Bill To Customers Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Bill To Customers sub-tab.

Field Description
Job Number This field shows the job number of a job in the collection. The job belongs to the company and department specified in the card part of the window and is specified in the same currency.
Job Name This field shows the job name of a job in the collection. The job belongs to the company and department specified in the card part of the window and is specified in the same currency.
Ship to Customer No. This field shows the customer number of the ship-to customers on the job.
Ship to Customer Name This field shows the customer name of the ship-to customers on the job.
Appropriation This field shows the source of funding for the job. For example, it shows if you carry out a job on behalf of a customer funded by a government body or a private foundation. This field is for reference only and is closed when the job is invoiced for the first time.

If a bill-to customer has several sources of funding for this job, the customer can be added to several lines in this window, provided a unique appropriation is specified in this field for each instance of the bill-to customer. See the example in the introduction to this window.

If you change the appropriation for the bill-to customer specified on the job, then the job is updated accordingly.

If invoicing plan lines exist for the bill-to customer and an appropriation has been specified, any changes you make in this field will update the plan lines accordingly.

Ready for Blanket Invoicing This field indicates whether the current row can be included in a blanket invoice. This field will only contain a check mark if the line is approved for invoicing, and if an amount for on account reduction is not included in the draft. If multiple drafts exist because of split billing, there will be no check mark in this field.

Note that certain conditions must be fulfilled before a draft can be included in a blanket invoice. If these conditions are not met, a situation may arise where a draft will not be included in a blanket invoice even if there is a check mark in this field. For example, a draft credit note will never be included in a debit blanket invoice.

The “Status” field may also explain why a specific line is/is not ready for blanket invoicing.

Include In this field you can specify which jobs to include/exclude from blanket invoicing and blanket draft invoicing.
Use on Invoice Header Marking this field on a job will make that job’s number and preferred invoice date (if any) appear on the header of the blanket invoice. If the field is marked on more than one job for a single blanket invoice, then the last marked job will be used.
Debit/ Credit This field shows whether the current approved invoice selection is a debit or a credit draft invoice.
Number of Drafts Ready This field shows a count if multiple drafts are currently approved and waiting printing.
Billing Price, Invoice Currency This field shows the amount for invoicing in the currency of the invoice.

The field “Billing Price, Invoice Currency” in the card part of the window sums up the amount for invoicing from jobs where the field “Include” has been check marked

Open Billing Price, Job This field shows the total billing price of open job entries on the job on the line in the table.
Invoice Type This is the existing field 'Type' that will be renamed to 'Invoice Type'. The field showed 'Invoice' for T&M invoices and 'Invoice On Account' for invoices on account. This will be changed to show 'T&M' for T&M invoices, 'On Account' for on account invoices and for the new combined invoices the field will show 'T&M and On Account'.
Project Manager No. This field shows the number of the project manager responsible for the job and invoices.
Project Manager This field shows the name of the project manager selected in the “Project Manager No.” field.
Status This read-only field shows the various status indications that a line can have:
  • The job is not approved for invoicing.
  • The job is approved for invoicing with multiple bill-to customers.
  • The job is approved for invoicing, but with an account reduction.
  • The job is approved for invoicing, but an invoice is being credited with an account reduction.
  • The job is approved for invoicing, but for another bill-to customer.
Blanket Draft Numbers This field shows the draft number of the blanket draft invoice that a job belongs to, if the job is approved for invoice selection. If the job is set up to allow multiple drafts (simultaneously), there might be more than one draft number. In that chase, this field shows them as a comma-separated list of the draft numbers of the blanket drafts that this job contributes to. You can include a job on more than one blanket draft if it has approved invoice selections of different kinds, such as debit vs. credit.