Print Packing Slip Workspace

Use this workspace to print packing slips that meet certain selection criteria.

For example, you can limit the printout to certain customer numbers and/or packing slip numbers. You can also reprint packing slips in batches, for example if a number of packing slips are lost or discarded because of a defective printer. You can also print out packing slips that have been created but have not yet been printed, or create and print packing slips for a batch of approved orders.

Because the function of a packing slip is to substantiate that items have been shipped, no new shipment is entered when you do a reprint of the packing slip. The new printout is just a copy of the original printout.

In the Sales Orders workspace, you can create and print a packing slip immediately after you create a sales order. In the Warehouse Transaction and Picking Lists workspaces in the Inventory module, you can create and print a packing slip as documentation of your item delivery. You can only print the initial packing slip in one of these three ways.

If you release an order for invoicing in the Sales Orders workspace, Maconomy creates the packing slip but does not print it. The same applies if you do not select the Approve Packing List in Two Steps system parameter and you choose to approve a packing list instead of printing a packing slip in the Packing Lists workspace. Finally, you can select the Create Packing Slips field in this workspace to create packing slips for all approved, non-blocked orders that have no blocked lines in the selection criteria. However, Maconomy ignores orders for which the bill-to customer or any assigned consignment is blocked or blocked for delivery. Maconomy also ignores orders that you assign to a warehouse that has been set up to disallow negative stock (see the introduction to the Warehouse Information Card workspace) if they contain lines where the quantity to pack would cause the item stock to become negative. If the order's delivery status in the Order Status workspace is Ready for Delivery, the packing slip assumes the quantity that has been packed and confirmed on approved packing lists assigned to the order. If not, the packing slip assumes the quantity specified to be packed in the Sales Orders workspace.

When you create packing slips, the printout only shows those lines where the quantity that was ordered is greater than zero. However, if you select the Include zero amount lines on printouts system parameter, the printout also includes lines that have an ordered quantity of zero.

Note that the printout always leaves out lines where the quantity for packing is zero, whether or not you select the system parameter. However, Maconomy always includes text lines (lines where no item number has been entered), even though the quantity ordered and for packing on text lines is zero.