
This section shows the actions available in the Job Reallocation by Job workspace.

Top Tab

Field Description
Mark for Reallocation When you select this action, all job entries that match the selection criteria are marked. This excludes job entries which belong to closed jobs, job entries marked for reallocation in the windows Job Reallocation or Batch Job Reallocation but not yet approved, job entries of unknown type of origin, and job entries created on the basis of a job surcharge rule. Job entries of the latter are automatically reallocated when the entries that gave rise to the job surcharge are reallocated. Once this action has been selected, Maconomy will issue information as to the number of entries not marked for reallocation.
Unmark for Reallocation When you select this action, all job entries that match the selection criteria are unmarked. This means that the mark in the fields “Reallocate” and “Marked” is removed for all entries in the sub-tab.
Approve Reallocation When you select this action, one or more job reallocation journals are created for the job entries that match the selection criteria and which have a mark in the fields “Reallocate” and “Marked” in the sub-tab.

For each reallocated entry, the journal contains two entries: a reversing entry which cancels out the original entry, and an entry with the values corrected as per the selections in this window. If the system parameter “Close Job Entries on Job Reallocation” is not marked, all of the entries remain open, allowing you to include them on your invoices as desired.

If the parameter is marked, Maconomy attempts to close the original and the reversing entries according to the following table:

Original Entry New Reallocation Entry Amount Result
Entry is invoiced Equal to open amount of original Original and reversing entries are closed.
Greater than open amount of original Two entries are created: the reversing entry and the reallocation entry. Both entries remain open.
Less than open amount of original The reversing entry is closed. The part of the original entry which is reversed by the reversing entry is closed; the remaining part remains open.
Entry is not invoiced Equal to open amount of original Same as for invoiced entries.
Greater than open amount of original It is not possible to increase the amount on uninvoiced entries by reallocation.
Less than open amount of original Same as for invoiced entries.

Maconomy will always try to close entries to the greatest possible extent. In principle, Maconomy performs an automatic zero-invoicing of the reallocated entries. For instance, if you are invoicing a job and find an entry with a wrong dimension value, you can mark it for reallocation, enter the window Job Reallocation by Job, assign a new dimension value to the entry, and approve the reallocation. Given that common workflow, there will be no closed entries visible in the window Invoice Selection when you resume the invoicing of the job.

If the system parameter “Automatic posting of job reallocations” is marked, the resultant journal is posted automatically, but not printed. If this system parameter is not marked, you can post the journal in the window Posting in the G/L module. Upon posting, Maconomy will still see the job reallocation entry as open.

Please note that Maconomy will perform dimension derivation as usual when reallocating job entries. For this reason, derived values may overwrite the selections made in the fields in the island Reallocate To. The dimension derivation takes place after Maconomy has entered the values in the island Reallocate To. If no value has been specified in the fields “Location,” Entity,” “Project,” “Purpose,” “Spec. 1-3,” and “Local Spec. 1-3” in the island Reallocate To, these fields are regarded as being empty at the time of the dimension derivation. If the dimension derivation does not apply to a particular dimension field, the job entry’s original value is used. Any other empty fields in the island Reallocate To, for example, the field “Employee No.,” inherit the original value of the job entry, with the exception of the field “Task,” which only inherits the value from the original entry if a task list is assigned to the job to which the allocation is made. If not, the task field is blank on the allocated job entry.

This functionality corresponds to the functionality of the action “Approve Reallocation” in the window Job Reallocation.