Task Search Tab

This section includes the fields and descriptions for the Task Search tab.

Employee Information Island

Field Description
Employee No. This field shows the number of the current employee.
Name This field shows the name of the employee.
Primary Employee Category This field displays the name and number of the primary employee category to which the employee is assigned.

Booking Island

Field Description
Method In this field, you can select a distribution method to be used when the action “Book” is selected. The functionality of the field corresponds to that of the field “Method” in the window Detailed Planning.
Planning Unit In this field, you can select a planning unit which can be either “Week” or “Day.” The planning unit is used if the distribution method selected in the field “Method” above is either “Fixed Allocation” or “Even Allocation” and determines whether the number of hours booked when the action “Book” is selected should be interpreted as the number of hours to be allocated on each day or within each week. If the booking method is “Even Allocation,” and the planning unit is “Day,” this means that an even number of hours is booked for each day in the relevant range of dates (until the specified number of hours has been booked). If the booking method is “Even Allocation,” and the planning unit is “Week,” an even number of hours is allocated within each week, but the number of hours booked on the individual days within each week is not necessarily evenly allocated, as the hours are applied to the days as if the distribution method “Early Allocation” had been selected. If the booking method is “Fixed Allocation,” and the planning unit is “Day,” the number of hours specified in the field “Hours for Fixed Allocation” is allocated to each day within the relevant range of dates (until the specified number of hours has been booked), while the planning unit “Week” causes the specified number of hours to be allocated to each week, the number of hours booked on the individual days within each week once again being allocated as if the distribution method “Early Allocation” had been selected.
Within Planned Range If you mark this field, the period within which hours are booked when the action “Book” is selected will be the period from the starting date to the planned ending date of the current job budget line. If you do not mark this field, the period will run from the starting date until the specified number of hours has been booked, regardless of the planned ending date of the budget line. However, in neither case will hours be allocated to dates before the date specified in the field “Never Before” (if any).
Never Before In this field, you can enter a date to be used as the starting date when Maconomy distributes hours as a result of selecting the action “Book,” regardless of whether any starting date on the current job budget line exists. In other words, Maconomy will never distribute hours before the date in this field.
Hours for Fixed Allocation If the distribution method “Fixed Allocation” has been selected, you must specify the number of hours to be repeatedly allocated to each planning unit in this field. See the above description of the distribution method “Fixed Allocation” for further information on the functionality of this field.
Include Days Off If you mark this field, Maconomy will include days off for the allocation of the hours allocated when the action “Book” is selected. Specifying that days off should be considered implies that if all hours specified cannot be distributed on working days, including any allowed overtime registered for the employee in question, Maconomy will attempt to distribute any remainder of hours on days off (nonworking days, for example, weekends). If only part of the hours can be allocated this way, Maconomy will issue an error message. If this field is not marked, days off are considered equal to absence days, on which no hours can be allocated to an employee. Note that this option cannot be selected for the distribution method “Fixed Allocation.”
Unattainable In this field, you can choose how the system should react if the action “Book” is selected, and the requested number of hours cannot be allocated to the employee in question. You can select one of the following options:
  • Cancel Allocation — If you select this option, the requested allocation is automatically cancelled, and Maconomy will issue an error message.
  • Allocate Best Number of Hours — If you select this option, Maconomy will attempt to allocate as many hours as possible in accordance with the specifications entered in this window. The hours which could not be allocated will automatically be cut off, and Maconomy will issue a message informing you how many hours were allocated and how many hours were cut off.

Selection Criteria Island

Field Description
Job No. In these fields, you can enter a range of job numbers. Only lines from the latest approved revision of the planning budget for jobs with numbers within the specified range will be included in the search results.

The entered range will be remembered. That means that if you enter a range, close the window, and open it again, the range will be reentered into these fields. However, the range will only be remembered for the remaining part of the day. This applies to all fields in this island.

Company No. In these fields, you can enter a range of company numbers. Only budget lines from jobs for which a company within the specified range is the responsible company will be included in the search results.
Primary Cat. Only If you mark this field, only job budget lines for which an employee category is specified which is equal to the primary employee category of the current employee are included in the search results.
Date Range In these fields, you can enter a date range. Only budget lines where the planned range (that is, the interval between the planned staring date and the planned ending date) overlaps the date range specified in these fields will be included in the search results. The default date range is from today’s date and 30 days ahead.
Unstaffed Hours < In this field, you can specify a number of hours. Only budget lines where the number of unstaffed hours is less than or equal to the specified number of hours will be included in the search results.
Limit Search Results If you mark this field, the number of search results will be limited to the number specified in the field “Max. No. of Results” below. Limiting the number of search results makes the search faster, and often it is only relevant to see a limited number of tasks.
Max. Search Results In this field, you can specify the maximum number of results that you want Maconomy to find. This means that as soon as Maconomy has found the specified number of results, the search is interrupted. Searching for tasks is a complicated routine, and limiting the number of results that Maconomy returns can save the Maconomy server some work, resulting in better overall performance. The default value is 5.

Note that the limit specified here is only observed if the field “Limit Search Results” above is marked.

Skill No. In this field, you can specify a skill number. If you do so, only budget lines for which the specified skill has been entered (either preferred skill or mandatory skill), regardless of skill level, are included in the search results.
Skill Name In this field, you can specify the name of the skill.
Skill Deviation Acceptance In this field, you can specify which strategy to apply when Maconomy considers skill requirements as one of search criteria determining which tasks should be shown in the search results.

The functionality of this field is similar to that of the field “Skill Deviation Acceptance” in the window Task Staffing.

Selection Criteria, Dimensions Island

Field Description
Location In these fields, you can enter a range of location numbers. Only budget lines for jobs on which a location with a number within the specified range is specified will be included in the search results.
Entity The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Project The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Purpose The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Specification 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.
Local Spec. 1-3 The functionality of these fields is similar to that of the field “Location” above.