Item Purchase Selection Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Item Purchase Selection tab.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Warehouse Here, you can select a warehouse for which you are purchasing items. If you select a warehouse, Maconomy only verifies items assigned to this warehouse in the window Item Information Card in the Inventory module. The company to which the warehouse is assigned will automatically be responsible for the item purchase orders created as a result of the item purchase selection. See the section “Multiple Companies” in the chapter “Introduction to the G/L Module” for a detailed description of the concept of the company specification on warehouses.
Vendor Here you enter a range of vendor numbers. Maconomy only verifies items from vendors within this range.
Buyer This field is only used when creating an item purchase selection from stock. Here you can enter a range of buyers. The item purchase selection will only include items assigned to buyers within the specified range.

Buyers can be assigned to items in three places:

  • In the table part of the window Item Information Card, thus indicating a warehouse specific buyer of the item in question.
  • In the card part of the window Item Information Card, indicating an item specific buyer.
  • In the window Item Group Information Card, indicating a group specific buyer.

It is possible to assign buyers in both the card and table parts of the same item, as well as on the item group to which the item is assigned.

When determining whether to include a given item in the item purchase selection, Maconomy uses the following procedure, thus prioritizing the individual places in which a buyer can be specified:

  1. If the item information card of the item contains a line for the warehouse selected in the field “Warehouse” above, and a buyer has been specified on that line, the item is included if the buyer is within the specified range, and Maconomy skips the remaining steps in the procedure. If a buyer has been specified for the warehouse in question but the buyer is not within the specified range, the item is not included, and Maconomy skips the remaining steps in the procedure. If the item information card does not contain a line for the ware house or if the field “Buyer” is blank for the warehouse line in question, Maconomy proceeds to step 2.
  2. If a buyer has been specified in the card part of the item information card of the item, the item is included if the buyer is within the specified range, and Maconomy skips the remaining steps in this procedure. If a buyer has been specified but the buyer is not within the specified range, the item is not included, and Maconomy skips the remaining steps in the procedure. If no buyer has been specified in the card part of the item information card, Maconomy proceeds to step 3.
  3. If a buyer has been specified for the item group to which the item is assigned, the item is included if the buyer is within the specified range, and Maconomy skips the remaining steps in the procedure. If a buyer has been specified but the buyer is not within the specified range, the item is not included. If no buyer has been specified in the item group, Maconomy proceeds to step 4.
  4. If no buyer has been found in any of the previous steps, the item is not included in the item purchase selection.

Please note that if you do not specify a range of buyers, Maconomy disregards buyer information when determining whether to include an item in the item purchase selection. This means that a blank range of buyers does not mean that Maconomy will only include items to which no buyer is assigned. Instead, the selection will include all items matching the remaining selection criteria entered in the window.

One Order per Buyer By default, the purchase selection will be split up into one order per vendor to supply the items included in the selection. However, by marking this field, you can specify that the purchase selection should be split up into one order per combination of supplier and buyer assigned to the items included in the selection criteria. For further information about Maconomy’s method for finding the buyer assigned to a given item, see the description of the field “Buyer” above.
Item Group Here you can select an item group. Maconomy only verifies items assigned to this group in the Item Information Card window.
Item Type Here you can select an item type. Maconomy only verifies item numbers assigned to this type in the Item Information Card window.
Item No. Here you can specify a range of item numbers. Maconomy only verifies items within this range.

If you do not enter a range, the other selection criteria fields will determine which item numbers will be included in the item purchase selection.

Item Statistics 1-4 In these fields, you can specify ranges for the statistics fields on the item information card. The item purchase selection will only include items whose values in the four statistics fields are within the specified range.
Order No. Here you can enter a range of order numbers. It is only possible if you have chosen “From Sales Orders” in the “Create Item Purchase Selection” field. If you enter a range, Maconomy will only create item purchase orders from the sales orders in the range.
Created on Here you can enter an interval of dates. Maconomy automatically enters the current date, but you can change it. If you enter an interval, and if you have chosen “From Sales Orders” in the “Create Item Purchase Selection” field, Maconomy will only create item purchase orders for the sales orders which are created in the given period. The field cannot be used if you have chosen “From Stock.”
Packing Date In this field, you can specify a range of packing dates. The field can only be used if you select “From Sales Orders” in the “Create Item Purchase Selection” field. If you enter a range, Maconomy will create item purchase orders for the sales orders assigned to consignments whose packing dates are within the specified range. Furthermore, purchase orders will be created from orders that are not assigned to a consignment.
Consignment Date Here you can enter a range of consignment dates. Maconomy will only create item purchase orders assigned to consignments with a consignment date within the specified range.
Customer No. Here you can enter a range of customer numbers. It can only be used if you have chosen “From Sales Orders” in the “Create Item Purchase Selection” field. If you enter a range, Maconomy will only create item purchase orders for sales orders whose ship-to customers are in the range.
Department Here you can select a department. The field can only be used if you select “From Sales Orders” in the “Create Item Purchase Selection” field. If you select a department, Maconomy will only create item purchase orders for sales orders assigned to that department.

Item Purchase Control Island

Field Description
Create Item Purchase Selection Here you choose whether to base the item purchase selection on inventory balances or non-delivered sales order lines.

If you select “From Stock,” Maconomy verifies the items which meet the selection criteria specifications, and creates purchase lines for items whose expected inventories will be on or under the reorder level at the delivery horizon.

If you select “From Sales Orders,” Maconomy verifies the sales orders in the selection criteria and creates purchase lines for the order lines for which there is a quantity in the “Purchase” field. The quantity can also be set automatically by marking the “Purchase All” or “Purchase Remainder” fields.

Auto. Approval Here you choose whether to automatically approve the item purchase orders. If you mark the field, the item purchase orders will be approved in the same way as if you for each item purchase order selected “Approve Item Purchase Order” in the Item Purchase Orders window. When item purchase orders are approved, the items are registered as having been ordered, that is, the value in the “Item Purchase Orders” field is updated in the Item Information Card and Item Information windows.
Item Purchase, Total If you mark this field, Maconomy will automatically suggest you purchase items that have not yet been delivered in the sales orders that meet the selection criteria. The quantity will only be set for order lines for which there is a vendor in the “Vendor No.” field in the window Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders. The field can only be used if you have chosen “From Sales Orders” in the “Create Item Purchase Selection” field.
Item Purchase, Remainder If you mark this field, Maconomy will automatically suggest you purchase items which are in backorder on the sales orders which meet the selection criteria specifications. The quantity will only be set for order lines for which there is a vendor in the “Vendor No.” field in the window Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders. The field can only be used if you have chosen “From Sales Orders” in the “Create Item Purchase Selection” field.
Include Expected Raw Material Requirement In this field, you can specify whether the item purchase selection is to consider raw material requirements in planned productions. When determining the quantity of items to purchase, Maconomy assumes that items with production control are produced by the company itself. Thus, if the stock of raw materials is insufficient compared to the size of planned productions, Maconomy will create item purchase orders for the raw materials. The expected raw material requirements are calculated from the number of orders registered, productions, current stock, and existing item purchase orders. If the finished item has inventory profile, the raw material requirement analysis is limited to the delivery time of the raw material in question. Thus, sales orders, item purchase orders, and productions beyond the time limit are ignored.

For example, a company using a certain type of screw in the production of office furniture may need to analyze the need for screws in all sales orders for BOM items, that is, tables, chairs, and so on, to get a full perspective of the raw material requirements. In other words, the raw material requirement for screws is determined by the need for screws on the lowest production level of the finished item.

Considering the number of registered sales orders, production transactions, and item purchase orders for a given raw material, the requirement analysis can thus show whether the available stock is smaller than required for a given production, and you will be warned of the need for producing more units of the raw material in question.

An item is only included in the raw material requirement analysis if it has purchase control and is registered on the BOM of an item with inventory control.

Drop Shipment If you mark this field, the item purchase orders will be delivered directly from the vendor to the bill-to customer in the sales order. Marking this field has the same effect as marking the “Direct Deliv.” field on all of the item lines in the window Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders. It can only be used if you have selected “From Sales Orders” in the “Create Item Purchase Selection” field.

Even if you do not mark the field, it is still possible to make item purchase orders to be drop shipped. This is done by manually marking the “Direct Deliv.” field on the item lines in the window Sales Order to Item Purchase Orders.

Include Orders with Consignments This field is only relevant if you have marked the field “Drop Shipment.” If you mark the field “Drop Shipment,” orders with consignments are only taken into consideration in the item purchase selection if you mark this field. On the sales orders in question, the fields “Consignment No.” and “Blanket Order” are automatically blanked, and the orders are marked for partial delivery.
Incl. non-inventoried If you mark this field, Maconomy will make purchase lines for items both with and without inventory control. If you do not mark the field, Maconomy will only create purchase lines for items with inventory control. The field can only be used if you have selected “From Sales Orders” in the “Create Item Purchase Selection” field.
Reorder Factor In this field, you can enter a factor to be used for regulation of the reorder level for the items on the item purchase selection. When Maconomy determines whether or not to purchase an item, it uses the reorder level from the Item Information Card. If you wish to adjust your stock of an item temporarily, you can enter a reorder factor here, which Maconomy then multiplies with the reorder level when making the item purchase selection. Note that if a regulation of the reorder level for an item is made on the basis of a seasonal model, the reorder factor is multiplied with the regulated reorder level and not on the basis of the reorder level stated on the item’s information card. The field can only be used if you select “From Stock” in the “Create Item Purchase Selection” field.
Pref. Delivery Date Here you must specify an interval of preferred delivery dates. Maconomy prints item purchase orders with preferred delivery dates (from the card part of the Item purchase orders window) within this interval.