Customer Information Card Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Customer Information Card tab.

Ship to Customer Island

Field Description
Customer No. In this field, you enter a unique customer number. If you do not specify a number but you have specified a company number in the field “Company No.,” the customer number in this field will be derived from the company-specific number series “Customer Series” belonging to the specified company. If you enter neither a number nor a company, the customer number will be derived from the ‘global’ number series belonging to the first company created in the system. The Ship to Customer is the customer to whom you deliver items. If another customer is paying for the items, you must also enter the Bill to Customer.

You also enter the customer’s name and address. This information is for reference and is shown on several printouts, for example, order documents. Note, you must fill in the line below the customer number.

The fourth line has two fields, one for zip code, the other for postal district. If you enter a zip code and leave the postal district field blank, the postal district field is automatically completed, provided that the zip code in question has been entered for the relevant country in the window Postal Districts in the Set-Up module. For further information, see the description of the window Postal Districts.

Attn. In this field, you enter the name of an attention person - the person to whom you want shipping information directed. The information is used on printouts.
Country Here you select the customer’s country. The information is used for reference, and it can be used to make statistics.

States and countries are maintained in the window Countries in the Set-Up module.

Phone In this field, you enter the customer’s telephone number. The information is used for reference.
Fax In this field, you enter the customer’s fax number. The information is used for reference.
Telex In this field, you enter the customer’s telex number. The information is used for reference.
E-mail Here you can enter the customer’s electronic mail address. The field is used for reference.
Contact Person Here you can enter a contact with the customer. The field is merely for reference.
Our Contact Here you can enter the number of the employee who is in charge of the customer in question. The employee must exist in Maconomy.
Termination Date If you have ceased co-operation with the current customer, you can specify in this field the date on which cooperation was terminated.
Account Manager In this field, you can enter the account manager of the customer. The information is used on jobs.

Settling Company Island

Field Description
Company No. In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Company, which thus becomes the settling company of the customer. The settling company is the company which has the claim against the customer and the company to which the customer must make payments. The settling company’s accounts also include the customer which means that the value in this field is transferred to the customer entries created on the current customer upon posting. If another company completes postings on the customer, this will automatically lead to intercompany entries of the type “CustomerCollection” between the two companies. However, if the system parameter “Create intercompany entries for companies with same parent company” is not marked, inter- company entries are only created if the two companies involved are not both assigned to the same parent company.

The fields in this island are not mandatory. If no settling company is specified, the customer is called a “global customer,” and Maconomy will determine the settling company from the responsible company at the time of posting. The responsible company is the company which gave rise to the posting.

In the window Company Information in the G/L module you must enter a company number in the island Customer Settling Company. This company is regarded as the settling company for global customers and is entered on the transactions performed by the current company. When postings are made to a global customer, Maconomy will automatically create a company-specific customer, unless it already exists.

Name This field shows the name of the company shown in the field “Company No.” above.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.

General Information Island

Field Description
Department In this field, you select the department that the customer usually deals with. You can specify other departments on item purchase orders and invoices to the customer.

The department selected here determines which G/L accounts are used when you invoice customer transactions. The department is a reference to item sales accounts, charge accounts, discount accounts, and so on. The posting references are also used when posting interest and reminder charges, as well as when posting cash discounts and exchange rate differences occur- ring from open item reconciling.

G/L posting references are specified by means of dimension combinations in the window Posting References in the G/L module. If the window System Information in the Set-Up module specifies that entries are posted by item group or by activity, the posting references for item sales and cost of sales are retrieved from the Item Group Information Card in the Inventory module and from the window Activities in the Job Cost module respectively.

Language In this field, you select the language of the customer. The selected language is used, for example, on printouts of item descriptions on sales order documents and in connection with language texts. For further information about this window, see the description of the window Language Texts in the Set-Up module.

Languages are maintained in the pop-up field “Language” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Currency In this field, you select the customer’s standard currency. All customer transactions are converted into the customer’s standard currency. This means you can print and send account statements in the customer’s own currency. All customer transactions are registered in three currencies:
  • Standard Currency. This is the currency in which the customer has requested you hold their account. For example DEM if the customer is from Germany.
  • Base Currency. This is the currency used in your country (USD in the United States) and in which your books are kept.
  • Original Currency. This is the currency of a given transaction.

    For example FFR, if a German customer pays in French Francs.

To prevent inconsistencies, you cannot change the customer’s currency if entries have been posted or are ready to be posted on the customer.

Currencies are maintained in the pop-up field “Currencies” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Customer Type In this field, you select the customer type of the current customer. The field is used for organizing customers.

Customer types are maintained in the pop-up field “Customer Types” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Customer Group In this field, you select to which group of customers the customer belongs. This field is used to classify customers - primarily for statistics.

Customer groups are maintained in the pop-up field “Customer Groups” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Enterprise Here you can assign an enterprise to the customer. Enterprises are maintained in the pop-up field “Enterprises” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. The field is used for statistics.
Segment Here you can assign a segment to the customer. Segments are maintained in the pop-up field “Segments” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. The field is used for statistics.
Area Here you can assign an area to the customer. Areas are maintained in the pop-up field “Segments” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module. The field is used for statistics.
Company Tax Code In this field, you can specify a company tax code created in the window Popup Fields. The field is used by Maconomy for deter- mining the tax code to be used in the calculation of tax for the current customer, as the reporting code is part of the criteria for the selection of a tax code in the window Tax Tables in the G/L module. However, the tax code is only selected from a tax table if the field “Use Tax Tables” is marked in the window System Information and if the company specified as the responsible company for the order or job in question is assigned to a tax table. If no tax table is specified for the responsible company or if you use differentiated tax but you do not use tax tables, Maconomy uses the tax code specified for the account, item or activity, depending on the transaction in question. If you use neither differentiated tax nor tax tables, Maconomy uses the standard tax code specified in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

If you use tax tables, and the system parameter “Get on account tax code from tax table” is marked, the tax code to be transferred to account invoices is found in a tax table. But instead of using the item tax code specified on an activity, item or account, Maconomy uses the on account tax code in the field “On Account Tax Code” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module (along with various other information) to point out the relevant tax table line. If the system parameter “Get on account tax code from tax table” is not marked, the standard tax code specified in the window System Information is always used as the tax code on invoices on account. For further information about the information used to point out the correct tax code, please see the description of the window Tax Tables in the G/L module.

When posting entries, the reporting code is used for deter- mining which tax report entries to create. Based on the tax report entries, you can create tax reports showing the tax and tax basis entries assigned to a given tax report field. However, this kind of reporting can only be made if extended tax reporting has been selected in the window System Information.

Tax In this field, you specify whether to charge the customer tax on a normal basis. If the field is marked, Maconomy adds tax. The value can be changed on individual orders.
Tax No. In this field, you enter the customer’s number that relates to the field “Tax.” If you have entered tax number validation rules for the customer’s country in the window Rules of Validation in the Set-Up module, Maconomy will verify that the tax number complies with these validation rules.
Comp. Reg. No. In this field, you can enter the customer’s company registration number if you are dealing with a company. If you have entered company registration number validation rules for the customer’s country in the window Rules of Validation in the Set-Up module, Maconomy will verify that the company registration number complies with these validation rules. The completion of this field is optional.
CNR No. In this field, you can enter the customer’s CNR number if you are dealing with a private person. If you have entered CNR number validation rules for the customer’s country in the window Rules of Validation in the Set-Up module, Maconomy will verify that the CNR number complies with these validation rules. The completion of this field is optional.
Agreement Here you can describe any agreement you might have with the customer that has significance for sales orders to the customer. The information is not used anywhere else in the system.
Remarks Here you can enter any notes, which will be shown in quotes, sales orders and credit orders in the Sales Orders module.
Holiday Calendar Name Name of a holiday calendar used by the customer.
Stock Symbol This field allows for specifying the stock symbol if the customer refers to a listed company. If contact customers are used, the stock symbol on both customer and contact company will always be synchronized. When a stock symbol is set, the customer home, company customer home, and contact company home sections in the Workspace Client will have integrations to Google Finance, showing information about the stock.
Fiscal Year End Month Use this field to enter the month that the customer’s fiscal year ends. The month is used for calculating due date and extension date on customer tax returns.

Job Cost Island

Field Description
Job Price List, Cost In this field, you can select a job price list for the calculation of cost prices. In the Job Cost module, this job price list will be transferred to the new job when you create a job with the current customer.
Job Price List, Intercomp. In this field, you can select a job price list for the calculation of intercompany prices. In the Job Cost module, this job price list will be transferred to the new job when you create a job with the current customer.
Job Price List, Sales In this field, you can select a job price list for the calculation of sales prices. In the Job Cost module, this job price list will be transferred to the new job when you create a job with the current customer.
Job Price List, Std. Sales In this field, you can choose a job price list to be used for calculating the standard billing prices of the activities used for the job. The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Job Price List, Sales.”
Markup % In this field, you can select a markup percentage for amount activities. If the field is completed, the specified value will be transferred when you create a new job on the current customer in the Job Cost module.

When the field is completed, the field “Fixed Markup (Amts.)” on the current job will be marked, regardless of the percentage entered in the field “Markup %” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

Job Surcharge Rule In this field, you can specify a job surcharge rule. The rule specified in this field is copied to the window Job Information when you create a new job on the current customer. The rule must be created in the window Job Surcharge Rules and can be changed in the windows Job Information or Job Budgets in the Job Cost module. See the description of the window Job Surcharge Rules for a detailed description.
Invoice Layout In this field, you can enter an invoice layout rule. The specified rule will be suggested on every new job created with the current customer as the bill-to customer. The field must be completed, and Maconomy will automatically suggest the first rule created, when a new customer is created. Please see the description of the window Invoice Layout Rules in the Job Cost module for further information.
Detailed Invoice Specification Use this field to select a detailed invoice specification.
Show Customer Balances on Invoice Select this field to indicate that you want to see the customer’s prior and new balance on the job invoice printout.

The default value is inherited from the customer / company-specific customer; however, you can override it in the Invoice Selection, On Account Invoice Selection, and Blanket Invoice Selection windows.

Show Customer Statement on Invoice Select this field to indicate that you want to see the customer statement on the job invoice printout. You can override this selection in the Company Customer Information Card and in Invoice Selection.
Show Customer Aging on Invoice Select this field to indicate that you want to see the A/R aging on the job invoice printout. You can override this selection in the Company Customer Information Card and in Invoice Selection.

Vendor Payment Exchange Rate Variances Island

Field Description
Post Vendor Exch. Rate Variances on Job Use this field to specify how to post exchange rate variances that occur when you register vendor payments.

If you select this check box, the exchange rate variances are posted to the jobs to which the paid vendor invoices were allocated.

If you do not select this check box, the exchange rage variances are posted to the Vendor Exchange Rate Gain or Vendor Exchange Rate Loss account.

The default value is that the check box is not selected.

Maconomy uses the value of this field as the default value for the Post Vendor Exch. Rate Variances on Job field for newly created company-specific customers for this customer.

Employees Island

Field Description
Employee 1-10 In these 10 fields, you can assign up to 10 employees to the current job. When you enter an employee number, the name of the employee is displayed in the field “Name.”

Charges Island

Field Description
Charge 1-4 In these fields, you can select up to four charge codes normally added to an order to the customer. The customer might, for example, pay a handling charge or a delivery charge.

Every charge code is a reference to a text and an amount. Charge codes are maintained in the window Charges in the Sales Orders module.

The charge is posted to a G/L account for charges. The reference to the G/L account is specified by means of a dimension combination in the window Posting References in the G/L module. You can thus sort charges by department.

You can enter up to four different charges to a customer (codes 1 - 4).

Please note that these charge codes cannot be used when creating invoices and credit memos to the customer in the Accounts Receivable module.

Account Stm. Cust. Island

Field Description
Customer No. In this field, you can enter an account statement customer number, if items are delivered to one customer and the account statement is sent to another. Maconomy checks that the account statement customer already exists.

By means of MPL, you can add the name and address variables assigned to the account statement customer in question to the print window of the window Periodic Customer Statement. Printing out a periodic account statement to which an account statement customer has been assigned thus means that the account statement customer and not the ship-to customer receives the account statement printout.

If you leave this field blank, the account statement customer is automatically identical to the ship-to customer.

Maconomy also shows the name and address of the account statement customer. The fields are completed when you press Return, and cannot be changed here.

Attn. This is the account statement customer’s attention person - the person to whom payment information is directed. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.
Country This is the account statement customer’s country. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.
Phone This is the account statement customer’s telephone number. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.
Fax This is the account statement customer’s telex number. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.
E-mail This is the account statement customer’s electronic mail address. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.

Catalog Island

Field Description
Catalog No. This field is only used if you have installed the add-on module Maconomy Web Shop. By specifying a catalog number, you can assign the current customer to a catalog created in the window Catalogs in the Inventory module. If you have the Maconomy Procurement Portal, this will cause the catalog to appear in the list of catalogs in the component My Catalogs when the current customer has been selected in the Portal. However, this functionality only applies if you are using the standard configuration of the My Catalogs component. If the configuration has been changed, other criteria may determine the catalogs to be shown in the My Catalogs component.

Access Level Island

Field Description
Name Here you can enter the name of the access level. Users only have access to information about the current customer if they have been assigned to this or a higher access level in the window User Access Levels in the Set-Up module. This means that a user can only specify the customer on, for example, sales orders if he has access to the customer. In addition, a user can only see customer information cards of customers to which he has access. Please note that this access control model only applies if the standard access control configuration has not been changed in your Maconomy system. If it has, the access to customers may depend on other factors. For further information about the standard access control configuration, please see the section “Introduction to the Access Control System” in the Set- Up module.

If you do not specify an access level, all users will have access to see information about the current customer.

Subscription Island

Field Description
Price Adjustment Principle In this field, you can specify a price adjustment principle to be suggested on subscriptions created for the current customer. For further information about price adjustment principles, see the window Price Adjustment Principles in the Subscription module.

Teams Island

Field Description
Team 1-6 In these fields, you can specify the name and number of a team of employees to be assigned to the customer, for instance because the customer prefers to work with a given team. Teams are created in the window Teams in the Set-Up module. When you create a new job for the current customer, the teams specified for the customer are automatically copied to the job, unless another team is specified in the corresponding field on the job.

Print Control Island

Field Description
Statistics 1-4 Here you can enter an optional code and specify the option lists containing the values you wish to be available in these fields.

The four codes can be selected/not selected in the selection criteria islands in windows where statistics are printed. If a statistics list has been specified in a given statistics list field in this island, only values available in the list in question can be selected in the corresponding statistic value field. If a statistics list field has been left blank, any text can be entered in the corresponding value field.

In the fields “Statistics 1-4” in this island, you can only select values from these lists. However, if you leave a given statistics list field blank, any text can be entered in the corresponding statistics value field.

Remarks Island

Field Description
Remarks Here you can write remarks about the customer. They are not used elsewhere in the system.

Bill to Customer Island

Field Description
Customer No. In this field, you enter a bill-to customer number, if items are delivered to one customer, but billed to another. Maconomy checks that the bill-to customer exists.

When you invoice a ship-to customer, for whom there is a bill-to customer, the bill-to customer is debited by the amount.

If you leave this field blank, the bill-to customer is automatically the same as the ship-to customer.

When you make entries to a customer in the window General Journal in the G/L module, Maconomy does not look for a bill-to customer. The amount is always debited/credited to the given customer number.

Maconomy also shows the name and address of the bill-to customer. The fields are completed when you press Return, and cannot be changed here.

When using linking rules, please note that it is not possible to create a field specific linking rule for the field “Bill to Customer” between the relations Customer and CompanyCustomer in the window Linking Rules in the Set-Up module. This limitation ensures that company-specific customers always have the same bill-to customer as the global customer to which they are assigned.

Attn. This is the name of the bill-to customer’s attention person - the person to whom payment information directed. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.
Country This is the bill-to customer’s country. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.
Phone This is the bill-to customer’s telephone number. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.
Fax This is the bill-to customer’s telex number. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.
Telex This is the bill-to customer’s telex number. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.
E-mail This is the customer’s electronic mail address. The field is completed when you press Return, and you cannot change it here.

Sales Orders Island

Field Description
Sales Rep. No. In this field, you enter the sales representative responsible for the customer. The information is used when creating sales orders. It can be changed on individual orders.
Sales Rep. This field shows the name of the sales representative specified in the field “Sales Rep. No.” above.
Price List In this field, you select from which price list Maconomy should normally retrieve sales prices, when you create sales orders and invoices. The price list and price can, however, always be changed as you register a sales order.

If you leave the field blank, Maconomy will always calculate the price of an item from its cost price and gross margin, as specified in the table part of the Item Information Card.

Price lists are maintained in the windows Price Lists and Quantity Discounts in the Inventory module.

Price Step In this field, you select from which price step in the above price list Maconomy should retrieve a sales price when creating quotes, sales orders or invoices. This means you “tie” the customer to a certain price step. If you select price step 1, for example, the customer will not receive any quantity discounts. The sales price can, however, always be changed as you register an order.

If you enter price step zero, the customer will always receive a maximum quantity discount, based on the amount of items ordered.

Keep Price In this field, you can specify whether unit prices and discount percentages on order lines, invoice lines and credit memo lines pertaining to the current customer should be recalculated when changing the quantity. The value in this field is transferred to the card part of sales and credit orders as well as invoices and credit memos pertaining to the current customer, but can be changed for each order, and so on.
Invoice Discount % In this field, you enter the discount percentage you normally give the customer, or leave the field blank. You can change it on individual orders.
Show Price Mark This field is only used if you have Maconomy’s layout editing tools. Using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, you can add fields to invoice and packing slip layouts, which, with a plus or minus sign, indicate if the item is sold at a higher or lower price than in the previous sale to the same customer. The unit price in the previous sale can be seen in the window Item Assortment in the Inventory module.

If the field is marked, higher and lower prices will highlighted. It indicates to the customer, that the price calculation should be adjusted if the items are being sold to others.

Show Price on Packing Slip This field is only used if you have Maconomy’s layout editing tools. Using Maconomy’s layout editing tools, you can add prices of individual items to the packing slip. If the field is marked, the prices will be shown.
Blanket Invoice If you mark this field, the customer is invoiced on a blanket invoice. The value can be changed on individual orders.

Blanket invoicing means, that all non-invoiced orders involving the same bill-to customer, currency, department and ware- house, for which you have printed a packing slip or which are released for invoicing, are gathered in one invoice to the customer. This takes place in the window Print Invoice in the Sales Orders module.

Total Packing List If this field is marked for the ship-to customer, and you select “Print Packing List” in the window Sales Orders, Maconomy will print a packing list which, in addition to the current order, will also include any orders to the customer that have not yet been delivered. This feature is used to ensure full delivery of old back orders in connection with delivery of new orders.

If this field is not marked on the customer’s information card, Maconomy will only print a packing list for the current order.

When you create a new customer, Maconomy transfers the value in the corresponding field in the window System Information.

EU Trade Type Here you can enter either “Normal” or “Triangulation” to indicate the EU trade type. Triangulation means you act as agent for a vendor in another EU country and a customer in a third EU country. Triangulation sales are not included in the EU sales part of the tax specification. The trade type can be changed during order processing.

Dimension Combination Island

Field Description
Dim. Comb. No. In this field, you can enter the number of a dimension combination of the type “Dimension Derivation” created in the window Dimension Combinations.

If you specify a dimension combination, Maconomy will use the values in this dimension combination when deriving dimensions from the current customer. However, any dimension derivation values specified in this island will be used instead of those specified for the same dimensions in the dimension combination. This means that the dimension combination only applies to the dimensions for which no value has been entered on the customer information card.

Derived Company Island

Field Description
Company No. In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Company if you want a value to be derived from the current company. If you also want the specified value to overwrite existing values for the dimension, mark the field “Overwrite.” If you do not choose overwriting, the dimension value will only be derived if the dimension field for which derivation is taking place has neither been completed manually nor by entering a registration code.

Even if you have specified a dimension combination in the field “Dim. Comb. No.” above, a value entered in this field will be used rather than the value (if any) found for this dimension in the dimension combination in question. This means that the dimension combination only applies to this dimension if you have not entered a value in this field.

Please note that if a dimension combination has been specified in the field “Dim. Comb. No.,” a mark in the field “Overwrite” will only have effect if you have also entered a dimension value. If you mark the field “Overwrite” but you do not enter a dimension value in this field, the “Overwrite” field is ignored, as dimension values and overwriting specification are always retrieved together from the same dimension derivation island, dimension combination or dimension combination line.

Derived Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Company No.” above. Note that when posting an automatically created customer-related journal, for example, in connection with customer open entry reconciliation or approval of a reminder selection, Maconomy will transfer the Location value to the G/L entries in question. This takes place at the time of posting.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec.1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.

Parent Customer Island

Field Description
Insert Below Parent in Hierarchy This field determines whether or not the customer should be inserted in a hierarchy. This field is only available if Customer Levels are set up using the designated System Parameters.

If the field is not selected, then the customer will be on the top level in the hierarchy and the parent customer will only be used as a template.

If the field is selected, the customer will be inserted into the hierarchy. This means its level will be set to its parent’s level + 1 and the hierarchy structure from top parent to the customer will be saved on the customer card.

Customer No. In this field you can enter the number of the customer that you want to be the parent of the current customer. By entering a parent customer in this field and a linking rule in the field “Linking Rule” below, information can thus be copied from the parent customer to the new customer. This avoids the entering of similar information. If a template customer has been specified in one of the windows System Information or Company Information, this field is automatically provided with the number of the template customer when creating a new customer. If you have also created a standard linking rule, information is automatically copied from the template customer to the new customer in accordance with the information specified on the template customer and the linking rule in question.

If you do not wish to apply a template customer for copying information, the customer number may be changed manually in this window, or you can delete the information entered for the template customer in one of the windows System Information or Company Information.

Name This field displays the name of the customer specified as parent customer in the field “Customer No.” above.
Linking Rule In this field, you can specify the linking rule that you want to use between the parent customer and the new customer. If you have specified a parent customer in the field “Customer No.” above and you do not specify a linking rule in this field, Maconomy will use the standard linking rule created between the tables “Customer” and “Customer” in the window Linking Rules in the Set-Up module, if any. If no standard linking rule has been created, Maconomy will display a message. Linking rules contain information about what information should be copied from a parent customer to the current customer. Linking rules are maintained in the window Linking Rules in the Set-Up module. For further information about linking rule creation and usage and rules concerning the copying of field information from parent customers, see the description of the window Linking Rules in the Set-Up module.

Hierarchy Island

Field Description
Level 1-3 These fields show the customers in the hierarchy above the customer in question. These fields are only available if Customer Levels are set up using the designated System Parameters.

Contact Management Island

Field Description
Company No. If the customer is assigned to a contact company, a contact company number is shown in this field.

When creating a new customer, it is possible to assign the customer to a contact company by specifying the number of the desired contact company in this field. The information on the contact company is then transferred to the corresponding fields on the customer information card, overwriting any manually entered information in those fields.

Customers can also be assigned to contact companies in the window Contact Companies. For further information on this, see the description of the field “New Customer No.”

Campaign No. In this field you can enter the number of a marketing campaign that has resulted in the creation of the current customer. Note, however, that the campaign number is not transferred to quotes, sales orders, and so on, which are created for the customer.

Delivery Island

Field Description
Back Order Handling Here you choose how to process back orders to this customer. You can always change the value for an individual order during order processing. You can select three different back order handling methods: “Save,” “Delete” and “Transfer.” For further information about handling of back orders, see the description of the window Sales Orders in the Sales Orders module.
Blanket Order In this field, you can specify whether quotes and orders for the current customer should be created as blanket orders. If you mark this field, quotes and orders created for the customer will be created as blanket orders, that is, with the corresponding field marked. See the description of the field “Blanket Order” in the window Sales Orders in the Sales Orders module for further information on the functionality of blanket orders.
Warehouse In this field, you enter the warehouse from which items are normally delivered to the customer. The value is used when registering orders and invoices. Maconomy checks that the items are available from the warehouse. The value can be changed in individual orders.

Warehouses are maintained in the Warehouse Information Card in the Inventory module.

Delivery Terms In this field, you select which delivery terms normally apply to the customer. The field is used when you handle orders.

Delivery Terms are maintained in the pop-up field “Delivery Terms” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Delivery Mode In this field, you select which delivery mode normally applies to the customer. The field is used when you handle orders.

Delivery Modes are maintained in the pop-up field “Delivery Modes” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Carrier In this field, you select which means of transport you use to deliver items to the customer. The field is used when you handle orders.

Carriers are maintained in the pop-up field “Carriers” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Consignment Type In this field, select the consignment type normally used when delivering goods to the current customer.
Destination No. In this field, you can enter a destination number if items to the current customer are usually delivered to a given destination.
Charge Table In this field, you can select the charge table to be used in the calculation of charges on transactions regarding the current customer. When quotes, sales orders, and credit orders are created for the current customer, the charge table is transferred to the transaction in question.
Charge Discount % In this field, you can specify a charge discount percentage to be applied to charges on transactions regarding the current customer.

Extra Fields Island

Field Description
Popup 1-5 In these fields, you can specify further information regarding the current customer. You might, for example, specify a “hold” code or information about substitution items. The pop-up options are maintained in the pop-up fields “Customer Popup 1-5” in the window Popup Fields in the Set-Up module.

Allowed Use Island

While a customer is in the creation process, you may not want users to be able to use them in all areas; however, you may want to allow customer use in certain areas right away. The Allow fields control the areas where the customer can be used and the approval hierarchy controls how Allow fields are set. You might decide to set up the approval hierarchy to change all the Allow fields to Yes after all steps in the approval workflow are complete. Alternatively, you may want to set it up to change specific Allow fields to Yes after certain approval steps have been completed.

For example, you may have set up approval hierarchy to change the Allow Payments field value from Yes to Requested if the payment information for a customer is changed after the customer has been approved. This prevents payments from being made from the customer until the new information has been approved. You can then set up the system to change the Allow Payments field value back to Yes after the new information is approved.

The Allow fields have three possible settings:
  • Yes — This allows users to use the customer in the specified area.
  • No — This disallows users from using the customer in the specified area.
  • Requested — If the Allow Users to Manually Set Allow Fields on Customers to Yes system parameter is not set, you cannot manually change an Allow field to Yes. If you want to be able to use a customer in a certain area, you can set an Allow field to Requested.
The following are the customer Allow fields:
  • Allow for use as Inter Company Customer — Use this field to specify whether the customer can be used as an intercompany customer. This is validated when the customer is selected or changed on the company information card or on an outlay account. It is also validated when the intercompany invoice is created.
  • Allow Company Customer Creation — Use this field to specify whether you can create a new company specific customer based on this customer. A company specific customer can either be created manually or automatic when a user makes a registration on a customer in a new company. This is only validated at the time of creation.
  • Allow Budgets — Use this field to specify whether this customer can be used in a G/L or job budget. Maconomy validates when the job budget is created, a G/L budget line is created or changed, and when the G/L budget is approved.
  • Allow Registrations — Use this field to specify whether this customer can be used in a general journal or in bank reconciliation. Maconomy validates when the line is created or changed, and when the journal is posted or the bank reconciliation is approved.
  • Allow Payments — Use this field to specify whether this customer can be used for payments. Maconomy will validate at the time of registration if the system parameter "Allow Payments on blocked customers" is not marked, and when the payment is approved. Maconomy will only validate customer payments created in the customer payment window. The validation in the G/L journal and bank reconciliation windows is based on the field "Allow Registrations."
  • Allow Reporting — Use this field to specify whether this customer can be used in standard customer reports. For the following reports, Maconomy ignores customers who are not allowed to be included for reporting where the user has selected Customer as dimension.
    • A/R aging
    • A/R balance list
    • A/R Historical Statement
    • Open Entry Statement
    • Periodic Statement
    • A/R Statistics
    • Customer Group Statistics
    • Customer budgets
    • Customer information
    • G/L report lines
  • Allow for use as Template/Parent Customer — Use this field to specify whether this customer may be used as a template or parent customer. A template customer can be entered into system information or company information. Maconomy will suggest the template customer as parent customer when a new customer is created. Maconomy validates when the new customer is created.
  • Allow Interests and Reminders — Use this field to specify whether this customer can be used when creating interests and reminders. Maconomy validates when the interest or reminder is created, and when the interest or reminder is approved.
  • Allow for use on Jobs and Orders — Use this field to specify whether this customer may be used on a job, sales order, or subscription order. Maconomy validates when the sales order or subscription order is created or changed, and when the invoice is approved/printed. Maconomy will also validate when the job is created. You can still use a customer on a template job even if they are not allowed for use on jobs.
  • Allow Delivery — Use this field to specify whether deliveries on either sales or subscription orders in which the current customer acts as payment or delivery customer can be made to this customer.

You can set default values for the Allow fields using a customer template which can be used whenever a new customer is created. When you create a new customer, this template customer is added in the Parent Customer island on the Customer Information card.

You can set up the system not to use approval hierarchy for customers but still make use of the Allow fields.

User Island

Field Description
Created This field displays the name of the user who initially created the information in the window and the date on which it was created.
Changed This field displays the name of the user who changed the information in the window and the date on which it was changed.
Version This field displays a number corresponding to the version of the information shown. Maconomy automatically increases the version number by one every time the information is changed. It is not possible to retrieve previous versions.

Document Archive Island

Field Description
Document Archive In this field, you can assign a document archive to the contact company. For further information about the functionality of the field, please see the description of the corresponding field in the card part of the window Contact Companies.
Document Count This field shows the total number of documents in the Document Archive.

Option List Fields Island

Field Description
List/Value In these fields, you can select a number of option lists containing values that you wish to use for further specification of the customer. In the Value field, you can then select values from these lists. If you do not enter an option list in one of the option list fields, you can enter any value in the corresponding value field.

Customer Job Option Lists Island

Field Description
List/Value In these fields, you can assign option lists to the customer. The information is used on jobs.

Approval Hierarchy Status Island

Field Description
Approval Relation This field displays the relation used in connection with the type of registration.
Approval No. This field displays the approval number of the customer information. The number is incremented by one each time you submit the customer information for approval.
Approval line No. This field displays the approval line number, which indicates the current approval level of the customer information based on the order in the current approval hierarchy.
Approval Status This field displays the approval status of the current customer information. The possible statuses are:
  • Approved
  • Rejected
Approval Status Details This field displays details regarding the latest approval status of the current customer information.
Header Can Be Approved By Current User This field indicates if the current user can approve the header of the customer information.
Approved Or Rejected By This field displays the user who approved or rejected the customer information.
Approval Or Rejection Date This field displays the date when the user approved or rejected the header of the customer information.
Approval Or Rejection Time This field displays the time when the user approved or rejected the header of the customer information.
Approval Or Rejection Comment This field displays any comments entered by the user related to the approval or rejection of the customer information.
Workflow Status This field displays the status of the customer information within a workflow. The possible workflow statuses are:
  • Open
  • Closed
  • Submitted
  • Approved
  • Rejected Header
  • Rejected Lines

E-Invoicing Island

Field Description
Enable E-Invoicing Select this check box to enable e-invoicing for the current customer.

You cannot enable e-invoicing for the customer without first enabling the Enable E-Invoicing system parameter.

You cannot enable e-invoicing for company customers without first enabling it for the relevant customer.

Electronic Address Use this field to enter the e-mail address to which business documents should be delivered.

This field is mandatory if e-invoicing is enabled.

Electronic Address Scheme Use this field to specify the electronic address scheme (EAS) identifier for the e-mail address you specified.

This field is mandatory if e-invoicing is enabled.

For a list of the available codes, refer to the following URL:

E-Invoice Mappings Island

Field Description
Job Cost Invoice Peppol Mapping Use this field to select a customer-specific mapping for job cost invoices.
Job Cost Credit Memo Mapping Use this field to select a customer-specific mapping for job cost credit memos.
Order Invoice Mapping Use this field to select a customer-specific mapping for order invoices.
Order Credit Memo Mapping Use this field to select a customer-specific mapping for order credit memos.