Job Parameter Derivation Fields Sub-Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Job Parameter Derivation Fields sub-tab.

Field Description
Internal Field Name If the field “Always Derive Job Parameters” is unmarked, you can specify the internal name of a job field here. If, for instance, you want to rederive job parameters whenever the budget type is changed for the job, enter the field “CurrentBudgetType” in this field. You can search for any of the properties (for example, internal name or external name) of all the fields in the JobHeader relation by pressing Ctrl+G.

When you press Return, the external name of the field is displayed in the field “External Field Name”; in this case, the name is “Current Budget.” From now on, whenever the current budget type is changed on the job in the window Job Budgets, Maconomy will rederive the job parameters for the job.

External Field Name This field shows the external name of the internal field name entered in the field “Internal Field Name” above.