Jobs Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Jobs sub-tab.

Field Description
Job No. This field shows the number of the current job in the sub-tab. Maconomy will only show lines in the sub-tab when the field “Show Lines” is marked.
Job Name This field shows the name of the current job.
To Be Calculated If you mark this field, the job on the current line is included in the calculation of the WIP adjustment. The calculation is performed when you select the function “Calculate” in the Action menu.

This field and the field “Approve” cannot be marked at the same time.

Approve If you mark this field, the WIP adjustment on the current line is approved when you select the function “Approve Adjustment” in the Action menu. Upon approval, Maconomy creates a job revenue recognition journal, which should then be posted in the G/L module. For more information, please see the description of the action “Approve Adjustment.”

This field and the field “To Be Calculated” cannot be marked at the same time.

Job Group This field shows the job group to which the job on the current line is assigned.
Status This is the current job status. The status is either “Quote” or “Order,” and it cannot be changed here.
Open Billing Price This field shows the current open billing price of the job on the current line, that is, the sum of non-invoiced registrations on the job. The first time that you evaluate the job, this amount corresponds to the work in progress. Entries which are not part of the fixed price of the job are excluded.
WIP This field shows the current work in progress of the job on the current line. The first time that you evaluate the job, this amount will be equal to the open billing price. After the first evaluation, the difference between the open billing price and the WIP is displayed in the field “Amount, Adjustment.” Entries which are not part of the fixed price of the job are excluded from the WIP.
Percentage, WIP This field shows the percentage ratio between the amounts in the fields “Open Billing Price” and “WIP” that is, (WIP/Open Billing Price) x 100). The first time that you evaluate the job, this percentage will be “100,” as the open billing price and the WIP by definition are equal for jobs that can be evaluated in this window.
Percentage, New WIP In this field, you can enter a percentage by which you want to adjust the WIP. You can use the action “Transfer Percentage” to transfer the percentage specified in the field “Percentage, New WIP” to this field for all jobs in the sub-tab. For more information, please see the description of the action “Transfer Percentage.” The new WIP is calculated as this percentage of the open billing price, and the actual amount is displayed in the field “Amount, New WIP.”

If you change this field, the field “Amount, New WIP” will be updated to reflect the percentage change. Conversely, if you change the field “Amount, New WIP,” this field will be updated to reflect the change of WIP amount as a percentage value.

Adjustment Type In this pop-up field, you can specify whether you want to adjust the WIP by percentage or by amount. If you specify a percentage, Maconomy will suggest the same percentage for adjustment the next time you want to make a WIP adjustment on the job. If you specify an amount, Maconomy will suggest a value corresponding to 100% of the open billing price the next time that you want to make a WIP adjustment on the job. See the introduction to this window for examples of the difference between the two methods. If you change the field “Percentage, New WIP,” the value of this field will automatically change to “Percentage.” If you change the field “Amount, New WIP,” the value of this field will automatically change to “Amount.”
Amount, New WIP In this field, you can enter an amount by which you want to adjust the WIP. When you approve and post the adjustment, the value in this field will be the new WIP on the job.

If you change this field, the field “Percentage, New WIP” is updated to reflect the change as a percentage of the open billing price. Conversely, if you change the field “Percentage, New WIP,” this field will be updated to reflect the change of WIP as an amount value.

Date, New WIP In this field you can enter a date on which the current adjustment should be performed. If you enter a date in the field “Evaluation Date,” the date is copied to this field when you select the action “Calculate.” However, you can change the date for the current job in this field before approving the evaluation. When you approve the evaluation, the date in this field will be the effective date of the adjustment in the General Ledger.
Amount, Adjustment This field shows the amount by which the WIP of the current job will be adjusted if you approve the evaluation. The amount corresponds to the difference between the fields “WIP” and “Amount, New WIP.”
Percentage, Adjustment This field shows the percentage by which the WIP of the current job will be adjusted if you approve the evaluation. The percentage corresponds to the difference between the fields “Percentage, WIP” and “Percentage, New WIP.”
Date, Latest Appr. This field shows the date entered in the field “Date, New WIP” when you last approved a WIP evaluation for the current job. The field is updated with the date currently entered in the field “Date, New WIP” when you select the action “Approve Adjustment.”
Open Billing Price, Latest Appr. This field shows the amount of the open billing price as of the date entered in the field “Date, New WIP” when you last approved the WIP evaluation.
WIP, Latest Appr. This field shows the amount of WIP as of the date entered in the field “Date, New WIP” when you last approved the WIP evaluation.
Latest Appr. Percentage This field shows the new percentage of WIP as of the date entered in the field “Date, New WIP” when you last approved the WIP evaluation, that is, the adjusted WIP percentage at the time of approval.
Latest Appr. WIP This field shows the new amount of WIP as of the date entered in the field “Date, New WIP” when you last approved the WIP evaluation, that is, the adjusted WIP at the time of approval.
Department This field shows the department to which the job on the current line is assigned.
Customer Group This field shows the name of the customer group to which the customer on the job is assigned.
Customer No. This field shows the number of the bill to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Customer Name This field shows the name of the bill to customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Currency This field shows the currency selected for the job on the current line.
Base Currency This field shows the base currency for the company responsible for the job on the current line.
Country This field shows the country specified for the customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Language This field shows the language specified for the customer assigned to the job on the current line.
Project Manager No. This field shows the number of the employee assigned as project manager for the job on the current line.
Project Manager This field shows the name of the employee assigned as project manager for the job on the current line.
Company No. This field shows the number of the company responsible for the job on the current line.
Company Name This field shows the name of the company responsible for the job on the current line.
Location This field shows the value for the dimension “Location” which may be assigned to the job in the current line.
Entity The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Project The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location.”
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location.”