Asset Adjustment Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Asset Adjustment tab.

Journal Island

Field Description
Asset Adjustment No. This is the number given to the asset adjustment. The number is taken from the “Asset Adjustment” system numbers.

User Island

Field Description
Created This field shows the user name of the person who created the asset adjustment and the date on which it was created.
Approved This field shows the user name of the person who approved the asset adjustment and the date on which it was approved.

Transaction Numbering Island

Field Description
Transaction Type In this field you can enter a transaction type. When creating a new asset adjustment, the field shows the default transaction type for the asset journal.
Number Series In this field you can select a transaction number series. By default, the field shows the default transaction number series for the transaction type specified.

Company Island

Field Description
Company This field displays the name and number of the company to which the current asset is attached.
Base Currency This field displays the currency used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. See the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module for a detailed description of the concepts of company base currency and enterprise currency.