Show Purchase Order Lines Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Purchase Order Lines tab.

Purchase Order Line Island

Field Description
Date Committed This field shows the date on which the commitment was made. The date is transferred from the corresponding purchase order line.
Delivery Date This field shows the expected delivery date. The date is transferred from the corresponding purchase order line.
Line Remarks This field shows the line remarks which appears on the assigned purchase order line.
Job No. This field shows the job number on the purchase order line.
Customer This field displays the customer on the purchase order line.
Project Manager This field displays the employee number and name of a project manager assigned to the purchase order line, if any.
Activity No. This field shows the activity number on the purchase order line.
Account No. This field shows the account number on the purchase order line.
Local Account No. This field shows the local account number on the purchase order line.
Act./Account Name This field shows the text assigned to the specified activity or the name of the entered account.
Company This field shows the number and name of the company which is responsible for the creation of the purchase order line.
Purchase Order No. This field shows the number of the purchase order to which the line is assigned.
Purchase Line Type This field shows the type of purchase that the line represents. The available values are:
  • Fixed Asset
  • Inventory
  • Job Cost
  • G/L
  • Text Line
  • Subcontractor Reconciliation
Task This field displays the task to which the purchase order line is to be assigned.
Task Path This field displays any task path of the task (see the description of hierarchical tables in the section "Task Path" in the chapter "Getting Started with the Java™ Client").
Job Budget Line No. If the current line was created from a job budget line, this field displays the number of the budget line in question.
Job Budget Line WBS Description This field summarizes the placement of the job budget lines in the job budget WBS (work breakdown structure).
Tax Amount 1-3, Currency This field displays the tax amount for the current purchase order line.
Tax Amount 1-3, Base This field displays the tax amount on the amount in the "Price, Base," expressed into the base currency. The amount cannot be changed here.
Tax Amount 1-3, Enterprise This field displays the tax amount on the amount in the Enterprise Currency. The amount cannot be changed here.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor No. This field displays the number of the vendor.
Vendor Name This field displays the name of the vendor.
Address 1-4 This field displays the address of the vendor.
Zip Code This field displays the zip code for the address of the vendor.
Postal District This field displays the name of the postal district in which the current vendor resides.
Country This field displays the vendor's country. Maconomy derives it from the vendor information card.
Att. This field displays the vendor's attention person. When you create a purchase order manually, Maconomy suggests the name from the vendor information card.
Phone This field displays the vendor's phone number. When you create a purchase order manually, Maconomy suggests the number from the vendor information card.
E-mail This field displays the vendor's electronic mail address. This information is used for reference.
Fax This field displays the vendor's fax number. When you create a purchase order manually, Maconomy suggests the number from the vendor information card.
Telex This field displays the vendor's telex number. When you create a purchase order manually, Maconomy suggests the number from the vendor information card.
Payment Terms

This field displays the payment terms which normally apply to the vendor.

Payment terms are used for calculating invoice due dates.

Payment terms are selected in the Payment Control window.

Preferred Delivery Date This field displays the preferred delivery date.
Requisitioner Employee No. This field displays the number of the employee who requisitioned the items on the current purchase order line.
Purchaser Employee No. This field displays the number of the employee who is responsible for purchasing the items in the current requisition.
Submitted By This field displays the name of the user who submitted the current line.
Date Submitted This field displays the date the current line was submitted.

Requisitioner Island

Field Description
Requisitioner Employee No. This field displays the number of the employee who requisitioned the items on the current purchase order line.
Requisitioner This field displays the number of the employee who requisitioned the items on the current purchase order. This field also displays the name of the specified requisitioner employee.
Requisitioner Position This field displays the position of the employee who requisitioned the items on the current purchase order.
Requisitioner E-mail This field displays the requisitioner's electronic mail address.
Requisitioner Phone This field displays the requisitioner's phone number.
Requisitioner Mobile This field displays the requisitioner's mobile phone number.
Requisitioner Company No. This field displays the requisitioner's company number.
Requisitioner Company This field displays the requisitioner's company.

Purchaser Island

Field Description
Purchaser Employee No. This field displays the number of the employee who purchased the items on the current purchase order line.
Purchaser This field displays the number of the employee who purchased the items on the current purchase order. This field also displays the name of the specified purchaser employee.
Purchaser Position This field displays the position of the employee who purchased the items on the current purchase order.
Purchaser E-mail This field displays the purchaser's electronic mail address.
Purchaser Phone This field displays the purchaser's phone number.
Purchaser Mobile This field displays the purchaser's mobile phone number.
Purchaser Company No. This field displays the purchaser's company number.
Purchaser Company This field displays the purchaser's company.

Employee Island

Field Description
Empl. No. This field displays the number of the employee assigned to the purchase order line.
Employee This field displays the employee assigned to the purchase order line.
Employee Position This field displays the position of the employee assigned to the purchase order line.
Employee E-mail This field displays the electronic mail address of the employee assigned to the purchase order line.
Employee Phone This field displays the phone number of the employee assigned to the purchase order line.
Employee Mobile This field displays the mobile phone number of the employee assigned to the purchase order line.
Employee Company No. This field displays the company number of the employee assigned to the purchase order line.
Employee Company This field displays the company of the employee assigned to the purchase order line.

Committed Amount Island

Field Description
Committed, Company This field displays the committed amount for the company on the current line. The amount is in base currency.
Base Currency, Company This field shows the base currency of the current company.
Committed, Currency This field shows the committed amount in currency. See the field “Committed, Base” above.
Currency This field shows the currency registered on the current purchase order line.

Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location This field shows the Location dimension value which is assigned to the current purchase order line.
Entity This field shows the Entity dimension value which is assigned to the current purchase order line.
Project This field shows the Project dimension value which is assigned to the current purchase order line.
Purpose This field shows the Purpose dimension value which is assigned to the current purchase order line.
Spec. 1-3 These fields show the Specification 1-3 dimension values which are assigned to the current purchase order line.
Local Spec. 1-3 These fields show the Local Specification 1-3 dimension values which are assigned to the current purchase order line.

Approval Information Island

Field Description
Approval Relation This field displays the relation used in connection with the type of registration.
Approval No. This field displays the approval number of the purchase order line. The number is incremented by one each time you submit the purchase order line for approval.
Approval line No. This field displays the approval line number, which indicates the current approval level of the purchase order line based on the order in the current approval hierarchy.
Approval Status This field displays the approval status of the current purchase order line. The possible statuses are:
  • Approved
  • Rejected
  • Released
Approval Status Details This field displays details regarding the latest approval status of the current purchase order line.
Line Can Be Approved By Current User This field indicates if the current user can approve the purchase order line.
Approved Or Rejected By This field displays the user who approved or rejected the purchase order line.
Approval Or Rejection Date This field displays the date when the user approved or rejected the purchase order line.
Approval Or Rejection Time This field displays the time when the user approved or rejected the purchase order line.
Approval Or Rejection Comment This field displays any comments entered by the user related to the approval, release, or rejection of the purchase order line.