Job Collections Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Collections tab.

Job Collection Island

Field Description
Job Collection This field shows the number of the job collection. This field will also be displayed in the windows Jobs and Invoice Selection for jobs that belong to a job collection. You can also enter a description of the job collection in this field.
Access Level Here you can specify an access level for a job collection. To view and edit a job collection, you must have the access to the given job collection. It does not affect access to the individual jobs or on account reduction across the jobs in the collection.
Blanket Invoice Separately A check mark in this field indicates that jobs in the job collection will be invoiced separately and therefore not be mixed with jobs that do not belong to the collection.
Share Invoices On Account If there is a check mark in this field, the invoices on account on the job will be shared with all other jobs in the collection. This means that the invoices on account on this job are available for reconciliation against invoices on other jobs in the collection. This also applies to job invoice allocation.

By default, this field is not marked.

Closed You can place a check mark in this field to indicate that a job collection must be marked as closed when all the jobs in the collection are closed. If you close all of the jobs in a job collection, that collection will be marked as closed. This allows you to narrow down a search for job collections to include only open job collections.

Note that if you reopen a job that belongs to a closed job collection, then the collection will be marked as not being closed.

Job Collection Criteria Island

Field Description
Company This field shows the company number of the job collection. Only jobs belonging to this company can be added to the collection.
Bill to Customer This field shows the bill-to customer number. Jobs in a job collection must have the same bill-to customer as the job collection. In particular, you cannot change the bill-to customer on a job that is assigned to a job collection.

To ease this, in the special case where you wish to change the bill-to customer on all jobs in a job collection, you can change the bill-to customer directly on the job collection. This then also changes the bill-to customer on all the jobs in the job collection.

Department This field shows the department of the job collection. Only jobs in this department can be added to the collection.
Currency This field shows the currency of the job collection. Only jobs using this currency can be added to the collection.
Tax A check mark in this field indicates that tax is applied in the job collection. Only jobs with the same value (compare the field Tax in the window Job Information) can be added to the collection.
Company Tax Code This is the company tax code of the job collection. Only jobs using this company tax code can be added to the job collection.

Remarks Island

Enter any additional information as remarks.

User Island

See the chapter “Getting Started” for a description of the fields in the island User.