field shows the name of the current employee category.
Billing Price (Per Hour or Per Day) This column shows the billing price per hour or per day depending on the time unit on the job.
Cost Price (Per Hour or Per Day) This column shows the cost price per hour or per day depending on the time unit on the job
Price Control Budget Type Only the baseline budget is used for controlling budget prices. This field shows the type of the baseline budget, as selected in the job parameter attribute “Baseline, Budget Type” of the type “Planning.”
Price Control from Budgets Maconomy marks this field if the current job is set up to control prices from the budget, that is, the job parameter attribute “Price Control from Budgets” of the type “Budgeting” is true for the current job.

Budget, Base Island

The values in this island display the job budget in the base currency of the responsible company. You cannot change the values in this island.

Field Description
Time The values in the fields under this column are in hours or days depending on the time on unit on the job.
Hours This field shows the amount of employee hours you estimate will be spent on the job.

The “Time” field shows the total of the budgeted hours, which have been entered for time activities in the “Quantity” field in the table part.

Since the budget figure for amount activities cannot be estimated in hours, there is no figure in the “Amount” and “Total” fields.

The “Total per” field shows the unit given in the Unit Analysis island.

The field “Limit” displays the total number of employee hours you expect to use on the job. You can have a value displayed in this field by entering the value in the field “Hours” in the island Limit. See the description of this island for further information.

Only users for whom the field “Can Change Job Budget” in the window Actions in the Set-Up module is marked may change this field.

Cost In these fields the budgeted cost of the job in the base currency of the job’s responsible company.

The “Time,” “Amount” and “Total” fields show three totals of costs from the budget lines entered in the table part of the window. They are the cost totals of time activities, amount activities and a total for all budget lines.

If the user does not have access to see cost for time, as specified in the window Actions in the Set-Up module, the cost shown next to “Time” and “Total” will be zero.

The “Total per” field shows the quantity in the “Total” field immediately above it, divided by the quantity given in the Unit Analysis island.

The field “Limit” displays the estimated or agreed billing price of the job. You can have a value displayed in this field by entering the value in the field “Hours” in the island Limit. See the description of this island for further information.

Billing Price These fields show the budgeted cost of the job in the base currency of the job’s responsible company.

The “Time,” “Amount” and “Total” fields show three totals of billing prices from the budget lines entered in the table part of the window. They are the billing price totals of time activities, amount activities and a total for all budget lines.

The “Total as of” field shows the quantity in the “Total” field immediately above it, divided by the quantity given in the Unit Analysis island.

The field “Limit” displays the estimated or agreed billing price of the job. You can have a value displayed in this field by entering the value in the field “Billing Price, Currency” in the island Limit. See the description of this island for further information.

The budget Limit can either be compared to the total of budgeted costs in the “Total” field, or you can use it in a subsequent budget control calculation, in which you compare budget with actual figures.

If you create a quote from a job budget, by choosing “Transfer to Quote” in the Action menu, or if you change quotes in the window Quote Editing, the billing price in this field will automatically be changed to the total of the quote lines. It is then not possible to change it here.

When you create invoice selections in the window Invoice Selection, you can transfer the quote price from this field to the total amount of the invoice.

GM These three fields show the job’s budgeted gross margin (GM) in the base currency. Gross margin is calculated by subtracting the cost in the “Cost” field from the billing price in the “Billing Price” field. Gross margin is calculated for the job’s time activities, amount activities and total.

The “Time” field shows the budgeted gross margin total for all time activities.

The “Amount” field shows the budgeted gross margin total for all amount activities.

The “Total” field shows the budgeted gross margin for the whole job.

If the user does not have access to see cost for time, as specified in the window Actions in the Set-Up module, the cost shown next to “Time” and “Total” will be zero.

The “Total as of” field shows the quantity in the Total field immediately above it, divided by the quantity given in the Unit Analysis island.

GM % These three fields show the job’s budgeted gross margin percent (GM %). Gross margin percent is calculated as the gross margin percentage of the billing price in the “Billing Price” field. Gross margin is shown in the “GM” field. Gross margin percent is calculated for the job’s time activities, amount activities and total.

The “Time” field shows the average budgeted gross margin percentage for all time activities.

The “Amount” field shows the average budgeted gross margin percentage for all amount activities.

The “Total” field shows the average gross margin percent for the whole job budget.

If the user does not have access to see cost for time, as specified in the window Actions in the Set-Up module, the cost shown next to “Time” and “Total” will be zero.

Time This is the total of the budgeted hours, costs, billing prices and gross margin, which have been entered in the table part for time activities. It also shows the average gross margin percent for the budget’s time activities.
Amount This field displays the total of the budgeted costs and billing prices which were entered for amount activities in the table part at the time when the revision was created.
Total This is the total of all the budgeted costs and billing prices entered in the table part of the window.

Since it is not possible to enter hour estimates for amount activities, the “Hours” field is empty. The total of budgeted hours is shown in the “Time” field.

Hereof Outlays These fields show the budgeted costs for all amount activities, for which the cost type has been set to “Outlays.” This means that the field only shows the cost part of the relevant outlays, whereas the below field “Excluding Outlays” also includes the gross margin from the outlay. For more information about outlay activities, please see the description of the window Activities.
Excluding Outlays These fields show the sum of the budgeted prices for all activities in the table part of this window, less the cost price for any amount activities for which the cost type has been set to “Outlays.” Furthermore, the resulting gross margin and GM % are shown excluding outlays.
Total Per This field displays the unit given in the window Unit Analysis, as well as the values in the “Total” row, divided by the quantity given in the Unit Analysis island at the time when the revision was created.
Limit This field displays a budget limit for the job which was entered at the time when the revision was created.
Quote Price This field displays a quote for the entire job as it looked at the time when the revision was created.

Budget, Currency Island

The fields in this island correspond to the fields in the island Budget, Base. The only difference is that here the amounts are shown in the currency used on the job. For further information about currency conversions, see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

Job Revenue Recognition Island

Field Description
Revenue Recognition Date In this field, you can enter a date. The date specified is used as the basis for calculating revenue recognition forecasts on the basis of the budget currently shown in the window. As default, the date in this field is the last date of the previous month, but the date can be changed manually. See the description of the field “Calculate” below for further information about the possibility of calculating revenue recognition in this window.
Calculate If you mark this field, Maconomy will calculate the revenue to be recognized on the current job on the basis of the job’s latest approved budget revision as well as the revenue to be recognized on the job on the basis of the current revision of the budget as of the date specified in the above field “Revenue Recognition Date.” If you mark this field, you can hence make a forecast that displays the revenue implications for the job in question, if you approve the edited budget as it looks at the moment. The calculations are not transferred to any of the windows related to job revenue recognition and are for information only.

Note that this field can only be marked if the job for which a budget is displayed uses revenue recognition by completion percentage, and if the current budget is of the same type as the budget type selected for the job in the job parameter attribute “Fixed Price Budget Type” in the job parameter Pricing Principle.

Revenue Recognized This field shows the amount revenue recognized on the job as of the date specified in the field “Revenue Recognition Date” above. The amount only includes revenue recognition of job entries which are included in the fixed price of the job.
New Revenue Recognition If you mark the field “Calculate,” this column will show the amounts to be revenue recognized on the basis of the date specified in the field “Revenue Recognition Date,” if the new budget is approved. The amounts are displayed for the two fields “Current Budget” and “New Budget,” and only include revenue recognition of job entries which are included in the fixed price of the job.
Adjustment This column shows any adjustments between the revenue recognition of the new budget and the revenue recognition of the current budget, that is, the latest approved revision of the job budget.

Remarks Island

In these fields, you can assign remarks to the current job budget line. The remarks are for information only and can, for example, be used in reports.

User Island

See “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User. Note, however, that until a quote, an order confirmation, an invoice, or a credit note has been printed for the current job, the field “Version No.” will always show the value “1.” The information in the island applies to the current job, and therefore a change in this window will also be reflected in the island User in the windows Jobs, Job Descriptions, and Job Information.

Budget Type Island

Field Description
Show Budget In this field, you choose the budget you wish to see. The budget lines are shown in the table, and the sums are displayed in the Budget island. When you open the window Job Budgets, or browse through the different jobs in this window, you will see the budget of the type you looked at last.

Each budget type has its own audit trail. This can be seen by the number in the field “Revision No.,” which will often be different for the different budget types. Previous revisions of each budget type can be viewed in the window Job Budget Revisions.

Current Budget In this field, you choose which budget you are currently using for the job. You can change it as long as you have not made any purchase orders. The budget chosen here is regarded as the job budget elsewhere in Maconomy. Budget types are created in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.
Forecast Budget In this field, you choose the budget to be used as the current job’s forecast budget. In the forecast budget you can enter, for example, activities, cost and billing prices, and dates, and use these to evaluate potential jobs. Forecast budgets can be analyzed using the Analyzer report/report template Job Forecasts.
Planning Budget In this field, you choose the budget to be used as the current job’s planning budget. The planning budget is used to register dates, employees, and items to give an overview of the expected use of these resources. Planning budgets can be analyzed using the Analyzer report/report template Planning Budgets.

If the value in this field is changed, Maconomy checks the existence of any planning lines in the window Detailed Planning in the Resource Planning module which have been created on the basis of the previous planning budget. If there are no such lines, the planning budget for the job in question will be changed. If such planning lines exist, however, Maconomy will issue a warning indicating that all planning lines assigned to the current budget will be removed from the detailed planning.

If the current planning budget belongs to a job for which one or both of the job parameter attributes “Duplicate lines (amount) on planning budget” or “Duplicate lines (time) on planning budget” have the value “No,” you can only change the budget type if the selected type does not contain more than one line with the same combination of activity and task. If you change the budget type, Maconomy will issue a warning and any job progress entries and task progress entries are deleted for the job.

The table part of the window Job Planning shows budget lines from the planning budget of the current job.

Customer Island

Field Description
Customer This is the number and name of the customer associated with the job (the ship-to customer). The number cannot be changed.

Quote Price, Curr. Island

Field Description
Effective Quote Price This field displays the job’s quote price in the currency used on the current job. The amount derives from the field “Effective Quote Price” in the window Jobs, but can be edited in this field if the job status is “Quote” and the quote has not been approved in the window Quote Editing. Otherwise, the price can be changed in the table part of the window Quote Editing. Furthermore, the amount is shown in the island Budget, Currency and in base currency in the island Budget, Base. The amount can be printed on a quote or an order confirmation to the customer from the window Quote Editing.

For fixed-price jobs, the effective quote price can only be entered or changed in the window Quote Editing. For further information, please see the description of the window Quote Editing.

Limit Island

Field Description
Hours In this field, you enter the amount of employee hours you estimate will be spent on the job. This figure can either be compared to the total budgeted hours in the field “Time” in the islands Budget, Base and Budget, Currency where the figure is also shown, or you can use it in a subsequent budget control calculation, in which you compare the customer budget with the job’s actual figures.
Cost, Base In this field, you enter the budgeted cost of the job in the job’s base currency. The figure is shown in the islands Budget, Base and Budget, Currency. In the latter island, the amount is converted to the job’s currency by means of the sales currency table. If fixed exchange rate information has been specified for the job, Maconomy uses the exchange rate table specified in the window Job Price Information. Otherwise, Maconomy uses the exchange rate table from the window System Information in the Set-Up module. The limit amount can either be compared to the total of budgeted costs in the field “Total” in the island Budget, Base and Budget, Currency, or you can use it in a subsequent budget control calculation, in which you compare the costs with the job’s actual figures.
Billing Price, Curr. In these fields you enter the budgeted cost of the job in the job’s currency. The amount here is the same as the amount given in the field “Max. Billing Price” in the window Jobs. The figure is shown in the island Budget, Base (converted to base currency by means of the sales currency table according to the same principles as specified above for the field “Cost, Base”) and in the island Budget, Currency. The limit amount can either be compared to the total of the budgeted billing prices in the field “Total” in the islands Budget, Base and Budget, Currency, or you can use it in a subsequent budget control calculation, in which you compare the billing price with the job’s actual figures.

Budgeted Realization Island

Field Description
Contracted Billing Price, Base Use this field to enter the contracted billing price for time activities for the job.
Billing Price, Base This field shows the total budgeted billing prices in the company’s base currency.
Budgeted Up/Down This field shows the difference between the budgeted billing price and the standard billing price. The amount in this field is the write-up or write-down of the budgeted billing price compared to the standard billing price. For more information about standard billing price, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

Forecast Island

Field Description
Probability % In this field, you can enter the probability percentage rating for whether the current job, which is on quote, will result in an order. When the job is converted to an order, Maconomy will automatically change the value of this field to “100.”

The value in this field is used in the Analyzer report/report template Job Forecasts to determine, for example, the expected profit on current jobs on quote.

Billing Price Deviations Island

The fields in this island show any differences between the registered billing price, the standard billing price, and the invoiced billing price. Based on these figures, you can analyze the performance of for instance a department by comparing the standard billing price (the performance target) with the invoiced billing price (the sum actually invoiced to the clients). For more information, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

Field Description
Standard Billing Price, Base This field shows the total budgeted standard billing prices in the company’s base currency.
Billing Price, Base This field shows the total budgeted billing prices in the company’s base currency.
Budgeted Up/Down This field shows the difference between the budgeted billing price and the standard billing price. The amount in this field is the write-up or write-down of the budgeted billing price compared to the standard billing price. For more information about standard billing price, please see “Appendix A: Price Calculation in the Job Cost Module.”

Unit Analysis Island

Field Description
Quantity If the job is for several similar units, for example, two advertisements, three houses, or ten meters of cable, the quantity of these units can be given here. You can then use the Budget island in this window and the Summary island in the window Job Card to see the “Total” values per unit.
Unit If there is a value in the “Quantity” field, you can enter the unit here.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the number and name of the company responsible for the current job. The value is transferred from the island Company in the window Jobs and cannot be changed here.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of company base currency and enterprise currency.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Settling Company This field shows the name and number of the settling company that applies to the current job.

If the number in this field is different from the one specified in the island Company, Maconomy will automatically create intercompany entries at the posting of job invoices. In the intercompany entries, the company in this field will be the intercompany company. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, intercompany entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

For further information about the influence of a settling company and how such a company is selected, please see “Multiple Companies” in “Introduction to the G/L Module.” Intercompany entries are described in the window Intercompany Accounts in the G/L module.

Line Creation Island

Field Description
Default Line Type In this pop-up field, you can select a default value for the field “Line Type” in the table part of the window. Every time you create a new line, the value selected here will be selected on the new line, and you may then change it to something else. Please see the description of the field “Line Type” in the table part for a description of the options in this field.

Transfer Job Dates Island

Field Description
Activity Type This field displays the type of the current activity.
Overwrite Existing Dates With this check box, you can decide whether the “Transfer Job Dates” action should overwrite any dates already entered by the user in the job budget line “Planned Starting Date” and “Planned Ending Date” fields.

Daily Descriptions Island

Field Description
Use Daily Descriptions A daily description is a descriptive text that you can add to any combination of task, activity, and day in a time sheet.

For example: Without using daily descriptions, you register time on a task called “Client Meetings” two times in a given week, Tuesday and Friday. In the “Description” field you enter a description of these two meetings. Using daily descriptions, you could enter a description of each meeting separately, thus adding clarity to your registrations.

This text can be used as a help to the person approving time sheets, or it can be included in invoice texts for the customer to see. If the invoice layout for the job specifies “Registration” at either level of the invoice text, any daily descriptions entered in the time sheet will be printed on the invoice. The project manager can edit the daily descriptions in the window Approve Time Sheet Lines before approving the time sheet line in question.

If you mark this field, daily descriptions are turned on by default for all tasks registered on the job. However, the setting can be turned off or on for individual tasks in the table part. A number of factors come into play when changing the setting of this field:

If you change the setting of this field, and the task list assigned to the job is shared with other jobs (that is, not yet made job-specific), you will receive an error message. The task list must be made job-specific, or the change should be made in the window Task Lists, in which case the change will affect all jobs sharing the task list in question.

If the field is marked, and there are no tasks for the job, daily descriptions will be required on all time sheet registrations on the job. Similarly, if the field is not marked, and there are no tasks for the job, daily descriptions will not be required.

To enable daily descriptions on job entries, Maconomy must be set up such that a time sheet line will result in a job entry for each day with a registration. This is done by setting the pop-up field “Allocation Method” in the island Job Cost to “One Entry per Day” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

Job Budget Resource Allocation island

Field Description
Resource Allocation Complete

Select this check box to update the budgeted number of hours in the latest revision of the planning budget to the sum of the allocated hours sent from People Planner.

For budget lines on amount activities, the total cost price is similarly updated to the sum of the allocated cost sent from People Planner.

However, if you have performed job progress evaluation on the latest budget revision when selecting this check box, the budgeted number of hours is updated to the sum of the actual hours registered as of the progress evaluation date and the hours allocated to future periods.

For budget lines on amount activities, the budgeted cost is updated to the actual cost plus the cost of hours allocated to future periods.

When you select this check box, the Update Job Budget action in the Update Job Budget Resource Allocations single dialog workspace updates budget quantity and budgeted cost as described above.

If you select this check box when you perform a progress evaluation, the estimated hours/cost to completion is found as the hours/cost from resource allocations after the estimate date. With this setup, any estimated hours to completion on time sheets are ignored during progress evaluation.

Copy Resource Allocations When you select this check box, the Copy Budget action also copies any resource allocations assigned to the job budget.

Description Island

Field Description
Internal These three fields show the internal description of the job, which is entered in the window Jobs. The information cannot be changed here, but you can change it in the window Jobs.
Ref. This is the reference from the “Ref.” field in the window Jobs. You cannot change it here.

Status Island

Field Description
Submitted This field displays if the job budget has been submitted. The field is completed automatically, when the action “Submit Budget” is selected.
Submitted by This field displays the name of the user who submitted the job budget.
Date This field displays the date on which the job budget was submitted.
Approved This field displays if the job budget has been approved. The field is completed automatically, when the action “Approve Budget” is selected, and the mark is removed if the budget is reopened.
Approved by This field displays the name of the user who approved the job budget.
Date This field displays the date on which the job budget was approved.
Reopened This field displays if the job budget has been reopened. The field is completed automatically when the budget is reopened.
Reopened by This field displays the name of the user who reopened the job budget.
Date This field displays the date on which the job budget was reopened.
Last Budget Recalculation This field displays the time and date on which the job budget was last recalculated.
Sent to People Planner If the People Planner integration add-on is enabled and the ‘Integration Status Note Type’ system parameter is set this field will show when the Job was last sent to People Planner.

Revision Island

Field Description
Revision No. This field displays the number of the current revision of the job budget.