
This section shows the Actions available in the Talent Management Integration Setup workspace.

Field Description
Set Background Job User Use this action to open a wizard for entering data for a user that will be used specifically for running the background job. This background user enables the scheduled imports of Talent Management and Maconomy data synchronization.
Remove Background Job User Use this action to delete the background job user.
Import New Hires from Talent Management Use this action to import new hire data from Talent Management, create a linked employee in Maconomy, and assign an employee number in Maconomy to each new hire. If an employee already exists with a Talent Management User ID, then the employee is updated with linked user data and the user is marked as exported.
Sync All Empl. with Talent Management Use this action to update employees with the latest Talent Management user data. Employees are updated only if they are linked with a Talent Management user (and have a Talent Management User ID), and the linked Talent Management user has been updated since the last synchronization.
Note: You can parameterize this action (via MDML) so that the synchronization is forced even if the user information in Talent Management has not been updated since the last synchronization.
Import Skill Types from Talent Management Use this action to import skill types from Talent Management to Maconomy, and create a background task to add, update, or select a skill type as deleted when removed from Talent Management.
Import Skills from Talent Management Use this action to import skills from Talent Management, and create a background task to add, update, or remove skills in Maconomy. You must use this action only after skill types have been imported from Talent Management.