Approve Invoices Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Approve Invoices Tab.

Vendor Island

Field Description
Vendor No. This field shows the number of the currently selected vendor.

The field also shows the vendor’s name and address. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card.

Attn. This is the vendor’s attention person; the person to whom shipping and payment information is directed. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card.
Phone This is the vendor’s phone number. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card.
Fax This is the vendor’s fax number. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card.
Telex This is the vendor’s telex number. The information is retrieved from the Vendor Information Card.
Currency This is the currency of the invoice or credit memo. The currency is used when converting the invoice amount into the base currency of the current company and the vendor’s standard currency.

Balance Island

Field Description
Balance, Standard This is the vendor’s balance in the standard currency. The balance is updated when you post journals with vendor entries. The field updated automatically.
Balance, Base This is the vendor’s balance in the base currency. The balance is updated when you post journals with vendor entries. The field is updated automatically.

Control Island

Field Description
Block Payments This field shows whether the vendor is blocked for payment. If the field is marked, the vendor is blocked.

You can block payments if, for example, you wish to delay payment for a wrong delivery until it is corrected.

You block and unblock vendors in the window Payment Control.

Responsible This is the employee responsible for approving invoices from the vendor. The name is for reference, and is used to sort lists of non-approved vendor invoices.
Invoice Discount % This is the percentage rate discount you normally receive on invoices from the vendor.

You can enter the actual invoice discount amount on the item purchase order, instead of a percentage.

Payment Mode This field shows how you normally pay the vendor. It is selected in the window Payment Control.

When you approve the invoice, the payment mode points out the G/L account against which the payment is set off.

Payment Terms These are the payment terms which normally apply to the vendor. Payment terms are used to calculate invoice due dates. Invoices are entered and changed in the window Vendor Invoices.
Buyer The buyer is responsible for contact with and purchases from the vendor.

Company Island

Field Description
Company No. This field displays the company number of the current vendor.
Name This field displays the company name of the current vendor.
Base Currency This field displays which currency is used as base currency in the company specified in the field “Company No.” above. For a detailed description of the concepts of base currency and enterprise currency, see the description of the field “Base Currency” in the window Company Information in the G/L module.