Customer Information Card Single Dialogs Workspace

Use this workspace to enter and maintain information about your customers, such as name, address, and general information used to process customer sales orders.

Customers that you enter in this workspace are centralized, enterprise-wide customers, and are the basis from which you create company-specific customers. Use the Company Specific Customer Information Card workspace to create company-specific customers.

You can create, change, and delete information in this workspace. However, you can only delete a customer for whom there are no entries this fiscal year and last fiscal year, and whose balance is 0. You cannot delete a customer for whom entries are ready to be posted, for whom entries are being collected in the G/L module, or if company-specific customers are assigned to the customer.

You maintain company-specific customers in the Company Specific Customer Information Card workspace. If you create a customer using a particular linking rule in the Parent Customer island, the setup of that linking rule determines which information Maconomy copies to the new customer and whether this information should be changeable. The ability to enter, change, or view a value in each field also depends on the setup of the linking rule that you assigned to the customer, if any.

If you want Maconomy to automatically copy information from a template/standard customer that you entered in the System Information or Company Information workspace to new customers, you must specify this template customer in one of those workspaces. For Maconomy to copy the information from such a template customer to new customers, you must create a standard linking rule between the database tables "Customer" and "Customer" in the Linking Rules workspace in the Set-Up module. You must create the linking rule with "Customer" in the main table and "Customer" in the subordinate table. In this linking rule, you also specify the fields that are to be copied from the template customer to new customers. If you designate this linking rule as "Standard Linking Rule," Maconomy automatically applies the linking rule applied when you create customers if you do not specify any other linking rule when you create this additional customer. For more information about linking rules, see the description of the Linking Rules workspace in the Set-Up module.

Customer information is split between the Customer Information Card workspace and the Payment Information workspace. This enables you to have a workspace that many users can access and change (Customer Information Card) and another workspace where fewer users can access and change finance information (Payment Information).

For auditing purposes, it is recommended that you print and file the Customer Information Card each time that you change information here or in the Payment Information workspace. To print the Customer Information Card, use the Print this function in the File menu.

When you delete a customer that you assigned to a contact company, Maconomy also deletes the contact company in question, unless you have installed an add-on that grants access to the Contact Companies workspace. In that case you must manually delete the relevant contact company if needed.

Note: All registrations are made on the company customer. Your linking rule and company customer setup define where you can use the customer.