Vendor Invoices Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Vendor Invoices sub-tab.

Field Description
Entry Date This is the entry date of the vendor invoice. The first vendor invoice entered to a journal determines the journal’s posting period (month). The field “Period” is automatically filled in after you enter information on the first line. When you enter vendor invoices, Maconomy checks that the entry date is within the open posting range. You must enter a value.

The open posting range is maintained in the window System Information in the Set-Up module.

Trans. No. This is the vendor invoice’s journal number. The number is automatically increased by one if the field “Auto. Trans. No.” in the card part is marked. You must enter a value.

If you have not checked the box “Reuse Trans. No.” in the window System Information in the Set-Up module, Maconomy checks that the transaction number has not already been used for a journal entry in an unposted general or vendor invoice journal belonging to the company applying to the current line or for an already posted G/L entry belonging to the company applying to the current line.

If the system parameter “Company specific transaction number check” has been marked, Maconomy checks that the transaction number has not already been used for a journal entry in an unposted general, asset, customer payment or vendor invoice journal belonging to the company applying to the current line or for an already posted G/L entry belonging to the company applying to the current line. If the parameter has not been marked, Maconomy checks that the number has not been used on any other manual transaction in the system, regardless of company number.

Trans. Type In this field, you can enter a transaction type. The default is that the transaction is set to the same as the transaction type in the card part. Entries that the same transaction number must also have the same transaction type.
Description In this field, you enter an entry text. If you use standard texts, you can save time by using the field “Std. Description.”
Std. Description If you often use the same entry texts, such as “Purchase” or “Sales,” you can define them in the system. You can then select them in the “Std. Description” pop-up field. The text is copied to the field “description” when you press Return, unless it already has a text. Standard texts are maintained in the Popup Fields window in the Set-Up module.
Vendor No. In this field, you enter the vendor account number from the invoice. Maconomy checks that the vendor exists. You must enter a value.

If payment is being sent to another vendor, enter the Pay to Vendor number in the Pay to Vendor island.

When you press Return, Maconomy retrieves various information from the window Payment Control, such as payment terms, and so on. Furthermore, Maconomy checks that the current vendor is not blocked.

You can change the vendor number after a purchase order number has been entered in the field “Purchase Order No.”

Name This field shows the name of the vendor entered in the above field “Vendor No.”
Type In this field, you specify whether the amount registered is a debit or credit amount. Maconomy suggests credit because a vendor invoice usually means your company is billed.

The field also controls whether tax is going to be credited or debited an account for tax receivable.

You cannot change the value here after the invoice has been entered and you have pressed Return.

Amount Incl. Tax, Currency In this field, you enter the invoice amount in the currency of the invoice. If the invoice is subject to tax, you must enter the full amount, including tax, and also specify the relevant G/L tax code in the field “Tax Code.”

For EU purchases, that is, purchases from a tax-registered vendor in another EU country, you must enter the invoice amount without tax, and also select the G/L tax code for EU acquisition tax. Maconomy will then calculate your national purchase tax from the invoice and post it to the EU acquisition tax account.

Currency In this field, you select the currency of the invoice. The currency specification is used to convert the invoice amount into the base currency of the current company and into the standard currency of the vendor.
Invoice No. This is the vendor’s invoice number. You must enter a value. Please note that the system parameters “Block for reuse of vendor inv. no.” and “Control of reused vendor inv. no. only this year” can cause the rejection of an invoice number or cause Maconomy to show a warning. For a detailed description of these parameters, please see the window System Parameters in the Set-Up module.
Invoice Date This is the invoice date. Maconomy suggests the date from the field “Entry Date.” The date is used to calculate the invoice due date, using the vendor’s payment terms. You can change the date after entering the invoice, in which case Maconomy recalculates the due date.

The payment terms are retrieved from the window Payment Control.

Invoice Received Date This field shows the date when you received the vendor invoice.
Reference Date In this field, you can enter a reference date for the current vendor invoice line. The date is transferred to the G/L entries resulting from the current line. If the current entry refers to a job, Maconomy checks that the date specified in this field is within the open posting period for job entries. Furthermore, if a job is specified, the date in this field is used as the job cost posting date on the job entries resulting from the current vendor invoice line.
Purch. Order No. In this field, you can enter the number of a purchase order from the window Purchase Orders, if the vendor invoice relates to a purchase order placed with the vendor. If the vendor invoice pertains to a specific item receipt, you can also enter the number of the packing slip representing the receipt in the field “Packing Slip No.”

If you only specify a purchase order number, Maconomy will automatically create allocation lines allocating the vendor invoice to entries for the open lines on the purchase order. The quantities on these lines will correspond to the quantities received in the window Purchase Receipt. However, if the system parameter “Suggest Quantity Received on Vendor Invoice” is not marked, the quantities on allocation lines based on a purchase line for which a quantity of zero has been received (or no receipt has been registered) will be set to the quantity remaining to be invoiced for that purchase line.

If you specify a packing slip number in the field “Packing Slip No.” that matches a packing slip number entered in the window Purchase Receipt for the purchase order in question, allocation lines are only created for those lines on the purchase receipt that pertain to an item and resulted in an item movement. On these allocation lines, the amounts and quantities will match those received on the item receipt (any delivery costs and expense percentages specified on the purchase order will be added to the prices), and the field “For Inventory Purchase” will be marked.

If the allocation lines created in this process match the amount of the invoice and the system parameter “Manual Release of Vend. Inv.” is not marked, the invoice is automatically approved for posting.

If the entry is a vendor credit memo, the previously invoiced amount will be transferred from each purchase order line, and Maconomy creates allocation lines for the closed purchase order lines.

Maconomy retrieves most of the information from the purchase order, and you only have to complete “Entry Date,” “Trans. No.” and “Invoice No.”

In case you did not specify a vendor at the time of entering the purchase order, the field “Vendor No.” must be filled in along with the field “Purchase Order No.” in the table part of the window. When posting the vendor invoice, the specified vendor number is transferred to the purchase order.

Packing Slip No. In this field, you can enter a packing slip number that pertains to the receipt of the items covered by the current purchase order. If you specify a packing slip number that matches a packing slip number entered in the Purchase Receipt window for the purchase order specified on the invoice, Maconomy will automatically create an invoice allocation line for each purchase receipt line on the order in question on which items were received.

If the packing slip number does not match a packing slip number for the purchase order, no allocation lines are made.

The prices and quantities on the automatically created allocation lines will match those of the item receipt (any delivery costs and expense percentages specified on the purchase order will be added to the prices), and the field “For Inventory Purchase” will be marked.

Job No. In this field, you can enter a job number. In the window Invoice Allocation, this job will be suggested on new allocation lines.
For Inventory Purch. When creating a vendor invoice, you can mark this field if you want Maconomy to make a purchase transaction when the invoice is posted. If the field “For Inventory Purch.” in the window System Information is marked, Maconomy will automatically mark this field. If this field is marked, Maconomy automatically creates an allocation line in the table part of the window Invoice Allocation for the full invoice amount. This means that when the invoice is posted, a purchase transaction is created for the amount in the field “Inventory Amount.” Purchase transactions are shown in the Invoice Reconciliation window and are used for balancing item receipts from the Item Purchase Orders and A/P modules against vendor invoices. You must thus create a purchase transaction if the invoice is for items to your warehouse and are received in the Item Receipt or Purchase Receipt window.
Allocation Code In this field, you can enter an allocation code. You can use the allocation codes created in the Allocation Codes window in the G/L module. Allocation codes are used for easing registration of standard entries.

When you enter an allocation code and press Return, Maconomy will automatically create the number of allocation lines that the code specifies, and this field is subsequently blanked. In this way, specifying an allocation code in this field corresponds to creating an invoice allocation line in the Invoice Allocation window. However, the allocation lines that are created are not shown in this window, but can be inspected and edited in the table part of the Invoice Allocation window. In this connection, you should use allocation codes with positive percentages.

If you do not enter an allocation code in this field, and a standard allocation code has been specified in the information card of the vendor for whom the invoice is created, the standard allocation code of the vendor is automatically transferred to the vendor invoice, and allocation lines are created in the same way as if you had manually specified an allocation code.

Allocation Account In this field, you can enter the number of an account on which allocation entries should be posted. If you use an allocation code on which no account numbers have been specified, you can enter an account number in this field to be used for the allocation of the invoice. When you specify an allocation code in the field “Allocation Code” and specify an allocation account number in this field, Maconomy will create the number of lines specified in the chosen allocation code, and the lines created are allocated on the account number specified in this field. The lines can subsequently be seen and edited in the Invoice Allocation window.

If you do not use an allocation code and specify an allocation account in this field, Maconomy will create one allocation line in the table part of the Invoice Allocation window with the account number that is specified in this field.

Due Date The due date of the entry is shown here when you press Return. Maconomy calculates the date from the invoice date and the vendor’s payment terms. The date can be changed. The payment terms are retrieved from the window Payment Control.

The due date is used to select entries when making payment selections. Maconomy selects entries due before or on a given date. Payments are maintained in either of the windows Change Payment Selection by Vendor, Payment Selection or Approve Payment Selection.

Tax Code In this field, you specify a G/L tax code if the invoice is subject to tax. Maconomy suggests a G/L tax code for tax receivable, if the vendor is marked in the field “Tax” in the window Payment Control. You can select another code or leave the field blank, if the invoice is not subject to tax.

Maconomy suggests a tax code on the basis of the following procedure:

  • If a standard tax code for vendor invoices which is specified in the field “Standard Vendor Tax Code” in the window Company Information has been selected for the company responsible for the current journal, Maconomy will suggest the specified G/L tax code.
  • If no standard tax code has been specified for vendor invoices, the tax code will be found as follows:
    • If a G/L tax table has been specified in the window Company Information, a G/L tax code will be transferred from the G/L tax table on the basis of the information registered on the current invoice. When searching for a line in the G/L tax table, Maconomy searches for a match between the value of the tax table line in the field “Account No.” and the A/P Control Account as well as the information on the line. If no line is found in the G/L tax table corresponding to the current line’s registrations and the A/P Control Account, or if no G/L tax table has been specified for the current company, Maconomy will suggest the G/L tax code specified for the A/P Control Account in question in the window Account Information Card.

Maconomy adds tax automatically if you specify a tax code in this field. The amount is displayed in the field “Tax Amount.” The tax is posted in debit or credit to the tax account, depending on the value selected in the field “D/C.”

For EU purchases, that is, purchases from a tax-registered vendor in another EU country, the invoice will include tax. You then have to specify the G/L tax code for EU acquisition tax and enter the invoice amount in the field “Amount incl. Tax, Currency.”

Maconomy will then calculate your national purchase tax from the invoice amount and post it to the EU acquisition tax account.

In connection with automatic taxing, tax amounts and tax account are registered on the individual entries for reconciliation purposes. The tax account to which the entries are posted is specified by means of a dimension combination on the current G/L tax code in the window G/L Tax Codes in the G/L module.

You can add up to three different tax codes if necessary. To enable multiple tax codes, the system parameters “Show Three Tax Levels” and/or “Show Two Tax Levels” must be marked in the System Parameters window. When multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Code” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Code 1,” “Tax Code 2” and, if enabled, “Tax Code 3.” For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Tax Amount, Currency This is the tax amount in the currency of the invoice if you specify a tax code in the “Tax Code” field. The amount is calculated from the code, but it can be changed. See the above description of the field “Tax Code.”

If multiple tax codes are enabled, the “Tax Amount, Currency” field will be replaced by the following fields: “Tax Total, Currency,” “Tax Amount 1, Currency,” “Tax Amount 2, Currency” and, if enabled, “Tax Amount 3, Currency.” The “Tax Total, Currency” field calculates the sum of the other individual tax fields. For further information on multiple tax codes, please see the description in “Tax Codes.”

Amount Excl. Tax, Currency This field shows the price less tax of the allocation line in the currency of the vendor invoice. You can change this amount. The amount is calculated as the quantity multiplied by the unit price less tax and any discount. When an allocation line is created, Maconomy will suggest the amount from the field “Remainder Excl. Tax” in the card part of the window. If you manually enter an amount in this field, Maconomy will recalculate the unit price based on the total amount in this field. If you enter an amount in this field, Maconomy also updates the fields “Tax Amount” and “Amount Incl. Tax” based on the entered amount.
Payment Mode In this field, you choose how to pay the invoice. The suggested value is retrieved from the field “Payment Mode” in the window Payment Control, but you can change it here.
Pay when Paid In this field, you can specify whether payment when paid functionality should apply to the current vendor invoice. Maconomy suggests the value from the corresponding field on the payment term selected for the current invoice. The field can only be marked if the system parameter “Enable Payment when Paid” has been marked.

Payment when paid functionality is used in the Banking module to ensure that vendor invoices are not paid until they are allocated, and that vendor invoices allocated to jobs are not paid until you have received payment from the customer of the job in question.

The value in this field does not have any effect on the vendor invoice itself, but the value here is suggested in the corresponding field on the vendor entries created as a result of posting the invoice. This means that in the window Change Payment Selection by Vendor, you can change the value for the individual vendor invoices resulting from the allocation of the invoice. Therefore, the effects of the field are described in the section about the field “Pay when Paid” in the window Payment Selection by Vendor.

Registration Code In this field you can enter a registration code from the window Registration Codes in the G/L module. The registration code is used instead of manually entering a number of dimension values on the current line. See the description of the window Registration Codes for more information about registration codes.

If a global location number is specified in the field “Global Location No.” on the line, any registration code assigned to the location number in question is suggested.

Location In this field, you can enter a value for the dimension Location. If you do not manually enter a value, Maconomy will attempt to derive a value, using the order of priority set up in the Dimension Derivation window in the G/L module. However, any manually entered value will be overwritten if Maconomy can derive a value for which overwriting has been selected. If no value can be derived, Maconomy transfers the value form the field “Location” in the card part of the window.

See the section on dimension derivation in “Introduction to the G/L Module,” as well as the description of the Dimension Derivation window, for further information about dimension derivation.

Entity The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Spec. 1-3 The functionality of this field is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec.1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to the functionality of the field “Location” above.
Global Location No. If a global location number has been specified on the vendor invoice, you can enter the global location number here. Global location numbers are used in electronic invoices, and there this field will typically be completed automatically on electronically read vendor invoices.

Global location numbers are set up in the Company Locations window in the G/L module and indicate the company, department, warehouse, or other entity to receive the invoice. For further information about the concept of global location numbers, see the introduction to the Company Locations window in the G/L module.

When a global location number is specified, any registration code and allocation responsible specified for the global location number are transferred to the invoice as if they were entered manually.

Responsible In this field you can specify the employee responsible for the vendor. If not specified, Maconomy copies the responsible person from the company specific vendor to the invoice when the invoice is created.
Responsible for Allocation In this field, you can enter the name of the person to be responsible for the allocation of the invoice. The field is for information only.
Name This field displays the name of the approval responsible displayed in the above field “Approval Responsible.”
Attn. In this field, you can enter the name of the attention person specified on the invoice received from the vendor.
Enterprise In this field, you can specify an enterprise. When you create a vendor invoice manually, Maconomy suggests the value for this field from the purchase order or (if there is no purchase order) from the vendor information card, but you can select another. This field is used when deriving a G/L tax code from G/L tax tables.
You maintain enterprises in the Enterprises field in the Popup Fields single dialog workspace under the Set-Up module.
Segment In this field, you can specify a segment. When you create a vendor invoice manually, Maconomy suggests the value for this field from the purchase order or (if there is no purchase order) from the vendor information card, but you can select another. This field is used when deriving a G/L tax code from G/L tax tables.
You maintain segments in the Segments field in the Popup Fields single dialog workspace under the Set-Up module.
Area In this field, you can specify an area. When you create a vendor invoice manually, Maconomy suggests the value for this field from the purchase order or (if there is no purchase order) from the vendor information card, but you can select another. This field is used when deriving a G/L tax code from G/L tax tables.
You maintain areas in the Area field in the Popup Fields single dialog workspace under the Set-Up module.
Copy from vendor no. In this field, you can enter a vendor number to be used for identifying a vendor invoice to be copied to the new vendor invoice. If you fill in this field, you must also enter an invoice number in the field “Copy From Invoice No.” on the line.

If you want to copy the information form one invoice to a new invoice, you enter a new transaction number and a new invoice number on the line, fill in this field and the field “Copy From Invoice No,” and press Return, and Maconomy copies the vendor invoice specified including any assigned allocation lines. However, these lines cannot be inspected in this window, but are displayed in the Invoice Allocation window. Fields filled in by the user on the new invoice are not affected by the copying.

Entering a vendor number in this field can also be used for reversing the effect of an already posted invoice. See the description of the field “Reverse At Copying’ for further information on the functionality of copying and reversing vendor entries.

Copy from invoice no. In this field, you can enter an invoice number to be used for identifying a vendor invoice to be copied to the new vendor invoice. If you fill in this field, you must also enter a vendor number in the field “Copy From Vendor No.” on the line. As the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Copy From Vendor No.,” you should see the description of that field for further information.
Copy from journal no. In this field, you can enter a journal number to be used for identifying a vendor invoice to be copied to the new vendor invoice. You can fill in this field, if you do not know either the vendor number or the invoice number of the invoice that you want to copy. If you fill in this field, you must also enter a journal line number in the field “Copy From Journal Line No.” on the line. As the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Copy From Vendor No.,” you should see the description of that field for further information.
Copy from journal line no. In this field, you can enter a journal line number to be used for identifying a vendor invoice to be copied to the new vendor invoice. You can fill in this field if you do not know either the vendor number or the invoice number of the invoice that you want to copy. If you fill in this field, you must also enter a journal number in the field “Copy From Journal No.” on the line. As the functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Copy from vendor No.,” you should see the description of that field for further information.
Reverse at Copying In this field, you can choose whether the new vendor invoice should reverse an existing invoice at copying. If you mark this field, the new entry is assigned the opposite value in the field “Debit/Credit” as the existing entry; that is, if the original entry is a credit entry (a vendor invoice), the new entry will be a debit entry (a credit memo). In this way, the new entry reverses the effect of the existing entry. If the invoice or credit memo being copied has not already been reconciled, it is automatically reconciled against the new invoice or credit memo. To avoid exchange rate differences when copying, mark the field “Use Original Exchange Rate” below.
Use Original Exchange Rate If you are reversing an existing vendor invoice, you can mark this field to use the same exchange rate as was used for the original vendor invoice. If you do this, there will be no exchange rate differences when you reverse the vendor invoice, unless the original currency has moved in relation to the enterprise currency. If this is the case, the difference must be handled at the time of posting.

The vendor invoices can be inspected in the Show Vendor Invoices window.

Card Type Code In this field, you can enter the vendor invoice card type code. It is used by Maconomy to create payment files for the electronic payment of vendors. These payment files are created in the window Payment Files in the Banking module. If you enter neither a card type code nor a payer identification, the vendor’s standard card type code is copied to the vendor entry when the invoice is posted. This card type code is entered in the field “Card Type Code” in the window Payment Control.
Payer Identification Here you enter the vendor invoice’s payer identification. It is used by Maconomy to create payment files for electronic payment of vendors. These payment files are created in the window Payment Files in the Banking module. If you enter neither a card type code nor payer identification, the vendor’s standard payer identification is copied to the vendor entry when the invoice is posted. This payer identification is entered in the field “Payer Identification” in the window Payment Control. Maconomy checks that the value entered is a correct payer identification.
Payment Description Here you can enter a code for the goods or services covered by the vendor invoice if the vendor invoice concerns import. Maconomy uses the payment description in the creation of payment files for electronic payment of vendors.
Giro This field shows the giro number assigned to the pay-to vendor. It is copied form the card part, but can be changed here.
Bank Acct. No. This field shows the bank account number assigned to the pay-to vendor. It is copied from the card part, but can be changed here.
Reg. No. This field shows the registration number assigned to the pay-to vendor. It is copied from the card part, but can be changed here.
Credit Card No. This field shows the credit card number assigned to the pay-to vendor. It is copied form the card part, but can be changed here.
CPC No. This field shows the CPC number assigned to the pay-to vendor. It is copied from the card part, but can be changed here.
Cash Discount Date This field displays a cash discount date, if any, for the current vendor entry. When creating a vendor invoice for a vendor, who has been assigned a cash discount condition of, for example, “Net 10 days, 2%” in the window Payment Control, this field will automatically contain a date being 10 days later than the current entry date. In this way, the cash discount date displays the latest date on which payment should be made, if cash discount is wanted for the current vendor invoice.
Possible Cash Discount, Currency In this field, you can specify a cash discount that can be gained by paying the vendor invoice by the cash discount date specified above. This discount may vary from the standard cash discount rate granted by the vendor, for instance because of a special offer.

When a payment selection is created for the invoice, the discount in this field is suggested on the payment selection, unless the cash discount date has been exceeded. However, if the field is blank, the cash discount suggested on the payment will be calculated from the cash discount terms of the vendor.

When you enter a value in this field, Maconomy automatically updates the field “Possible Cash Discount %” accordingly, based on the invoice amount and cash discount.

Amount Excl. Discount This field shows the invoice amount minus the calculated cash discount that is possible (see two fields above.)
Import Date In this field, you can enter the date on which the goods or services covered by the vendor invoice were imported. Maconomy uses the import date in the creation of payment files for electronic payment of vendors. These payment files are created in the window Payment Files in the Banking module.
Pay to Vendor No. This is the number of the Pay to Vendor. The field is filled in automatically if you specify a Pay to Vendor in the Vendor Information Card. Use this field if a different vendor is receiving payment for the delivery. The Pay to Vendor number indicates the address to which payment is sent. The “original” (delivery) vendor is debited by the amount. Maconomy verifies that the vendor number exists.
Payment Vendor Name This field shows the name of the pay to vendor assigned to the vendor invoice journal line.
Vendor Giro No. This field shows the giro number used by the pay to vendor assigned to the vendor invoice journal line.
Vendor Reg. No. This field shows the bank registration number used by the pay to vendor assigned to the vendor invoice journal line.
Vendor Bank Acct. No. This field shows the bank account number used by the pay to vendor assigned to the vendor invoice journal line.
Credit Memo Reference This field is the invoice number of the invoice to reconcile a credit memo against.
Journal no. reference This field is the journal number of the invoice to reconcile a credit memo against.
Journal line no. reference This field is the line number of the entry in the journal of the invoice to reconcile a credit memo against.
Disclosable By checking this field you specify that an obligation of disclosure is attached to the vendor invoice. This field is used if, for example, the vendor is a person for whom special taxation rules apply. If you wish to check this field, the company-specific vendor’s information card must contain a CNR or Corporate Registration Number.

If a company-specific vendor has been marked as disclosable on the vendor information card, this field will automatically be marked when you create an invoice on the vendor in question.

Status This field shows the current status of the invoice line. This field can show one of the following options:
  • Awaits Allocation — The invoice has been submitted and approved for posting, but no invoice allocation line has yet been created for the invoice in question.
  • Allocation Started — The invoice has been submitted and approved for posting, but no invoice allocation lines have been created, but have not yet been submitted or have not been fully allocated. Allocation lines can be inspected in the Invoice Allocation window.

    If the field “Standard Allocation Code” is marked on the vendor for whom an invoice is created, and if the system parameter “Manual Release of Vend. Inv.” is not marked, the allocation of the invoice will automatically be started once you press Return on the line. The allocation line(s) that are created can be approved in one of the Vendor Invoices and Invoice Allocation windows.

  • Awaits Approval — The invoice has been submitted and approved for posting, but no invoice allocation lines have been created, but have not yet been submitted or have not been fully allocated. Allocation lines can be inspected in the Invoice Allocation window.
  • Awaits Posting — The invoice journal has been approved, but has not yet been posted. Note that if the system parameter “Manual Release of Vend. Inv.” is not marked invoices are automatically submitted for approval and approved for posting. In such cases, the option “Awaits Posting” is displayed on the line once the vendor invoice has been created.

    If you do not use approval hierarchies, and if the system parameter “Approve vend. Inv. at submission” has been marked, vendor invoices are automatically approved once they are submitted, and this option is thus displayed on the line. See the description of the actions “Submit Line for Approval” and “Approve Line for Posting” for further information.

  • Allocation Completed — The allocation has been fully approved and posted, and is thus completed.
Allocation Started This field shows whether you have started allocating the invoice in the Invoice Allocation window. If this field is marked, the allocation has started. You cannot change the field’s value manually.

If you have entered a value in one of the fields “Purchase Order No.” and “Allocation Code” on the line, this field is automatically marked by Maconomy. Also, if an allocation code has been specified in the field “Standard Allocation Code” on the information card of the vendor for whom the vendor invoice is registered, that allocation code is automatically used on the line in question, and this field is thus automatically marked The vendor invoice will then be allocated according to the purchase order lines or allocation code specified.

If you post a vendor invoice journal before all invoice lines have been allocated, you can use the Reallocate Invoice window to allocate the posted vendor invoice lines.

Released for Posting this field shows whether the invoice or the invoice allocation, if any, has been approved for posting in this window or in the Invoice Allocation window. If this field is marked, the allocation has been approved for posting. If the system parameter “Manual Release of Vend. Inv.” is not marked, vendor invoices are automatically submitted for approval and approved for posting once they are created, and this field will consequently be marked by default.

If you do not use approval hierarchies, and the system parameter “Approve vend. Inv. at submission” has been marked, vendor invoices are automatically approved once they are submitted, and this field will thus be marked on the line in question.

The vendor invoice journal can only be posted in this window or in the Posting window when this field is marked. If you wish to post the journal, but not all lines are released for posting, you can select the action “Transfer to New Journal” to transfer all non-released vendor invoice lines to a new journal. You can then post the current journal.

Exchange Rate In this field, you enter the exchange rate to be used when posting invoices in foreign currencies. Maconomy suggests the rate from the current exchange rate table, but you can change it.
Fixed Exchange Rate at Payment If you mark this field, the exchange rate in which the entry is posted will be fixed when the payment is posted, even though the exchange rate may have changed according to the current exchange rate table.
Company Tax Code In this field, you can specify a company tax code created in the Popup Fields window. This field is used by Maconomy for determining the tax code to be used in the calculation of tax for the current vendor invoice, as the reporting code is part of the criteria for the selection of a tax code in the Tax Tables window in the G/L module. When selecting a tax code, Maconomy uses the tax table specified for the responsible company for the vendor invoice in the Company Information window. However, the tax code is only selected from a tax table if the company that is responsible for the current invoice is assigned to a tax table in the System Information window. If no tax table is specified for the responsible company, or if you use differentiated tax, and you do not use country-dependent tax, Maconomy uses the tax code of the account or activity specified when the vendor invoice is allocated or reallocated. If you use neither differentiated tax nor tax tables, Maconomy uses the standard tax code specified in the System Information window in the Set-Up module.

When posting entries, the reporting code is used for determining which tax report entries to create. Based on the tax report entries, you can create tax reports that show the tax and tax basis entries assigned to a given tax report field. However, this kind of reporting can only be done if extended tax reporting has been selected in the System Information window.

If a purchase order has been specified for the vendor invoice, Maconomy retrieves the reporting code from the card part of the purchase order in question, and if no purchase order has been specified, the reporting code is transferred from the vendor’s information card. However, you can select another reporting code here.

Document Archive No. In this field, you can enter a document archive to be assigned to the vendor invoice in question. By assigning a document archive to a vendor invoice, you can keep track of the documents relevant to the vendor invoice.

If you need to assign a specific document, for example, a scanned image of the original vendor invoice to an invoice line, this can be done by specifying the name of the file in the field “File Name” on the line. If you do so, Maconomy will check if you have specified the number of a document archive in this field. If an archive has already been specified, the file will be stored in that archive. If you have not specified an archive in this field, Maconomy will create an archive on the basis of the number series specified for document archives in the window Number Series in the Set-Up module. Document archives are created in the window Document Archives in the Set-Up module.

File Name In this field, you can enter the name of a file to be assigned to the invoice. The file name specified can refer to a document containing, for example, a scanned image of the original invoice or any other document being of particular relevance for the vendor invoice. You can use the function “Find” in the Find menu to search for documents already assigned to a document archive.

If you create an invoice manually in this window, and the file you want to insert on the line cannot be found by using the function “Find” in the Find menu, you must specify the entire path of the file in this field in order to assign the file to the invoice. When you press Return, a new document archive is created in which the file is automatically stored if Maconomy can locate the file specified. The number series for document archives to be used by Maconomy are specified in the window Number Series in the Set-Up module. If the desired file is already stored in a document archive, you can also specify the number of the document archive in the field “Document Archive No.” and enter the name of the file in this field.

If you need to assign a file to an invoice after having pressed Return, that is, after the invoice is created, you specify only the number of the document archive in which the file is stored and the file name, not the entire path. Once the invoice has been posted, you cannot specify a file name in this field.

The file assigned to the invoice can be displayed by a third party program, for example, Acrobat Reader or a browser by selecting the action “Show Document” in the Action menu of this window. In this way, you can always inspect the original invoice when processing the Maconomy invoice through allocation and reallocation in the system.

Document Count This field displays the number of documents in the Document Archive.
Remarks 1-5 In these fields, you can specify remarks to apply to the current invoice journal line.